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Lesson 2 Life can be difficult for everyone at times. Suicide Prevention With adequate help and support, people suffering from mental and emotional problems.

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2 Lesson 2 Life can be difficult for everyone at times. Suicide Prevention With adequate help and support, people suffering from mental and emotional problems can often find new purpose and happiness. Challenges Responsibilities Pressures Emotional Overload Alienation

3 Lesson 2 Lesson Objectives Identify the warning signs of suicide. Analyze strategies to prevent suicides. Develop strategies for coping with depression. Develop strategies for coping with feelings in the aftermath of a tragedy. In this lesson, youll learn to:

4 Lesson 2 This emotional overload can lead to depression or alienation. alienation Why Do People Feel Suicidal? Some people try to escape their pain through suicide. suicide Challenges, responsibilities, and troubling life events can seem overwhelming. Suicide Prevention

5 Lesson 2 Some Risk Factors That May Lead to Suicide Depression or other mental disorders Alcohol or drug abuse History of physical or sexual abuse History of other suicide attempts Family history of emotional disorders or suicides Suicide Risk Factors

6 Lesson 2 Teen Suicide: Recognizing the Warning Signs Suicide Risk Factors

7 Lesson 2 How You Can Help Prevent Suicide Recognize the warning signs of suicide. Take seriously any talk about committing suicide. Never bargain with someone who is thinking about suicide. Show concern and empathy. Strategies to Prevent Suicide

8 Lesson 2 Helping Others When you are with someone who appears to be suicidal, show you care by following these steps: Initiate a meaningful conversation. Show support and ask questions. Try to persuade the person to seek help. Strategies to Prevent Suicide

9 Lesson 2 Multiple Suicides Sometimes within a teen population, cluster suicides occur.cluster suicides Some cluster suicides are the result of pacts or agreements between two or more people to take part in suicide. Others result when individuals commit suicide in response to the suicide of a friend or a suicide that has been sensationalized in the media. Strategies to Prevent Suicide

10 Lesson 2 Guidelines for Preventing Cluster Suicides The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends: Evaluation and counseling of close friends and relatives of suicide victims, as they may be at high risk for suicide. That the media report on suicides in a way that does not glorify the victim, oversimplify the victims motivation, or portray the suicide as an understandable response to pressure or emotional pain. Strategies to Prevent Suicide

11 Lesson 2 Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. Name five warning signs of suicide. Click Next to view the answer. Quick Review

12 Lesson 2 A. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

13 Lesson 2 Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. List three risk factors of suicide. Click Next to view the answer. Quick Review

14 Lesson 2 A. Suicide risk factors include the following: 1. Depression 2. Mental disorders 3. Alcohol and drug abuse 4. History of physical or sexual abuse 5. History of other suicide attempts 6. Family history of emotional disorders or suicides Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

15 Lesson 2 Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. Describe some of the strategies for suicide prevention. Click Next to view the answer. Quick Review

16 Lesson 2 A. To prevent suicide: Recognize the warning signs of suicide. Take seriously any talk about committing suicide. Never bargain with someone who is thinking about suicide. Show concern and empathy. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

17 Lesson 2 How might support from family, friends, and mental health professionals help an individual cope with stress, depression, and anxiety? What strategies might each of these groups offer to help prevent suicides? Provide suitable strategies. Quick Review

18 Lesson 2 Multiple Suicides Sometimes within a teen population, cluster suicides occur.cluster suicides Some cluster suicides are the result of pacts or agreements between two or more people to take part in suicide. Others result when individuals commit suicide in response to the suicide of a friend or a suicide that has been sensationalized in the media. Multiple Suicides Cluster suicides are a series of suicides occurring within a short period of time and involving several people in the same school or community. Strategies to Prevent Suicide

19 Lesson 2 This emotional overload can lead to depression or alienation. alienation Some people try to escape their pain through suicide. suicide Challenges, responsibilities, and troubling life events can seem overwhelming. Why Do People Feel Suicidal? Alienation is feeling isolated and separated from everyone else. Alienation is feeling isolated and separated from everyone else. Suicide Prevention

20 Lesson 2 This emotional overload can lead to depression or alienation. alienation Some people try to escape their pain through suicide. suicide Challenges, responsibilities, and troubling life events can seem overwhelming. Why Do People Feel Suicidal? Suicide is the act of intentionally taking ones own life. Suicide is the act of intentionally taking ones own life. Suicide Prevention

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