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1.  A format that dictates how a document looks and how sources are credited.  Guidelines for creating uniform manuscripts.  Rules for punctuation,

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1 1

2  A format that dictates how a document looks and how sources are credited.  Guidelines for creating uniform manuscripts.  Rules for punctuation, word choice, and grammar.  Rules for font, margins, spacing, and the overall look of the paper. 2

3  APA guidelines allow writers and readers order within a document.  It is used by professionals in the social sciences and many medical professions.  Focuses attention on who wrote a source and when it was published.  Currency becomes an issue for most research as we want to present the most recent information.  Allows writers to use research while offering the original authors credit. 3

4  A source is an article, book, or other resource you have used to support you own ideas.  Any idea you get from a source, any idea that is not original to you or from your common knowledge about a topic, belongs to someone else. That “someone else” must receive credit for his or her ideas.  These ideas often are called “intellectual property,” and are considered similar to tangible property.  Paraphrasing and quoting provide two ways of acknowledging source authors.  Failing to give credit to sources is plagiarism. 4

5  Sources that should be avoided and why:  Dictionaries: offer basic information that the reader could find  Encyclopedias: offer background that is often easily found  Wiki sites: are member run and written and have no level of editorial review  Anyone can post anything at any time.  Example: Wikipedia  General web sites: offer information, but it may not be credible, researched, documented, original, or accurate  Popular magazines: offer articles with less research than news sources (ex. Ladies Home Journal, GQ) 5

6  Citations are ways to document something  Consider parking or traffic violation citations  They document that the driver broke a rule, when it happened, and where  They show the reader where the information came from and are used in the text and on the reference page.  In-text citations are short “keys” to the full citations on the reference page.  Reference page citations include all of the publication information so that readers can access the sources. 6

7  Any type of borrowed information (not your own original writing) must be documented both in the context of the paper as well as on the references page.  Borrowed information includes the following: summaries, paraphrases, quotations, dollar values, numbers, dates, percentages, statistics of any kind. Note: Summary and paraphrase take the words, ideas and research of others and put them in a writer’s own words. These ideas are still borrowed information. 7

8  These contain all of the publication information that APA deems necessary.  They are based on the type of document being cited.  To create a solid citation:  Determine the type of source you have (ex. Book, journal article, article from a database)  Find the appropriate example citation in the Writing Center, the APA Quick Reference Guide, or the textbook  Fit the source’s information into the sample citation template 8

9  These citations are used to show readers which information within the paper comes from a source  Each time a source is used, a short citation is included  Most basic in-text citations include author’s last name and year of publication in parantheses  (Roberts, 2008)  Used with each paraphrase or quote 9

10  Paraphrasing is putting a source’s ideas in your own words and sentence structure. The idea still belongs to someone else, but you have expressed it in your own writing voice.  Quoting is using the exact words, enclosed in quotation marks, of the source.  Paraphrasing uses your own words, quoting uses the source’s words, but both provide source support and require APA citation to give credit to sources. 10

11 Original source’s exact words:  “Responsible parents of children who regularly use the Internet to research understand that being online and unsupervised is as dangerous as the infamous ‘stranger’ on the street.” – From page 25 of Gregory Smith’s 2006 article, “What Kids Find Online” Paraphrase (the essay writer’s words and syntax):  Parents probably would not abandon their young children to the world outside the home, but Web searches without adult monitoring can be like playing alone in a park or beside a busy intersection (Smith, 2006). *Note: The words and sentence structure of the source have changed, but the idea is the same and has APA in-text citation to give credit to the source. 11

12  The rules for citing a quotation in text are only slightly different from the rules for paraphrasing. In fact, the only additions are quotation marks and, when available, a page number.  Notice that the quotation must be a part of your sentence. It cannot stand alone in a paragraph.  Original source: “Responsible parents of children who regularly use the Internet to research understand that being online and unsupervised is as dangerous as the infamous ‘stranger’ on the street.” – From page 25 of Gregory Smith’s 2006 article, “What Kids Find Online”  Online safety is possible if caregivers keep in mind that “being online and unsupervised is as dangerous as the infamous ‘stranger’ on the street” (Smith, 2006, p. 25). *Note: The exact words from the source are placed in quotation marks and the page number, which is available, is used in the citation. Not all sources include page numbers, but most Library articles in PDF format do provide page numbers. 12

13  Based on personal and common knowledge, the writer creates a brief paragraph about school uniforms School uniforms may level the playing field for students whose parents cannot or will not bow to fashion trends, but uniforms may also create a new battlefield for competition. Students look alike with the same colors and styles of clothing, but brand names and high price tags can still separate designer uniforms from discount versions. Shoes and accessories increase the division between uniform brands and costs, but the benefits of uniforms may outweigh these potential problems.  The next slide shows this paragraph supported with paraphrase and one brief quotation.

14 School uniforms may level the playing field for students whose parents cannot or will not bow to fashion trends, but uniforms may also create a new battlefield for competition. Students look alike with the same colors and styles of clothing, but brand names and high price tags can still separate designer uniforms from discount versions. According to Johnson (2005), one in four students ranked uniform brand as the top priority for choosing clothing for school. Shoes and accessories increase the division between uniform brands and costs, but the benefits of uniforms may outweigh these potential problems. In fact, polls of thousands of secondary- school students indicate that young people would rather wear uniforms than so-called street clothes (Andersen, 2005). Parents tend to agree. A recent study shows that mothers rate school uniforms as “one of the top five stress reducers for the school day routine” (Kritchel, 2006, p. 75). All in all, uniforms seem destined for mixed reviews based on price versus convenience.

15  In general, paraphrase much, much more than you quote.  Use quotation for distinctive words (“ask not what your country can do for you,”), some statistics you cannot otherwise change, or dialogue.  Use paraphrase for everything else, trying always to simplify ideas for your readers.  Above all, do not use a series of paraphrases and quotations as your whole paragraph. This is a compilation of sources; we are writing original work, not repeating our sources’ ideas only. 15

16  Pages 205-206 offer a list of sample citations by type  Choose the citation that best fits your source type  Use the sample citation to format one with the source’s information  Place finished citations on the References page in alphabetical order  Double space each line, including within the citation  Indent the second and subsequent lines of each citation on the page 16

17 A book with two authors: Wolfinger, D., & Knable, P. (1990). The chronically unemployed. New York: Berman Press. Article in a scholarly journal with separate pagination: Williams, S., & Cohen, L. R. (1984). Child stress in early learning situations. American Psychologist, 21(10), 1- 28. 17

18  In Unit 5 we will:  Learn prewriting strategies 18

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