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Published byCorey Blair Modified over 8 years ago
Q 4-5: 9 Major Changes More test questions for each assessment End of Course (content-based, not grade based) 4-hour time limitVertical Alignment Emphasis on Readiness Standards over Supporting Standards Post-secondary linking for English III and Algebra II English I, II & III have 2 days, 2 essays, separate results for Reading and Writing Math and Science will have more open-ended (griddable) questions Increased Rigor 3Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
Q 10-12: Who Takes What in 2012? Gr. 9 First-time 9 th graders 2015 Cohort: EOC for enrolled courses in Spring 2012. Gr. 9 Repeat 9 th graders: No assessments scheduled for Spring 2012. Gr. 10 2015 Cohort (Enrolled in 8 th grade in 2011 and in 9 th grade for at least one day in 2012 school year): EOC for enrolled courses in Spring 2012. Gr. 10 2014 Cohort or less (Enrolled in high school prior to current year or enrolled in high school for the 1 st time in Texas in 2012): 10 th grade TAKS Gr. 11 1 st time Juniors: Exit-Level TAKS Non Master Grade 11 or 12 TAKS Non-Masters: Exit-Level TAKS Retest 4Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
Q 18-19: What about Transfer, Foreign Exchange, or other New Students Two golden rules*: A student who has received High School credit for a course prior to enrollment does NOT have to retake the EOC. If you are ENROLLED in a course for which there is an EOC – you will need to take the EOC. *For the standard STAAR EOC assessments only. Does not apply to alternative assessments. 5Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
Q 20-35: EOC for Credit vs. EOC for Graduation 6Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12 CreditGraduation Credit is awarded based on a final course grade of 70 or better. GPA and Class rank are based on the final course grades. A student will need to meet the required CUMULATIVE SCORE for each subject in order to graduate under the degree plan of their choice. EOC results will count as 15% of the final grade by applying the 15% to each semester in order to award partial credit. 1 st and 2 nd semester grades will be averaged for a final course grade. A student must score at LEAST the Minimum standard in order for the score to be included in the Cumulative Score (and at least Satisfactory for English III and Algebra II for RHSP/DHSP). Once a student has received credit for a course, EOC retakes will no longer affect the final course grade. A student may retake any EOC exam in order to improve their Cumulative Score. These results will only be included if they improve the students Cumulative Score.
Q 41: English I, II and III English EOCs will be administered over 2 days – Day 1: Writing component with 2 essays (4 hrs) – Day 2: Reading component (4 hrs) The Reading and Writing components are treated as different exams and will be scored independently. The results for all 6 English exams (English I, II and III Reading and Writing) will be used to determine the student’s Cumulative Score for English. Research & Evaluation - 1-19-127
Q41: English I, II and III (cont.) Scoring and Retesting: – The student must achieve at least the Minimum score on each of the 4 components for English I and II, and at least a Satisfactory score for the 2 components of English III for RHSP/DHSP. – If a student misses either of the 2 components for a subject, the student will be able to retake just the component (Reading or Writing) that is needed. The highest scores will be used in the Cumulative Scores. The highest scores do not need to be from the same test administration. Research & Evaluation - 1-19-128
Q 43-44: Testing & Retesting Opportunities STAAR EOC will be offered in the Spring and Summer of the 2012 school year. Beginning in 2012-13, STAAR EOC will be offered 3 times each year, at the end of the Fall and Spring Semesters and during the Summer. Students may elect to retake an EOC in order to improve their final grade in a course (if they have not yet received credit) or to improve their Cumulative Score in any subject. – Students may retake an EOC even if they previously scored at or above the Minimum score. – Retest scores from EOC exams will only be included in the Cumulative Score if the score is higher than the original score. 9Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
Q 25, 34, 45-50: Alternative Assessments for Special Education Students Special Education students taking STAAR EOC (with or without accommodations) – The EOC exam result will apply as 15% of their final grade – The ARD Committee will decide if the student has met the course requirements in order to receive credit – The ARD Committee will decide if the student has met the assessment requirements for graduation if the student does not meet the Cumulative Score requirements. If so, the student will be moved to the Minimum High School Plan (MHSP). Special Education students taking STAAR EOC M (Modified) or ALT (Alternative) – The EOC exam results will not apply as 15 % of their final grade – The ARD Committee will decide if the student has met the course requirements in order to receive credit – The student will be placed on a the Minimum High School Plan (MHSP) – The ARD Committee will decide if the student has met the assessment requirements for graduation if the student does not meet the Cumulative Score requirements. Research & Evaluation - 1-19-1210
Q 25, 34, 45-50: Alternative Assessments for Special Education Students (cont.) STAAR M (Modified) EOC exams are available in Spring 2012 for Algebra I, Biology, English I and World Geography. The remaining assessments on the MHSP will be phased in over the next few years. All STAAR ALT (Alternative) EOC exams are available for all subjects on the MHSP in Spring 2012 A student may take a combination of STAAR EOC and STAAR M EOC assessments. Both STAAR M EOC and STAAR ALT EOC have been altered to reflect the change from grade level to content level assessments. Research & Evaluation - 1-19-1211
Q 51-52: Dyslexic Student Options The “Dyslexia Bundle” is no longer offered as an option for these students. However, two of the three bundled accommodations will be available as needed – Oral reading of item stems/answer options and extended time are available. – A proper-nouns list is no longer available Note – Extra time is defined as a the end of the regular school day. Research & Evaluation - 1-19-1212
Q 52-58: English Language Learners STAAR L versions will be available for STAAR EOC exams for Math, Science and Social Studies. Additional linguistic accommodations will be available for students taking the English assessments. STAAR L will be available only in paper format for 2012, but is expected to be online by 2013. There are no plans to develop Modified or Alternative STAAR L exams. Research & Evaluation - 1-19-1213
Q 63-66: Time Limits and Logistics All test will have a 4 hour time limit – Extra time or an extra day are accommodations that can be requested High schools may offer multiple test sessions in the same day with different start times All students must have 4 hours for each test – The testing department is working with all of the campuses to develop their assessment plan to schedule, plan for late arrivals, make-up days, etc. Breaks are allowed for lunch and emergencies only. Research & Evaluation - 1-19-1214
Q 69: Accelerated Instruction Districts MUST provide accelerated instruction to each student who falls below Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance Further guidance from C&I will be forthcoming in regards to how that instruction will look for different subjects and courses Research & Evaluation - 1-19-1215
Q 73-74: What is included in AYP? Texas has been instructed to evaluate AYP based on test results available for the 2011-12 school year. For High Schools, the 10 th grade TAKS results are projected to be included in the AYP evaluation. A new federal accountability system will be develop in 2013 which may differ from the system previously used in Texas. Research & Evaluation - 1-19-1216
Pop Quiz 1.List 4 major differences between STAAR and TAKS. 2.What is “met standard” called on STAAR? 3.What does “Advanced Academic Performance” relate to on TAKS? 4.When will EOC performance standards be released? 5.The new graduation requirements apply to which cohort? 6.Will transfer students be required to retest on an EOC in a course for which the student has already earned credit? 7.How often will EOCs be offered? 8.How long will students have to take the English I EOC? 9.Which high school students will be included in AYP? 17Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
STAAR EOC: District Guidance
SAISD’s EOC 15% Implementation Semester Grade – 85% teacher semester grade – 15% EOC exam grade Final Grade – Average of Semester 1 and Semester 2 GPA and Class Rank – Determined based on semester averages – EOC will impact GPA and Class Rank
Applying the 15%: Example 4 20 Semester 1Semester 2EOC Final Course Grade ALG I608067 Calculation60 x.85=51.080 x.85=68.067 x.15=10.1 Semester + EOC51.0 + 10.168.0 + 10.1 Adjusted Grade61.1≈6178.1≈78 (61+78)/2=69.5 ≈70 STUDENT EARNS FULL COURSE CREDIT
Applying the 15%: Example 5 21 Semester 1Semester 2EOC Final Course Grade ALG I687267 Calculation68 x.85=57.872 x.85=61.267 x.15=10.1 Semester + EOC57.8 + 10.161.2 + 10.1 Adjusted Grade67.9≈6871.3≈71 (68+71)/2=69.5 ≈70 STUDENT EARNS FULL COURSE CREDIT Do they have to retake the EOC?
Applying the 15%: Example 6 22 Semester 1Semester 2EOC Final Course Grade ALG I706867 Calculation70 x.85=59.568 x.85=57.867 x.15=10.1 Semester + EOC59.5 + 10.157.8 + 10.1 Adjusted Grade69.6≈7067.9≈68 (70+68)/2=69 ≈69 Partial Course Credit For Semester 1 Student Options: (1) Retake EOC (must achieve at least a 73) (2) Retake Semester 2 (must achieve at least 70 semester grade)
EOC Raw Score Conversion: Algebra I Example 23Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
EOC Raw Score Conversion For all EOC exams The minimum raw score will equate to a score of “67”. A passing raw score will equate to a score of “70”. A college ready score may equate to a score of “87”. All scores below, above, and in between will be scaled based on a 100 point scale. What about students that fail to take the EOC exam? Will the score be a “0” or an “I” for incomplete? Research & Evaluation - 1-19-1224
Action Required: Retest on EOC and/or Retake Course for Credit Passed Course and Scored Below Minimum on EOC Passed Course and Scored Above Minimum on EOC Failed Course and Scored Below Minimum on EOC Failed Course and Scored Above Minimum on EOC Student must retake EOC for Cumulative Score. EOC retest will NOT affect final course grade. Student must retake EOC for Cumulative Score. Student may also choose to retake the course to improve the final grade. EOC retest will affect final course grade. Student may retake EOC, may retake the course, or may do both to improve overall final grade. EOC retest will affect final course grade. Student may retake EOC in order to improve overall Cumulative Score. EOC retest will NOT affect final course grade. Recommend Summer School Passed/Failed Course reflects Final Course Grade (with the EOC). Students that passed have received course credit. Cut scores for EOC will be released in February, with a Minimum, Satisfactory and Advanced score for each EOC. Recommend Summer School
Summer School 2012: June 11-29 Students with course averages below 80 must be advised of their potential summer school status. Inform parents after the 3 rd 9 weeks grades of potential summer school students. All students who fail the EOC must receive accelerated instruction. Summer school will be staggered so that students can enroll in all 4 EOC courses if needed. All 8 high schools will be offering summer school.
Course Schedule Activity Many students will not attend summer school. What may a 2012-13 schedule look like for a student who failed Algebra I and World Geography? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What are some important items that must be considered when scheduling students for next year?
STAAR EOC: Alternative Assessments, E2020, Credit by Exam, Dual Credit, Advanced Placement & International Baccalaureate
Credit Recovery There is no required grade ceiling for students who complete a course through credit recovery. The district is exploring a potential uniform ceiling for students who complete a course through credit recovery. What are some of the implications for forcing a grade ceiling on credit recovery courses? What are some of the concerns regarding credit recovery and STAAR EOC?
Credit by Exam The 15% requirement does not apply to students who receive credit by exam (CBE). Students who receive credit using a CBE are still required to take the EOC to fulfill graduation requirements (i.e. cumulative score). The EOC itself is not a credit by exam.
DC, AP and IB Students enrolled in advanced courses for which there is an EOC must take the EOC and the 15% requirement will apply to their final grade. EOC results will not be weighted unlike semester grades for advanced courses. EOC 15% calculations will be applied to the weighted semester grades. TEA is researching whether or not to allow the DC, AP, and IB exams to substitute for the EOC and may implement this in 2014.
STAAR EOC: Establishing Eligibility for Graduation
What were the old requirements? Students had to have a mix of credits earned and pass all four exit-level TAKS tests. Three graduation plans: – Minimum (22 credits) – Recommended(26 credits) – Distinguished (26 credits) Students require credits in each area: – English/Language Arts – Math – Science – Social Studies – Economics – Languages Other than English – Physical Education – Speech – Fine Arts – Electives – Health (District Required) Students must meet the passing standard set for each of the following Exit- Level assessments: – Reading/ELA – Math – Science – Social Studies 33 Credits Assessments Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
What are the New Requirements? Students need to have a mix of credits earned, meet a cumulative score requirement for the End of Course exams in four subject areas, and meet the passing standard for two tests: English III and Algebra II (for Recognized and Distinguished diplomas). Credits Three graduation plans: – Minimum (22 credits) – Recommended(26 credits) – Distinguished (26 credits) Students require credits in each area: – English/Language Arts – Math – Science – Social Studies – Economics – Languages Other than English – Physical Education – Speech – Fine Arts – Electives – Health (District Required) – Advanced Measure (Distinguished Program Only) Assessments Students will take 8 to 12 End of Course (EOC) exams Each of the four subject areas has a Cumulative Score Requirement – Reading/ELA – Math – Science – Social Studies Specific Passing Requirements for English III and Algebra II (Recognized and Distinguished diplomas) Test results will be included as 15% of the student’s final grade for the course 34 Note: Information in BLUE is new. Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
Graduation Requirements: 35 MathEnglishScience Social Studies Algebra I 800 English I 1000 Biology 900 World Geography 1100 Geometry 1200 English II 1200 Chemistry 1100 World History 1000 Algebra II 1000 English III 1000 Physics 1000 U.S. History 1000 Cumulative Score Requirement: Minimum Diploma: Cumulative Score Requirement for each subject taken No additional standards Recommended Diploma: Cumulative Score Requirement for all 12 EOC exams Level II for Algebra II & English III Distinguished Diploma: Cumulative Score Requirement for all 12 EOC exams Level III for Algebra II & English III For each subject, adding the score for all three tests must be equal to or greater than the passing standard times the number of tests. The actual standards have not been determined yet. TEA will release them in February 2012. For example: Level I (Minimum Standard) = 800 Level II (Passing Standard) = 1000 Level III (College Ready) = 1200 In the example above, if you take all three tests, the total score for that subject would have to be at least 3000. Total Score: 3000 3200 3000 3100 Additional Passing Standards: Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
Examples: 36 MathEnglishScience Social Studies Algebra I 1000 English I 1000 Biology 1000 World Geography 1100 Geometry 1000 English II 1200 Chemistry (not taken) World History (not taken) Algebra II (not taken) English III 1000 Physics (not taken) U.S. History 1000 Total Score: 20003200 1000 2100 MathEnglishScience Social Studies Algebra I 800 English I 1000 Biology 900 World Geography 1100 Geometry 1200 English II 1200 Chemistry 1100 World History 1000 Algebra II 800 English III 1000 Physics 1000 U.S. History 1000 Total Score: 280032003000 3100 Total Score: 330032003000 3100 MathEnglishScience Social Studies Algebra I 1100 English I 1000 Biology 900 World Geography 1100 Geometry 1200 English II 1200 Chemistry 1100 World History 1000 Algebra II 1000 English III 1000 Physics 1000 U.S. History 1000 MathEnglishScience Social Studies Algebra I 1100 English I 1200 Biology 1100 World Geography 1100 Geometry 1200 English II 1200 Chemistry 900 World History 1200 Algebra II 1200 English III 1200 Physics 1100 U.S. History 1000 Total Score: 350036003100 3300 Recommended Not Eligible For Graduation* Distinguished Minimum Level I (Minimum Standard) = 800 Level II (Passing Standard) = 1000 Level III (College Ready) = 1200 *Applies to General Education students only.
37 Cumulative Score: 3100 3000 3000 3200 MathEnglishScienceSocial Studies Algebra I 900 English I 800 Biology 1000 World Geography 1100 Geometry 1200 English II 1000 Chemistry 1100 World History 1100 Algebra II 1000 English III 1200 Physics 900 U.S. History 1000 I am a General Education student on the Recommended High School Plan: Level I (Minimum Standard) = 800 Level II (Passing Standard) = 1000 Level III (College Ready) = 1200 Can I Graduate from High School? Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
38 Cumulative Score: 3100 3000 3000 3200 MathEnglishScienceSocial Studies Algebra I 900 English I 800 Biology 1000 World Geography 1100 Geometry 1200 English II 1000 Chemistry 1100 World History 1100 Algebra II 1000 English III 1200 Physics 900 U.S. History 1000 I am a General Education student on the Distinguished High School Plan: Level I (Minimum Standard) = 800 Level II (Passing Standard) = 1000 Level III (College Ready) = 1200 Can I Graduate from High School? Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
39 Cumulative Score: 1900 3000 900 2100 MathEnglishScienceSocial Studies Algebra I 900 English I 800 Biology 900 World Geography 1100 Geometry 1000 English II 1000 Chemistry * World History * Algebra II * English III 1200 Physics * U.S. History 1000 I am a General Education student on the Minimum High School Plan: Level I (Minimum Standard) = 800 Level II (Passing Standard) = 1000 Level III (College Ready) = 1200 Can I Graduate from High School? Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
40 Cumulative Score: 1900 3000 900 2100 MathEnglishScienceSocial Studies Algebra I 900 English I 800 Biology 900 World Geography 1100 Geometry 1000 English II 1000 Chemistry * World History * Algebra II * English III 1200 Physics * U.S. History 1000 I am a Special Education student on the Minimum High School Plan: Level I (Minimum Standard) = 800 Level II (Passing Standard) = 1000 Level III (College Ready) = 1200 Can I Graduate from High School? Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
41 Cumulative Score: 2100 2100 2000 3200 MathEnglishScienceSocial Studies Algebra I * English I * Biology * World Geography 1100 Geometry 1200 English II 900 Chemistry 1100 World History 1100 Algebra II 1000 English III 1200 Physics 900 U.S. History 1000 I am a General Education student on the Recommended High School Plan: Level I (Minimum Standard) = 800 Level II (Passing Standard) = 1000 Level III (College Ready) = 1200 Can I Graduate from High School? Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12 * I took Algebra I, English I and Biology in Ohio and earned credit before moving to Texas.
42 Cumulative Score: 3600 3700 3400 3200 MathEnglishScienceSocial Studies Algebra I 1100(2012) 1300 (2014) English I 1200 Biology 1200 World Geography 1100 Geometry 1200 English II 1300 Chemistry 1100 World History 900 Algebra II 1100 English III 1200 Physics 1100 U.S. History 1200 I am a General Education student on the Distinguished High School Plan: Level I (Minimum Standard) = 800 Level II (Passing Standard) = 1000 Level III (College Ready) = 1200 Can I Graduate from High School? Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
43 Cumulative Score: 2000 2100 2000 3100 MathEnglishScienceSocial Studies Algebra I * 800 (2013) English I * Biology * World Geography 900 Geometry 1000 English II 900 Chemistry 1200 World History 1200 Algebra II 1000 English III 1200 Physics 800 U.S. History 1000 I am a General Education student on the Recommended High School Plan: Level I (Minimum Standard) = 800 Level II (Passing Standard) = 1000 Level III (College Ready) = 1200 Can I Graduate from High School? Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12 * I went into 10 th in 2012 with credit from middle school for Algebra I, English I and Biology.
STAAR EOC: Presenting STAAR EOC to Parents, Students and Staff
Presenting STAAR EOC In groups, please determine the top 5 things you learned today that need to be shared with: – Parents – Students – Teachers Take 20 minutes and review the STAAR EOC overview presentation with your team. In your campus groups divide up the slides and prepare to present the STAAR information to another team. 45Research & Evaluation - 1-19-12
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