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By informing the public of teen suicide cases, it is possible to reduce the rates of teen suicides.

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3 By informing the public of teen suicide cases, it is possible to reduce the rates of teen suicides.

4 Background Information

5 Facts/Statistics

6 o Youth suicides have tripled in the past 30 years. o Third most common cause of death among adolescents between 15 and 24. Random Facts

7 o Every 17 minutes a teen SUCCEEDS in taking their life o For very 2 homicides, there is 3 suicides Random Facts

8 o Males are 4 times more likely than females to succeed in suicide attempts o Females still make more suicide attempts Random Facts

9 o Although rates vary somewhat by geographic location, within a typical high school classroom, it is likely that three students (one boy and two girls) have made a suicide attempt in the past year. Random Facts

10 Causes

11 Stressful Period 1.Feelings of stress 2.Confusion 3.Fear 4.Uncertainty All influence problem solving and decision making abilities o Adolescence is a stressful time with major changes

12 Students that are bullied are 2 to 9 times more likely to attempt suicide

13 o Physical o Verbal o Covert o Cyber bullying

14 o Problems with family or friends o Tough break-up o Death in the family

15 o More likely to kill themselves because of easier access o Having a gun available is a more potential threat for teens to commit suicide than mental illness

16 Family Ties o People copy the lifestyle of other family members o Pressures from family to act a certain way

17 Varies Between Cases o Disorders o Distress o Hopelessness o Lack of support o Loneliness

18 Effects

19 o Always a risk of people copying other suicide techniques o Associations made to prevent releasing names of victims

20 Awareness People become more aware of tragedies in their society Encourages others to reach out for help if they need it Learn how to help in community

21 Memorials o Makes more people aware – want to show condolence for family

22 Releasing name o Releasing a name brings reality to the story "I think that as a mother and an educator, some knowledge is better than no knowledge. We want the truth out there."


24 Lack of Support o Some parents believe a child’s emotional problems are a family matter and not a school issue o Lack of parental support for prevention programs at schools

25 o “They sought professional guidance, counseling and medication, but their diligence in trying to life their son out of his black hole was sadly unsuccessful."

26 Releasing name o "85 percent of those who make one suicide attempt do not make a second."

27 Solutions

28 Prevention o Recognition and early intervention o Early discovery of suicide warning signs o Sadness o Loss of interest o Change in weight

29 Awareness o Continuing media coverage of suicide cases


31 Anti-Bullying Projects o Bullying as leading factor o Anti-bullying helps reduce rates o Rachel’s Challenge

32 Welcoming Schools o Teachers are encouraged to make schools as welcoming as possible to promote a less stressful, happy environment for students o Influence other students at school to follow example

33 Conclusion

34 o Third most common cause of death among teens o Suicide rates exceed homicide rates o Males are more successful than females

35 Conclusion o Causes include o Stressful period in life o Bullying o Stressful event o Presence of a gun o Family ties

36 Conclusion o Effects include o Copycat effect o More awareness o Reality of releasing the name o Opposing view is o Lack of parental support

37 Conclusion o Solutions are o Early intervention o Increase public awareness o Organizations or projects o Encourage welcoming environments

38 Bibliography 1.Achrati, Nora. Change in Teen Suicide Methods. Digital image. KRT News Service, 10 June 2004. Web. 16 May 2013. 2.Burtinshaw, Julie. Teen Suicide. Digital image. Teensuicideprevention, n.d. Web. 16 May 2013. 3.It Gets Better Project. Digital image. Savage Love, 2010. Web. 19 May 2013. 4.Schwarz, Susan W. Suicide Rates. Digital image. National Center for Children in Poverty. NCCP, June 2009. Web. 16 May 2013. 5.Suicide Prevention. Digital image. United States: Department of Defense, 27 Aug. 2010. Web. 19 May 2013.

39 Bibliography 6. Casey, Liam. "Myth vs. Reality in Suicide Talk." Toronto Star. 04 Sep 2011: S.4. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 16 May 2013. Http:// 5820&artno=0000316898&type=ART Http:// 5820&artno=0000316898&type=ART 7. Drexler, Madeline. "The Shock of Suicide." SIRS Discoverer. ProQuest, 24 Dec. 1996. Web. 19 May 2013. 8. Fralic, Shelley. "We Need to Talk More About Teen Suicide-- Just Ask the Mothers." Vancouver Sun. 05 Dec 2012: A.6. SIRS Issues Researcher.Web. 19 May 2013. bin/hst-article-display?id=S506602-0- 5820&artno=0000348294&type=ART 9. New, Michelle J. "KidsHealth." About Teen Suicide. Nemours, Jan. 2012. Web. 16 May 2013. 10. Portner, Jessica. "Teen Suicide: The Silent Epidemic--Part 2." SIRS Issues Researcher, 20 Apr. 2000. Web. 16 May 2013.

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