Exit Ticket Review 1. What is the best way to determine the evolutionary relationships between species? A. by comparing their bone structures B. by comparing.

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Presentation on theme: "Exit Ticket Review 1. What is the best way to determine the evolutionary relationships between species? A. by comparing their bone structures B. by comparing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exit Ticket Review 1. What is the best way to determine the evolutionary relationships between species? A. by comparing their bone structures B. by comparing their physical appearance C. by comparing the amino acid sequences of their proteins D. by comparing fossils that resemble the organisms to identify common ancestors

2 Exit Ticket Review 2. Archaeoptryx was discovered two years after Darwin published On the Origin of Species. Archaeoptryx had a long, bony tail like dinosaurs, broad wings and feather like birds, and skeletal features of both. What best describes this evidence? A. fossil B. geological C. biochemical D. embryological

3 Exit Ticket Review 3. Which could give the best biochemical evidence of evolution? A. lipids B. proteins C. nucleic acids D. carbohydrates

4 Exit Ticket Review 4. The forelimbs of whales, dogs, humans, and bats are all similar in their arrangement and structure. What category of evidence is exemplified? A. fossils B. anatomical similarities C. biochemical comparison D. embryological comparison

5 Exit Ticket Review 5. What can be inferred from the following statement? The protein cytochrome c is found in all aerobic organisms. A. Living things have not evolved. B. All living things will evolve to be aerobic. C. Aerobic organisms evolved from a common ancestor. D. Anaerobic organisms will evolved into aerobic organisms.

6 Agenda Notes – Classification Linnaeus and Binomial Nomenclature Classification Gallery Walk Exit Ticket Homework – Worksheet (whiteboard tomorrow)

7 Think 1.What traits do all animals have in common? 2.“ “ “ vertebrates have in common? 3.“ “ “ mammals have in common? 4.“ “ “ carnivores have in common?

8 Classification I can analyze biological classification systems.

9 Because of evolution there is great diversity of life!







16 CLASSIFICATION Scientists need to organize over 2 million organisms! Taxonomy: the study of classification of organisms Classification: grouping organisms based on common ancestors and characteristics. What are some common characteristics you can think of?

17 History of Classification How classification has changed over time?

18 At first… Classified organisms as either plants (plantae) or animals (animalia) Is every living thing a plant or animal?

19 Carolus Linneas Hierarchical system = classifies in levels uses clearly defined shared characteristics to classify organisms into each group represented by different levels

20 Classifications Kingdom < most general Phylum Class (Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, and Amphibia) Order Family Genus Species < most specific



23 Carolus Linneas Binomial nomenclature = naming organism types with two names Second smallest level Smallest level Species: Genus: Homo sapiens Genus species

24 Systems of Classification What organism do you think this is based on the binomial (species name)? Canis familiaris Felis domesticus

25 Modern Classification Uses evolution!

26 CLASSIFICATION Scientists use the following criteria to classify organisms: – Structural similarities: similar fossils – Biochemical analysis: DNA, proteins and amino acids – Embryology: similar embryos

27 THINK What is classification? What were the 2 kingdoms at first? What is the most GENERAL level? What is the most SPECIFIC level?

28 Kingdoms

29 Review: What is the difference between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic organism? What is the difference between a unicellular and multicellular organism? What is the difference between an autotrophic and heterotrophic organism? What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?


31 Kingdom Type of Cells Bacteria Prokaryotic Protists Eukaryotic Fungi Plants Animals Comparison Table

32 Kingdom Type of Cells Multicellular/U nicellular Bacteria ProkaryoticUnicellular Protists EukaryoticUnicellular Fungi EukaryoticMulticellular Plants EukaryoticMulticellular Animals EukaryoticMulticellular Comparison Table

33 Kingdom Type of Cells Multicellular/U nicellular Obtaining Energy Bacteria ProkaryoticUnicellular Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Protists EukaryoticUnicellular Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Fungi EukaryoticMulticellular Heterotrophic Plants EukaryoticMulticellular Autotrophic Animals EukaryoticMulticellular Heterotrophic Comparison Table

34 Kingdo m Type of Cells Multicellula r/Unicellula r Obtaining Energy Movemen t Bacteria ProkaryoticUnicellular Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Only small distance movement Protists EukaryoticUnicellular Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Only small distance movement Fungi EukaryoticMulticellular Heterotrophic None Plants EukaryoticMulticellular Autotrophic None Animals EukaryoticMulticellular Heterotrophic Easily Move Comparison Table

35 Agenda Notes – Classification Linnaeus and Binomial Nomenclature Classification Gallery Walk Exit Ticket Homework – Worksheet (whiteboard tomorrow)

36 Gallery Walk Students will be able to identify the kingdom of an organism from its description. – Using your newfound knowledge of the taxonomy (classification), you must now help place each organism into the correct kingdom. Procedure 1.Look at the pictures of the organism. Read the paragraph describing the organism, its habitat, and its method of obtaining food. 2.Use your chart describing the characteristics of the six kingdoms to identify the kingdom the organism belongs to. 3.Place the name of the kingdom in the appropriate blank. 4.When you have identified the kingdom of each organism at your station, move to the next station as directed by your instructor. 5.Continue until you identify the kingdom of all 20 organisms.

37 Gallery Walk Organism #1 - Laetiporus sulphureus Laetiporus sulphureus is a multi-cellular eukaryote. The organism grows as a shelf on trees and digests the wood externally (saprophyte).Fungi EukaryoticMulticellular Heterotrophic None

38 Exit Ticket *homework*

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