Returning CA-RA Staff – Fall 2014.  When to write an incident report  Why write an incident report?  How to write an incident report  How to explain.

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Presentation on theme: "Returning CA-RA Staff – Fall 2014.  When to write an incident report  Why write an incident report?  How to write an incident report  How to explain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Returning CA-RA Staff – Fall 2014

2  When to write an incident report  Why write an incident report?  How to write an incident report  How to explain the process to students/what the process entails  How to enter an incident report into JA  Practice

3  Almost always  Exceptions  fire drill/alarm (where a student did not intentionally cause it)  Normal facilities that is not vandalism (ie light out)  Roommate disputes (but not always…)  What types of incidents will go in?  Alcohol  Medical  Drugs  Theft  Vandalism  Pranks  Trash  Etc.

4  Record/History  Due process  Fair process  Timely – with reports  Could be viewed by many – that night/morning  Ralphel/Rick/Keener  OSC  VP Wilson, Dean McDonald, President Morehead  Court system  Representation of you, University Housing, and UGA  Failure to complete accurate and timely reports can/will lead to disciplinary action

5  Details, details, details!  Objective vs. subjective  Collect information from ALL in the space/room/involved  Do not make a judgment call – include EVERYONE  Need: UGAID or Drivers License (Name correctly spelled, 810/811, DOB)  Who was there? Who did/said what?  Quote only if you are 100% certain that is what they said  What was the order of events?  When did you consult up? Did you call police?  Police report number  If the police and/or pro staff came – what happened then?  Adding in students as witnesses

6  Add all other students (even though they will also be respondents)

7 Keener Scott Rick Gibson

8  Inappropriate details (that have nothing to do with the incident)  Not enough details/holes in the narrative  Utilizing areas of JA that you should not  Assuming  Opinion vs. fact (drunk vs. slurring of speech, leaning on door frame, etc)  Grammar and spelling (there vs. their, residence vs. residents)  Not actually collecting IDs  Not collecting IDs for everyone involved




12  Take notes at the incident  Write it IMMEDIATELY after  Was there another RA/CA there?  Write it together (in a private place)  1 st person  He/She, I/Me/We are ok…but does it make sense who it is?  Tell the story – in order – without holes  If the police/security/pro/grad staff come – you still “record” what is happening  If I wasn’t there…could I get a good understanding of what happened?  How long does it need to be?  As long as it needs to be…  Remember to add all respondents as witnesses for each other

13 At 1am on Friday, I was walking down the hall and smelt something that smelt like alcohol. I could also hear people laughing and bottles clinking. I thought it was coming from room 415, so I knocked on the door. Ralphel opened the door a little and then shut it in my face. So, I knocked again and told him to open the door so we could chat. When he opened the door I could smell alcohol coming from the room. I asked him if there was anyone else in there, and he said no. I asked if he was drinking and he said no, he just used mouth wash. Ralphel is a good residence and didn’t look drunk. I said ok and then left the room.

14  Lack of detail  Lack of follow-thru  Spelling!  DID NOT follow procedures

15 At approximately 1am on Friday June 13, 2014, I Jessica Pense, RA on duty received a phone call from the front desk. The desk assistant stated that they had received a complaint of loud noise coming from room 415. I then called fellow RA on duty Scott Nelson to assist me. As we approached room 415, we could hear people laughing and talking loudly as well as bottles clanking. There was a strong odor of alcohol in the hallway that seemed to be coming from room 415. Scott knocked on the door and announced that we were RAs and would like someone to open the door. We could hear people shuffling what sounded like bottles and saying “shhh, it’s the RAs.” After approximately two minutes, resident Ralphel Smith (811123456, Creswell 415) answered the door. Ralphel opened the door approximately four inches. I asked Ralphel if he could open the door all the way so that we could speak, Ralphel said that he did not want to. I explained that Scott and I were there because of a noise complaint and that we could hear bottles clanking, loud noises, and that the hallway smelled of alcohol.

16 I then asked Ralphel again if he could open the door, he complied. Upon opening the door, we could see three other students in the room (Rick Gibson [811234567, Creswell 613], Keener Scott [811345678, Creswell 219], and Gerry Kowalski [811456789, Brumby 313]). We could also see bottles of Bud Light on the floor under the futon. I asked the students if they had been drinking, and they said yes. I then asked the students to collect all alcohol and empty containers and put them into the center of the room. The students complied and placed 10 bottles of Bud Light in the center of the room. Scott stayed at room 415 and collected student’s information while I escorted Ralphel to the bathroom to dump out the remaining alcohol and then to the recycling bin. When we returned to room 415, Scott and I asked if the students had any questions, they said no. We informed them that they would be receiving an email to their UGA account with further instructions.

17  They should expect an email to their UGA account with instructions  Read the student code of conduct  Outlines rights and responsibilities  Outlines the hearing process  Specific questions:  Direct them to the Area Coordinator or Residence Hall Director  Do Not:  Assume what violations have occurred  Assume what will happen in the process  Assume what sanctions could be assigned

18  What gets entered into JA?  How many respondents per incident number?  If there are five people involved to you have to type everything out five times?  If someone “looks drunk” how should that be documented in JA?  If the police come, do I need to report their interaction with the student in JA?  Who are considered “witnesses”?  Can I wait until after my 9am class to write the incident report? I am tired…  When in doubt…

19 

20  What went well?  What could have been improved?  Differences between what they addressed vs. UGA policies and procedures

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