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University of Khartoum Faculty of nursing sciences Master program Batch seven.

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1 University of Khartoum Faculty of nursing sciences Master program Batch seven

2 Margaret Jean Watson Philosophy and science of caring

3 Presenters (group six ) Supervisor Dr- Elham Fatima kowther Rania shaza

4  Describe the general aspects of Watson ’ s ca ring theory.  Describe how Watson ’ s caring theory can be applied to clinical practice.  Describe the person through Watson ’ s caring lens.  Describe the person ’ s health through Watson ’ s caring lens.  Describe nursing through Watson ’ s caring lens. Objective


6 -Born in southern west Virginia --Grow up in small town of Welch 1940 -The youngest of eight children -High school in west Virginia -Louis gale school of nursing 1961 -Married and move to Colorado -She has two daughters and five grand children

7 Achievement -Bs in nursing 1964 -Ms in psychiatric mental health nursing 1966 -PhD in education psychology and counseling 1973 -Joined the school of nursing faculty of Colorado health science centre -Chair and assistant dean of under graduate program -Implementation of the nursing PhD program 1978 -Co-ordinator and director -Dean of the university of Colorado 1982

8 Cont- achievement Professor of nursing and holds chair in caring science Shared in the development of post baccalaureate nursing curriculum in human caring -founder and member of the board of boulder hospice -high honor of distinguished professor of nursing 1992 - recipient of national league for nursing 1993 -member of executive committee -certification as a holistic nurse

9 Publications -the philosophy and science of caring -1979 -human science and human care a theory of nursing -1985 - post modern nursing and beyond - 1999

10 Theoretical sources The work k of nightingale,hinderson,and hall -peplau and Maslow,Erikson -She acknowledges philosophilical and intellectual guidance for m feminty theory Her inter personal and transpersonal viewed from Carl Rogers

11 Definitions

12  When medical science has failed to offer a patient any things that is the opportunity of nurses to offer every things to the patient  Caring in need is essence of nursing  Caring create greatest impact in the lives of our patient  Caring attitude makes nurses different among the rest

13  (We are the light in the darkness, and in this model we get to return to the light of our humanity )  She believes that the main focus in nursing on carative factors  She believes that for nurses to develop humanistic philosophies and values system a strong Liberal arts back ground is necessary  She believes that the nursing is being threatened by the task and technology

14 nursing Health promotion Prevent ill ness Caring for sick Restoring health

15 Assumptions

16 Caring demonstrated interpersonally Caring results in the satisfaction of human needs Accepts person as may become Caring environment allow the pt to choose the care Caring healthogeni more than curing Caring is central to nursing Effective caring promotes health and individual growth

17 caring response Central health ogenic choice Needs satisfaction Promotion of health personal

18 Primary carative factors

19 Watson mentioned ten carative factors

20 1= Formation of humanistic –altruistic System of values 2=Instillation of faith hope 3=Cultivation of sensitivity to ones self and To others

21 Philosophical foundation

22 Other carative factors 4-Establishing a helping-trust relation ship 5-expression of feeling 6-systemic use of the scientific problem- solving 7-promotion of interpersonal teaching – learning 8-provision for supportive,protective,and corrective mental,physical,socio cultural and spiritual,environment 9-assistance with gratification of human needs 10- allowance for existential phenomological forces

23 Watson's Ordering needs

24 Lower ordering needs biophysical Food-ventilation- elemination

25 Lower ordering needs Psycho-physical Activity-inactivity)-sexuality

26 Higher ordering needs Achievement -affiliation Psycho-social

27 Higher ordering needs Self -actualization

28 Development of the theory

29 She added to develop her theory : 1 Philosophy of human freedom and responsibilities Related to nursing practice 2 A biology and psychology of holism intercountered With nature 3 Epistemology allows for advancement of esthetics,and ethical Values

30 4 Ontology of time 5 Context of inter human events and relationship 6 Scientific world view That is open

31 soul Foundation for further development emotions mind

32 Major Concep t Human being Nursing Environment Health

33 Evaluation Intervention Plan Assessment

34 anxiety Inactivity or weakness Vomiting and diarrhea

35 Assessment

36 plan

37 Assessment

38 Intervention

39 Evaluation

40 Acceptance by the nursing community

41 Institutions that are seeking holistic approach to nursing care are integrating many aspect of Watson theoretical commitment to care Practice as general

42 According to Watson Clinical setting population

43 Education  active In curriculum planning at the university of Colorado  Framework is being taught in numerous baccalaureate nursing curricula  In addition this concepts are now widely used in nursing program in saturnalia  She defines her intent to describe the core of nursing Education  active In curriculum planning at the university of Colorado  Framework is being taught in numerous baccalaureate nursing curricula  In addition this concepts are now widely used in nursing program in saturnalia  She defines her intent to describe the core of nursing

44 Research  Watson and colleagues are attempting to research the caring framework and to arrive at empirical data amenable to research techniques  Colleagues have analysis the caring literature for themes related to conceptual and theoretical development  Research and practice must focus on both subjective and objective patient outcomes Research  Watson and colleagues are attempting to research the caring framework and to arrive at empirical data amenable to research techniques  Colleagues have analysis the caring literature for themes related to conceptual and theoretical development  Research and practice must focus on both subjective and objective patient outcomes

45  to describe the similarities and differences between what nurse consider care and what patients consider care goal

46 To classifying the caring behaviors To Generate testable hypotheses

47 Open- ended questionnaire Taking care of Caring about patient

48 patients Nursing students Registered nurses

49 Discrepancy in the values considered most important by :RN,SN,PT Raised a question about differences in values for persons in various situations and the question of meeting minimum care needs before the quality of care can be evaluated


51 CLARITY Sophisticated language Lengthy phrases Sentences need more reading Expand philosophical nature

52 Tangible and more aesthetically appealing Personal reflections Art work poetry

53 Complex concept Variety of subject matters Number of disciplines simplicity

54 generality Aspect of health Aspect of illness Patient – nurse interaction

55 Some critics have stated that the generality is limited By the emphasis placed on the psychological aspect rather than physiological aspect

56 Empirical precision Difficult to study empirically Acknowledges the newness of theory Descriptiv theory Continues to develop her theory

57 Derivable consequences Identify patient need Caring process Metaphysical orientation

58 strengths family Communit y culture practice client

59 limitations Little attention Delineate psychosoci al need Need for more research


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