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FAS Final Study Guide #2. Chiaroscuro 39. The use of ___________ to arrange light and shadow on a canvas was introduced by Italian Renaissance artists.

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Presentation on theme: "FAS Final Study Guide #2. Chiaroscuro 39. The use of ___________ to arrange light and shadow on a canvas was introduced by Italian Renaissance artists."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAS Final Study Guide #2

2 Chiaroscuro 39. The use of ___________ to arrange light and shadow on a canvas was introduced by Italian Renaissance artists.

3 Highlights 40. The viewers were attracted to the ___________ on the dark dresses in the painting, which made the material appear to shimmer.

4 Perspective 41. The artist used two-point ____________ to give the illusion of depth in his drawing.

5 Free form shapes 42. The photographer was intrigued by the __________ if the stones at the edge of the beach.

6 Color 43. Element of art that is derived from reflected light

7 Color Spectrum 44. Bands of color in the same order: red, orange, yellow green, blue, and violet.

8 Hue 45. Name of a spectral color.

9 Color Wheel 46. Spectrum bent into a circle.

10 Tint 47. Light value of a hue.

11 Shade 48. Dark value of a hue.

12 Intensity 49. Brightness or dullness of a hue.

13 Complementary color 50. Opposite colors on the color wheel.

14 Monochromatic 51. A color scheme using one hue and the values, tints, and shades of that hue.

15 Analogous colors 52. Colors that sit side by side on the color wheel and have a common hue.

16 Opinion 53. A line is the most important of the elements of art

17 Fact 54. Artists use lines to control your eye movement.

18 Fact 55. Implied lines are only suggested, rather then being real.

19 Opinion 56. It is easier for artists to use curved than zigzag lines in their works.

20 Fact 57. The appearance of a line is affected by the media, tool, and surface.

21 Opinion 58. Diagonal lines are more appealing to many viewers.

22 Fact 59. A contour line should be continuous.

23 Opinion 60. It is more difficult to draw a gesture drawing than a contour drawing.

24 Fact 61. In a calligraphic lines the brushstroke can change from thin to thick in one stroke.

25 Fact 62. As you press harder, the value of a line becomes darker.

26 Fact 63. A shape does not have to have an outline or boundary around it.

27 Opinion 64. Free-form shapes are more popular with modern artists.

28 Light 65. We see color because objects absorb some waves of ________ and reflect others.

29 afterimage 66. When the receptors in your eyes retain the visual stimulation of a color even after it has ceased, an ________ is created.

30 primary 67. Various combinations of the three _____ colors produce almost every other color.

31 hue 68. To change the value of any _______, add black or white.

32 hue 69. In a mixture, the _____ used in the greatest amount becomes dominant.

33 blue 70. The primary color triad is made up of red, yellow, and _______.

34 Visual Rhythm 71. The repetition of the geometric shapes created an interesting ______ in the painting.

35 Rhythm 72. The principle of ______, which indicates movement by the repetition of elements, exists in every art form.

36 Motif 73. The _______ of the red rose was repeated throughout the perfume advertisment.

37 Module 74. The sculptor used a simple wooden _____ as the basis of all her work.

38 Pattern 75. The floral _____ appeared on all of the upholstery fabric.

39 Kinetic 76. Alexander Calder’s mobiles are ________ sculpture because they move in space.

40 Balance 77. The artist focused on achieving a visual ____ in her work so all the elements were arranged just right in the composition.

41 Central axis 78. The _____ was a vertical line that gave the photograph equal visual weight on both sides of the scene.

42 Formal Balance 79. The _______ in the historical painting was achieved by placing an equal number of soldiers and horses on either side of the central axis.

43 Symmetry 80. The artist created _____ in his landscape drawing by placing an equal number of soldiers and horses on either side of the central axis.

44 Radial Balance 81. The ________ of the open flower, with its petals extending outward from a central point, was the focus of the poster.

45 Informal Balance 82. The arrangement of the statue and the viewer in the landscape drawing created a subtle ________.

46 Proportion 83. Principle of art concerned with the size relationship of one part to another.

47 Variety 84. Principle of design concerned with differences, or contrast.

48 Scale 85. Design principle that refers to size as measured against a standard reference.

49 Foreshortening 86. Technique used to shorten an object so it appears to extend backward into space.

50 Distortion 87. A deviation form expected normal proportion.

51 Emphasis 88. Principle of design that makes one part of a work dominant over the other parts.

52 Harmony 89. Design principle that creates unity by stressing the similarities of separate but related parts.

53 Hierarchical 90. Arrangement of figures in a work of art so scale indicates importance.

54 Focal point 91. First part of a work to attract the viewer’s attention.

55 Exaggeration 92. Exaggerated proportion used as a powerful means of expression.

56 Unity 93. Quality of wholeness or oneness that is achieved through the effective use of elements and principles of art.

57 Golden Mean 94. A line divided into two parts so the smaller line has the same proportion, or ratio, to the larger line as the larger line has to the whole line.

58 beats 95. The positive areas in a work of art create _______ in the visual rhythm.

59 Repetition 96. The rhythm in a work of art results from _______.

60 random 97. A _____ rhythm is a motif repeated in no apparent order, with no regular spaces.

61 pattern 98. Two terms used frequently to talk about repetition in art are motif and _______.

62 dominant 99. The element of the work of art that is emphasized by the artist is ________.

63 Free-form 100. To create a focal point, an artist could contrast a ______ shape with a geometric one.

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