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Peer Buddies Program at Fairview ES. Needs Assessment Counselor Advisory Committee meeting PTA Special Education Advisory Committee meeting Question:

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Presentation on theme: "Peer Buddies Program at Fairview ES. Needs Assessment Counselor Advisory Committee meeting PTA Special Education Advisory Committee meeting Question:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer Buddies Program at Fairview ES

2 Needs Assessment Counselor Advisory Committee meeting PTA Special Education Advisory Committee meeting Question: How can Fairview ES help our students with autism feel more included by age typical peers?

3 Peer Buddies Mission Statement The mission of the Peer Buddies Program at Fairview ES is to help all students to feel included at school. The program aims to foster friendships between students with special needs and their general education peers. Student mentors model peer typical behaviors and provide opportunities for their peer buddies to practice social skills.

4 Mentor Recruitment Counselors talk about Peer Buddies Program during classroom lessons that focus on Friendship and Respect. Letter sent home in Wednesday Envelope outlining the Peer Buddies Program Fifth and sixth grade students volunteer Teacher/counselor nominate mentors from volunteer pool. Focus on including students who are not all SCA, Patrols, Peer Mediators, Student Ambassadors, but who want to serve their school. The Peer Buddies Program offers leadership and service opportunities to student mentors who may want to feel included within the school community themselves.

5 Mentor Training Parental permission to participate in the Peer Buddies Program Mentor Training: Counselor Lunch Bunch Topics: 1.Role of Peer Buddies 2.All about Autism 3.Responsibilities and Expectations

6 Special Education CLT Meeting Counselor and PTA special education liaison meet with special education teachers during their CLT to discuss: 1.Program start date 2.Program mechanics and schedule 3.Teacher expectations of mentors; guiding mentors in peer buddy interactions. 4.Developmentally appropriate activities / rotating manipulative tubs

7 Peer Buddy Activity Tubs Each special education class has a plastic tub filled with developmentally appropriate activities that the Peer Buddies can play with. Tub Contents might include: Board games, puzzles, play dough, shaving cream, bubbles, paper, crayons, glitter glue, stickers, Lego, magnets, tinker toys, blocks etc.

8 Culminating Activities Ice Cream Social for mentors; certificates and autism bracelets Open discussion to process what went well and what was challenging Student recommendations for next year Peer Buddies Self Assessment Survey Teacher CLT program evaluation. Discussion and recommendations Peer Buddies Teacher Survey

9 Program Successes 100% of the mentors reported that they wanted to be a Peer Buddy again. 100% of teachers reported that they wanted their special needs students to participate in the Peer Buddy Program again. One teacher was so impressed with the Peer Buddies that she wanted to arrange summer play dates for her students.

10 Program Successes 100% of Peer Buddies reported that they felt the program helped both special needs students and mentors feel more included at school. 100% of teachers surveyed reported that their special needs students looked forward to the Peer Buddy visits.

11 Room for Improvement Block Scheduling limits flexibility Developmentally appropriate activity tubs Teachers rotating activity tubs Volume of volunteers Increased mentor training

12 Since We’re Friends: An Autism Picture Book By Celeste Shally and David Harrington My Friend Has Autism by Amanda Doering Tourville The Autism Acceptance Book: Being a Friend to Someone with Autism by Ellen Sabin Questions? Email me at Books about Autism for mentor training

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