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2015 HUD National Father’s Day Event: Strengthening and Empowering Families

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2 2015 HUD National Father’s Day Event: Strengthening and Empowering Families

3 Presentation Overview Campaign Overview 2015 Key Goals Objectives and Strategies How Can You Help Questions

4 Our Mission Strengthen, empower and improve the quality of life of families living in HUD-assisted housing by providing access to a variety of services through a strategic collaborative approach in the areas of: Wealth Education Job training Health Corporate and government supportive services

5 HUD National Father’s Day Event The HUD Father’s Day event, celebrated in the month of June, are designed to provide opportunities for father’s and families to ensure positive effects on children’s health, development, and well being. Since 2011 an estimated 22,000 fathers, children, mothers and organizations participated in nationwide events at HUD assisted properties. We have experienced tremendous growth and continue to develop and enhance this initiative to ensure that the efforts are aligned with HUD’s Strategic Plan. By “using Housing as a Platform to improve the quality of life for our residents,” Fathers Day 2015 provides an ideal opportunity for delivering a wide variety of health, wealth building and supportive services.

6 Program Overview Celebrating 5 years of collaboration with Sponsors and Service Organizations The Department invites all Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and Multifamily HUD-assisted properties to host a Father’s day event to help strengthen, empower and improve the quality of life for fathers and their families. HUD’s Father’s Day Initiative was developed by the Office of Public and Indian Housing in response to the stark socio-economic data indicating how children and youth are being negatively affected by father-absent homes. A National Father’s Day Campaign Committee was created in 2015 to provide innovative resources for stakeholders. The Father’s day initiative is in line with HUD’s Strategic Objective by promoting advancement in economic prosperity for residents of HUD-assisted properties. Last year 446 Father’s Day activities and services were conducted through partnerships with Public Housing Authorities (PHAs). This year we want to increase our level of participation to include service organizations in the areas of wealth, education and job training using a interagency collaborative approach

7 Stakeholders Residents PHAs Multifamily Property Owners & Management Agents Federal Agencies Non-profits Corporations Tenant Organizations

8 Strategic areas of Focus Education Health Wealth building Job training Corporate and Government supportive services Measurable Outcomes

9 Service Organizations CityYear Corporation for National and Community Services (CNCS) Department of Education Department of Health and Human Services Department of Labor Department of Justice Family Equality Council Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Department of Defense United States Military Academy West Point Association of Graduates

10 Marketing Outreach Toolkit Newsletters Presentations Webinars Outreach Templates Best Practices Guide

11 Events from previous Participants Terre Haute Housing Authority, Terre Haute, IN- hosted an event that included organizations such as the Fatherhood Coalition, Childrens bureau, Catholic Charities, HIV Coordination Services and Indian Legal Services. 125 guests were in attendance. Rockford Housing Authority, Rockford, IL partnered with the Rockford Park District, The Boys and Girls Club and community organizations to host a Father’s Barbeque Family Fun Day. 500 guests were in attendance

12 How Can You Help E mpower residents to improve quality of life I N crease # of Father’s Day Events (Goal 1000) Encoura G e staff support and engagement Sh A re marketing resources Campai G n using 2015 guidance and materials E ncourage PHAs and MF Owners/Agents to register their events

13 Contact Visit to register your organization! Or email us

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