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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Human geography JAY MURRAY SEAN MEEHAN KRISTINA RODRIGUEZ."— Presentation transcript:


2 Economic Activity is classified into 5 sectors  Primary Sector  Secondary Sector  Tertiary Sector  Quaternary Sector  Quinary Sector

3 Primary Sector  Extractive Sector 3-5% U.S.- 55% inmost periphery countries Hunting and Gathering Farming Livestock Herding, Fishing, Lumbering, and Forestry Mining, Drilling, Quarrying

4 Secondary Sector  20% Converting raw materials into finished product

5 Tertiary Sector  75% Service Industries.

6 Quaternary Sector Information and capitol management. -Lawyers, Stock Brokers

7 Quinary Sector  High level decisions. Requires high education. - CEO, University Professors

8 Economic Activity  1) Collect Wood------------------------ Primary  2) Turn lumber into chair------------- Secondary  3) Sells chair-------------------------------Tertiary

9 Agricultural Revolution  Agriculture: Cultivating plants and rearing animals to make food

10 Carl O. Sauer  Sauer believed that plant domestication began is South East and South Asia.  Plant Domestication: Altering plants’ behaviors, size, and genetics.

11 Subsistence Farming  Subsistence Farming: Growing just enough food to survive.  There are several types of Subsistence Farming  1) Pastoral Nomadism: Depend on animals, not crops. Also known as Pastoralism. About.25% of the world population.  -Cyclical Movement: Depend on available resources, practice Transhumance: Seasonal movement between mountain pastures and lowland pastures.  2) Shifting Cultivation: Also known as Slash and Burn. Farmers first cut down all the plants and then burn them to add nutrients to the soil. After that they use the cleared land, or Swidden, for several years and then they leave the land and let it recover. Slash and Burn is mostly used in the tropics and subtropics and uses Intertillage, growing in rows.

12 Subsistence Farming  Wet Rice Dominant: Primarily in Asia. Farmers plant rice in a dry field and then move the rice to a Sawah (Wet Field).  Non-Wet Rice Dominant: Non-wet rice farming is used in areas that are to dry for wet rice farming and uses wheat are barley.  Both wet rice and non-wet rice are very intensive.

13 Commercial Farming  Growing crops to sell.  There are several types of commercial farming.  1) Mixed crop and livestock farming: Most of the crops are used for animal feed and most of the money comes from the animals. Crop rotation is very important in mixed crop and livestock farming.  2) Dairying Farming: Dairy farms are located close to cities because dairy does go bad, but because of new technologies the dairy farms can now be as far as 300 miles away.  3) Grain Farming: Crops are not grown for animals but for humans, not animals. Wheat is a very important crop for Grain Farming.  4) Mediterranean Agriculture: Crops are grown for human consumption. Generally focuses of Horticulture ( Fruits, vegetables, trees, and flowers)  5) Fruit Farming and Commercial Gardening: Also known as truck farming. Crops sold for human consumption.

14 Monoculture  Monoculture: Growing one crop. Mostly occurs in core countries. The biggest problem with monoculture is that it is very easy for the food supply to be wiped out by diseases.

15 Intertillage  Intertillage: Growing plants in between other crops. Occurs mostly in peripheral countries.  -Con: It takes up a lot of nutrients.

16 2 nd Agricultural Revolution  The 2 nd agricultural revolution began in England, during the 16 th century. The 2 nd agricultural revolution brought many changes to farming, such as…  - Mechanized farms  - Enclosure system  - Selective breeding

17 2 nd Agricultural Revolution  Effects?  - Increased food sources had encourage growth ofcities, aswell as improvements in transportation.

18 Johann von Thunen  The Von Thunen model focuses on how and why land is used the way it is.

19 Green Revolution  The green revolution had one goal which was to end world hunger.  Miracle seeds: Wheat and “Golden rice”  The green revolution also increased the amount of pesticides and fertilizers used.

20 Green Revolution  Effects?  - con: Desertification, run off, sustainability.  - Pro: Higher yield crops.

21 3 rd Agricultural Revolution  1) Mechanization: Less labor=Lower costs  2) Chemical farming: Fertilizers, pesticides  3) Expansion of produce life by refrigeration.  4) Genetically modified foods: Combining different species DNA.  5) Agribusiness: Corporates  6) Globalization and food manufacturing: Multi/trans national corporation  7) Biotechnology: Combining the DNA of different animals (Spidergoat).

22 Rostow's Development Model  Rostow’s Model has five stages  1) Traditional: No industry and subsistence farming.  2) Preconditions for takeoff: Increase education  3) Takeoff: Urbanization, addition of secondary sector.  4) Drive to maturity: Globalization, population growth, and specialized workers. Population starts to slow down.  5) Age of mass consumption: Population stops growing, standard of living increases, and service sector jobs are added.  Problems?  -Countries don’t develop the same way.

23 Aquaculture  Aquaculture: Breeding, rearing, and harvesting of aquatic life (plants and fish)

24 Food Desert  Food desert: A area where affordable and healthy food is hard to find.

25 1) “the deliberate effort to modify a portion of Earth's surface through the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock for subsistence or economic grain” is what?  A) Farming  B) Agriculture  C) All of the above  D) Fracking  E) Livestock Ranching

26 2) What is “the art and science of cultivating, maintaining, and developing forest”?  A) Chemistry B) Forestry C) Geography D) Biology E) Forestography

27 3) Who was a German farmer and created a model for rural land use  A) H.J. de Blij  B) Johann von Thunen  C) Alexander B. Murphy  D) Mr. Sinski  E) Erin H.Fouberg

28 4) Name “the natural process by which material is worn away from the earth's surface; usually by wind, water, or ice”  A) Wind  B) Erosion  C) Water  D) Wind and Water  E) Ice

29 5) What is the Malay word used to describe flooded fields where rice grows?  A) patty  B) paddy  C) Pat  D) Patty  E) Rice patty

30 6) The ______ Revolution began in the1970's. And led to the use of higher yield seeds and expanded the use of fertilizers.  A) Green  B) American  C) Urban  D) 1 st Green  C) Industrial

31 7) ______ domestication is the altering of the behaviors, size and genetics of plants to benefit humans.  A) Bear (all this talk about bears is unBEARable!! :D)  B) Plant  C) Agricultural  D) Animal  E) Crop

32 8) How many sectors are there for the Economic activity.  A) 1  B) 2  C) 3  D) 4  E) 5

33 9) Who believed that plant domestication began in Asia?  A) Mr. Sinski  B) Carl Sauer  C) Thunen  D) H.J. de Blij  E) Alexander B. Murphy

34 10) What is intertillage?  A) Planting a single crop  B) Harvesting aquatic plants  C) Burning plants to add nutrients to the soil  D) Planting crops in between others.  E) Farming just enough food to survive

35 11) What is aquaculture?  A) Planting crops in between each other  B) Harvesting wood for shelters  C) Rearing and harvesting of aquatic animals and plants  D) Burning plants to add nutrients to the soil  E) Planting a single crop

36 12) What sector collects raw materials?  A) Tertiary  B) Secondary  C) Primary  D) Quinary  E) Quaternary

37 13) What is a food desert?  A) Food that comes after the entrée  B) A area that is made up of dry food  C) A area where it is easy to find healthy food  D) A area where it is hard to find unhealthy food  E) A area where it is hard to find healthy food

38 14) What was the Green revolution’s goal?  A) World Peace  B) End world hunger  C) Cause world hunger  D) Prevent world hunger  E) End the world

39 15) How many economic sectors are there?  A) 1  B)2  C) 3  D) 5  E) 8

40 16) What is biotechnology?  A) Combining the DNA of different animals.  B) Planting one crop  C) Planting crops in between others  D) Primary sector  E) A area where healthy food is hard to find

41 17) What is it called when you plant one crop?  A) Slash and Burn  B) Bioculture  C) Monoculture  D) Intertillage  E) Aquaculture

42 18) What is subsistence farming?  A) Growing food to sale  B) Growing food for human consumption  C) Growing enough food to survive  D) Growing food for animal feed  E) raising livestock to sell

43 20) What is it called when you grow food for human consumption?  A) Biotechnology  B) Subsistence farming  C) Agribusiness  D) Mediterranean farming  E) Aquaculture

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