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미생물의 종류와 특성
Archaea (고세균) Archaea (archaeon)
3 domains : Bacteria, Archaea, Eukaryota (Archaebacteria : outdated) Similar to bacteria Single celled Procaryotic : circular chromosome no nucleus, no membrane-bound organelles Size & Shape : generally similar to bacteria Ribosome : 70S Asexual Reproduction : binary fission, fragmentation, or budding (no spore formation) Energy source autotrophic, phototrophic, heterotrophic ammonia, metal ions, hydrogen gas
Archaea (archaeon) Similar to eucaryotes
Gene : intron (tRNA, rRNA), histone, Transcription & translation RNA polymerase not inhibited by rifampin 1st AA of proteins : methionine Ribosome inhibited by anisomycin (but not by kanamycin & chloramphenicol) Unique Cell membrane : ether-linked lipids Cell wall : pseudopeptidoglycan
Archaea (archaeon) Broad range of habitats
Extremophiles : thermophilic, halophilic, … (hot springs, salt lakes) No clear examples of pathogens or parasites Phyla Crenarchaeota : Euryarchaeota : Korarchaeota Nanoarchaeota Thaumarchaeota
Phylogenetic Relationships among Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotae
Phylogenetic Relationships Among the Procaryotes
Bacteria Proteobacteria : Gram (-) Firmicutes : Low G+C Gram (+)
Actinobacteria : High G+C Gram (+) Others
Phylum Proteobacteria
a major group (phylum) of gram-negative bacteria 1987 Carl Woese "purple bacteria and their relatives" Proteus : Greek god of the sea capable of assuming many different shapes include a wide variety of pathogens Escherichia, Salmonella, Vibrio, Helicobacter, Yersinia 5 (6) Classes Alphaproteobacteria Betaproteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Deltaproteobacteria Epsilonpeoteobacteria (Zetaproteobacteria)
Proteobacterial clades
Alphaproteobacteria Brucella, Rickettsia, Rhizobium, Agrobacterium, Caulobacter, Wolbachia, … Betaproteobacteria Bordetella, Neisseria, Burkholderia, Alcaligenes, Nitrosomonas, Methylophus, Ralstonia, … Gammaproteobacteria : the largest group Escherichia, Shigella, Salmonella, Yersinia, Legionella, Haemophilus, Vibrio, Pseudomonas, … Deltaproteobacteria Desulfovibrio, Geobacter, Bdellovibrio, … Epsilonproteobacteria Helicobacter, Campylobacter, Wolinella, … Zetaproteobacteria Mariprofundus ferrooxydans (from hydrothermal vent)
Phylum Firmicutes Firmicutes
. firmus, (L) strong + cutis, (L) skin (cell wall) . Low G+C Gram (+) Coccus or Bacillus Many produce endospores . Class Bacilli Clostridia Mollicutes Erysipelotrichi Negativicutes Thermolithobacteria
Firmicutes Class Bacilli Class Clostridia Class Mollicutes
Bacillus, Phaenibacillus, Staphylococcus, Listeria, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, … Class Clostridia Clostridium, Helicobacterium, Veillonella, Epulopiscium, Desulfotomaculum, … Class Mollicutes No cell wall : mollis, (L) "soft" or "pliable“ + cutis (L), skin Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, Spiroplasma, …
Phylum Actinobacteria
Actinobacteria (phylum, class) . Actinomyces vs. Actinobacteria hyphae, spore . High G+C Gram-positive bacteria The G+C content can be as high as 70% . Abundant in soil ; geosmin might be more abundant in freshwaters . Antibiotics & other bioactive metabolites . Streptomyces, Actinomyces, Nocardia, Arthrobacter, Propionibacterium, Bifidobacterium, Cellulomonas Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium, …
Fungi (진균) 진균 (Fungus – Fungi) . Eucaryotic microorganism
. 효모(yeast) : 단세포 (unicellular) 곰팡이(mold): 다세포, 균사상 (multicellular, filamentous) * 이형성 진균 (dimorphic fungi) . 광합성 못함 : 화학합성 종속영양(chemooheterotrophic) 대부분 부생성 (saprobes) : hydrolytic enzymes 식물 병원균 많음 (plant pathogens) 동물, 사람 병원균 : 약 150종 . 세포벽 : chitin, β-glucan 포함 . 무성 및 유성 생식 (Asexual & Sexual reproduction)
곰팡이 (mold)
곰팡이 (mold) 다세포 균사상 진균 (사상균) 균사(Hyphae) : tubular
multicellular, mycelial fungi 균사(Hyphae) : tubular 무격벽 균사 (nonseptate or coenocytic hyphae) 다핵세포(multinucleate, coenocytic cell) 유격 균사 (septate hyphae) 격벽(격막) vs 세포벽(막) 균사체(Mycelium) : widely branched 균총(Mycelial mat, colony) : mycelium + fruiting body * 균핵(sclerotium, sclerotia) : 저항성 강함 영양체(vegetative body) : 균사 (hyphae) 자실체(fruiting body) : 포자(spore)와 그 지지체 * 버섯(mushroom) : 담자균류의 자실체
곰팡이의 증식 진핵세포 : 무성증식, 유성생식, (준유성생식) 무성증식(Asexual reproduction)
무성(불완전)세대 (Asexual, Imperfect stage, Anamorph) 균사생장 : 균사의 정점생장 (apical growth) 무성포자 : 증식과 전파의 수단 포자형성기관 : 분생포자 (Conidiospore, conidium) 포자낭포자 (Sporangiospore) 균사가 직접 포자로 : Thallospores 분절포자 (Arthrospore) 후막포자 (Chlamydospore) 배아포자 (Blastospore)
곰팡이의 무성포자(Asexual spores)
유성생식 (sexual reproduction) : 유성포자 형성
유성(완전)세대 (sexual phase, perfect stage, telemorph) 배우자 (gamate), 접합자 (zygote) 형성 감수분열 (meiosis), 원형질 융합(plasmogamy), 핵 융합 (karyogamy) Homothallic sexual reproduction Heterothallic sexual reproduction 유성포자 : 접합포자(zygospore) : 접합균문(Zygomycota) 자낭포자(ascospore) : 자낭균문(Ascomycota) 담자포자(basidiospore) : 담자균류(Basidiomycota)
불완전균류 (Fungi imperfecti, Deuteromycota)
Holomorph : 진균의 완전한 생활사 anamorph + telemorph 불완전균류 (Fungi imperfecti, Deuteromycota) No sexual spore formation (No telemorph) Ascomycetes (Basidiomycetes) Parasexual reproduction : no spore formation Chytridiomycota (병꼴균류문) Zoospore (운동성 유주자)
효모 (Yeast) Yeast infection Saccharomyces cerevisiae
효모 (yeast) 단세포 진균 (unicellular fungi) 대부분 구형 또는 타원형
주로 당(sugar)이 많은 곳에 서식 알코올 발효능력을 가진 것이 많음 무성증식과 유성생식(유성포자 형성) 무성증식 : 대부분 출아(budding)에 의해 출아흔(bud scar), 출아연결 가균사(위균사, pseudohyphae) - Candida 진균사(true mycelium) – Endomycopsis 유성생식 : 유성포자 형성 자낭포자 : Ascomycetes) 사출포자 : Basidiomycetes
이형성 진균(fungal dimorphism)
Candida albicans, Penicillium marneffei At room temperature : mycelial form (mold) At 37℃ : unicellular form (yeast) Several species are potential pathogens
지의류 (Lichens) 공생 (Symbiotic) 곰팡이 광합성 생물 : 조류, 남세균
조류 (Algae) Protista (원생생물) : Algae, Protozoa 광합성 (photosynthesis)
이산화탄소 동화, 산소 공급, 먹이(식물성 플랑크톤), 석유 * 만약에 조류가 없어진다면? 엽록소와 기타 색소 함유 ; 녹조류, 갈조류, 홍조류, … Cell wall polysaccharide 대부분 수생 (aquatic) 녹조현상, 적조현상 * 조류 독소 단세포 (unicellular) 다세포 (multicellular) : colonial filamentous plantlike
Volvox Chlorella
Algae 녹조류 (Chlorophyta, Green algae) 갈조류 (Phaeophyta, Brown algae)
홍조류 (Rhodophyta, Red algae) 규조류 (Bacillariophyta, Diatoms) 와편모조류 (Dinoflagellata) : Red tide 난형점균류 (Oomycota) : water mold
원생동물 (Protozoa) 진핵세포 (eucaryotic cell) : Protista 단세포 (unicellular)
대부분 세포벽 없음 대부분 운동성 있음 – 분류의 기준 아메바류, 섬모충류, 선모충류, 편모충류 피낭체 (Cyst) (Encystment, Excystment) 휴지기 상태에 형성하는 주머니 모양의 세포 구조 보호막 역할
Amoeba Tripanosoma gambiensis (African sleeping sickness) Trichomonas vaginalis Giardia lamblia (Gastroenteritis) Didiniium consuming Paramecium Paramecium in conjugation
Protozoa Archaezoa : Microspora Amoebozoa : Apicomplexa :
Trichomonas vaginalis, Giardia lamblia Microspora Amoebozoa : Entamoeba histolytica, Acanthamoeba Apicomplexa : Plasmodium, Toxoplasma gondii Cillophora (섬모충류) Euglenozoa : Euglena (phothosynthetic or heterotrophic) Hemoflagellate : Trypanosoma, Leishmania
Virus Virus : organism at the edge of life Latin, poison
Adolf Mayer Tobacco Mosaic Disease (TMD) : transferable Dmitri Ivanovsky TMD : Filtrable, Non-bacterial pathogen Martinus Beijerinck Causative agent for TMD : Virus the agent multiplied only in cells that were dividing contagium vivum fluidum : viruses are liquid in nature 1935 Wendell Stanley Virus : particulate Isolation of TMV : nucleoprotein 1935 Friedrich Loeffler, Paul Frosch first animal virus : agent of foot-and-mouth disease
Virus Virus Non-cellular microorganism Submicroscopic size, filterable
Obligate parasite a small infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of other organisms Host-specific animal virus plant virus bacterial virus (bacteriophage, phage) Virion stable infective viral particle fully capable of infecting other cells
Virus Virus particle (virion) Core : Genetic material, DNA or RNA
Enzymes for replication Capsid : protein coat Protomers - Capsomers : self-assembly Helical (Spiral), Icosahedral, Complex Envelope : lipids, enzymes Non-enveloped (naked virus) : Nucleocapsid Enveloped virus : from host - nuclear or cell membrane (lipovirus) attachment
Influenza virus 고병원성 vs 저병원성 : H (Hemagglutinin) N (Nuraminidase)
Viral Replication Only inside the living cells
1. 부착, 흡착(Attachment, Adsorption) 2. 침투∙탈피 (Penetration & Uncoating) 3. 생합성(Biosynthesis) 4. 조립∙포장(Assembly & Packaging, Maturation, 성숙) 5. 방출(Release)
Viral Replication 1. 부착, 흡착(Attachment, Adsorption)
Host specificity (숙주 특이성) virus : adsorption site (흡착부위) host cell : receptor site (수용체) on surface glycoprotein, O-antigen, surface protein 2. 침투 (Penetration or Entry) Penetration (Injection, 주입) phage, viral genome only Endocytosis (내포작용) capsid + 핵산 (Uncoating, 세포 내에서 탈피) most animal viruses Fusion : viral envelope + cell membrane
동물바이러스의 세포내흡입과정
3. 생합성(Biosynthesis) : genome, protein
Enzyme synthesis : enzymes for genome replication, … Genome replication : Proteins synthesis : protomers (capsomers) Viral genome replication . ds DNA . ss DNA . ds RNA . (+) ss RNA with mRNA function . (-) ss RNA . (+) ss RNA with no mRNA function : reverse transcription . Partially ds DNA : reverse transcription
5. 방출(Release) 4. 조립∙포장(Assembly & Packaging) 자가조립 (self-assembly)
capsid encapsidation 성숙 (maturation) Eclipse period (소실기, 암흑기) 5. 방출(Release) Non-enveloped vs Envelovped 방출량(burst size) 용균반점(plaque)
* 세포병변효과 (cytopathic effect, CPE) 바이러스에 감염된 숙주세포에 나타나는 형태와 구조의 변화 세포분열의 정지, 봉입체(inclusion body) 형성 세포질 융합 (syncytium formation), 접촉저지 현상 (contact inhibition)의 소멸 항원 변화 (antigenic change), interferon 생산
Lytic & Lysogenic cycle
Virus virulent virus (병원성) : 용균성 생활환 (Lytic cycle) temperate virus (잠재성) : 용균성 & 용원성 생활환 (Lysogenic cycle) 용균성 생활환(lytic cycle) 감염(infection) 용원성 생활환(lysogeny) virus의 유전물질이 숙주세포 염색체의 일부로 존재 provirus(prophage) lysogenic bacterium 면역(immunity) 유도(induction) provirus가 숙주세포의 염색체에서 떨어져 나옴 ⇒ 용균성 생활환
Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT)
형질변환(Phage conversion, Lysogenic conversion) provirus의 유전자에 의해 숙주세포의 형질이 바뀌는 현상 Corynebacterium diphtheriae : 디프테리아 독소 Clostridium botulinum : botox Horizontal Gene Transfer (HGT)
Viral Taxonomy Classification based on phenotypic characteristics
morphology, nucleic acid type, mode of replication, host organisms, type of disease ICTV system The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses International Union of Microbiological Societies Based on : types of nucleic acid strandedness (ss, ds) positive(sense) or negative(antisense) strand RNA envelope viral morphology and symmetry of capsid mode of replication
ICTV system Phylum : Virus Order : -virales Family : viridae
Subfamily : -virinae Genus : -virus Species : [Disease] virus * names of orders and families are italicized
ICTV system (7 orders + α)
Caudovirales : tailed dsDNA (group I) bacteriophages Herpesvirales : large eukaryotic dsDNA viruses Ligamenvirales : linear, dsDNA (group I) archaean viruses Mononegavirales : nonsegmented (-) strand ssRNA (Group V) plant and animal viruses Nidovirales : (+) strand ssRNA (Group IV) viruses with vertebrate hosts Picornavirales : small (+) strand ssRNA viruses that infect a variety of plant, insect and animal hosts Tymovirales : monopartite (+) ssRNA viruses that infect plants Virus families not assigned to an order
Viral Taxonomy - Baltimore classification
Seven groups (I ~ VII) Based on the method of mRNA synthesis nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) strandedness (ss/ds) positive(sense) or negative(antisense) strand RNA mode of replication ; reverse transcription, replication I : dsDNA viruses : Adenoviruses, Herpes viruses, Poxviruses II : ssDNA viruses : Parvoviruses III : dsRNA viruses : Reoviruses IV : (+) ssRNA viruses : Picornaviruses, Togaviruses V : (−) ssRNA viruses : Orthomyxoviruses, Rhabdoviruses VI : (+) ssRNA-RT viruses - replicate thru a DNA intermediate, (reverse transcription involved) : Retroviruses VII : dsDNA-RT viruses - replicate thru an ss RNA intermediate, (reverse transcription involved) : Hepadnaviruses
Non-cellular particles
Viroid single stranded RNA circle not encoding for any proteins No capsid, No envelope Replication : rolling circle mechanism, RNA polymerase Infectious agent : plant diseases Virusoid single stranded RNA circle encoding for proteins Need helper virus for infection Human hepatitis D virus (helper virus : hepatitis B virus)
Non-cellular particles
Prion Proteinaceous infectious particle : PrP (prion protein) PrPc (normal), PrPsc (sc : scrapie) : differ in conformation Degenerative disease of central nerve system Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, 광우병) Fatal familial insomnia
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