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WILSON AND FUNDATIONS READING PROGRAM Presenters: Maria Buniva Karen Brownell Alex Jordan Denise Grimm Parent Training Series.

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Presentation on theme: "WILSON AND FUNDATIONS READING PROGRAM Presenters: Maria Buniva Karen Brownell Alex Jordan Denise Grimm Parent Training Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 WILSON AND FUNDATIONS READING PROGRAM Presenters: Maria Buniva Karen Brownell Alex Jordan Denise Grimm Parent Training Series

2  Teacher training  Dyslexia in NJ Administrative Code  Screening for Dyslexia NJ DYSLEXIA LAWS

3  Student instruction  Reading research  Multisensory  Bring Words to Life ORTON GILLINGHAM BASED Reading System

4 Students with a language based learning disability Students unable to decode accurately Slow, labored readers who lack fluency Students who may know many words by sight, but have difficulty reading new words and “nonsense” syllables Students who often guess at words Students able to speak and understand English, but not read or write it (such as ELL students) Poor spellers Students unsuccessful with other reading programs or who have gaps in their decoding and/or spelling Profile of a WRS Student Signs of Dyslexia

5 READING COMPONENTS Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Development(Most Aspects of Component Taught) Comprehension Strategies (Most Aspects of Component Taught) SCIENTIFICALLY BASED REASEARCH BASED

6  Phonemic Segmentation  Phonics  Decoding-Encoding- Word Analysis  Irregular Word Instruction  Fluency  Vocabulary Development  Comprehension with Visualization Key Components

7  Accuracy and Automaticity  Develop speedy and accurate word recognition  Fluency  Independent reading of connected text with ease, expression and meaning.  Vocabulary and Comprehension  Develop students listening comprehension, vocabulary, and background knowledge Focus of Instruction

8 F UNDATIONS Primary Students

9 Fundations Touches upon many units of Orton Gillingham Exposes young readers to the broader concepts of reading Multi-sensory approach

10 Fundations To accommodate shorter attention spans, the lessons are brief Graphics and lessons are presented in a “FUN” way

11 C ONSONANTS AND V OWELS CVC words (cat, big) Vowel extension poster

12 D IGRAPHS Two letters that make one sound Wh, sh, ch, th, ck

13 Sound T APPING Use fingers to “Tap” out the sounds of letters Blend sounds to make a word d-i-g, w-a-x, ch-o-p, m-o-th

14 T RICK W ORDS /H IGH F REQUENCY WORDS /S IGHT W ORDS These words cannot be tapped out, students just have to know them * examples- were, was, does, has Skywriting


16 Total Word Structure: Syllable Types

17 Marking Words

18  12 step program  Cumulative – connected to previous skills  Step 1: lash puff pan pets  Step 2: slash slump script  Step 3: catnip disrupt contract The HOW? Wilson Reading Program

19  10 Part Lesson Plan Getting Started  Parts 1-5: Decoding  Sound cards (2-3 min.)  Teach/review concepts for reading (5 min.)  Word cards (3-5 min.)  Wordlist reading (5 min.)  Sentence reading (5 min.)  Parts 6-8: Encoding  Quick drill (reverse) (1-2 min.)  Teach/review concepts for spelling (5 min.)  Written work (dictation) (10-15 min.) approx. 45 min.  Parts 9-10: Reading Comprehension  Passage reading  Listening comprehension/applied skills

20  Sounds  Words  Nonsense  Sentences  Passages Components of Wilson

21  Student binder/notebook  5 sections: sounds, syllables, spelling rules, sight words, vocabulary  Dictation notebook/section  Magnetic letter tiles Student Materials

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