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 1960s = emergence of many protest movements suggested the creation of a global culture of liberation In the United StatesIn Europe Civil rights movements.

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2  1960s = emergence of many protest movements suggested the creation of a global culture of liberation In the United StatesIn Europe Civil rights movements of African Americans and Hispanic Americans Protests against unresponsive bureaucracy, consumerism, and middle-class values Counterculture of rock music, sex, drugs, etc. (“hippie” movement) Student-led protests against conditions in universities Protests against the Vietnam WarProtests against police brutality

3  Protests hit the communist world too  1968 = the “Prague Spring” in Czechoslovakia = reforms initiated by leader Alexander Dubcek › End to censorship › Increased freedom of expression › Public emergence of unofficial “political clubs” › Rehabilitation of victims of repression › Emergence of secret ballots for party elections Student protestors during the “Prague Spring”

4  Che Guevara  Revolutionary – born in Argentina  Anti-imperialism  Had a self-sacrificing lifestyle  Embraced the Cuban Revolution  Attempted to replicate Cuba’s experience of liberation in parts of Africa and Latin America using guerrilla warfare  1967 = killed by the Bolivian military

5  1 st wave = in the 19 th century › Emphasis then on: voting and political rights  2 nd wave = began in the 1960s › Emphasis now on: education, employment, reproductive and sexuality rights, etc.

6  Famous book that became central to the women’s movement in the West = Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique (1963) › Disclosed the identity crisis of educated women who were unfulfilled by marriage and motherhood › Made education and employment the forefront of the feminist movement in the West

7  Took broader aim at patriarchy as a system of domination, similar to those of race and class  Belief = liberation for women meant becoming aware of their own oppression  Preferred direct action vs. political lobbying › Example: releasing stink bombs at the 1968 Miss America pageant  Brought into open discussion “taboo” issues involving sexuality › Free love, lesbianism, celibacy, etc.

8  Women of color believed that the concerns of white, middle-class feminists had nothing to do with their oppression  They viewed mainstream feminism as a “family quarrel between white women and white men” White Women in WestWomen of Color in West Focus = on fighting the oppressive “family” structure, education, employment Focus = on fighting racism and poverty Sought liberation from the “chains” of homemaking and domesticity Had always worked outside of the home Viewed the family as a secure base from which to combat racism Wanted to work WITHOUT menWanted to work WITH men of color

9  Different conditions in developing nations = created sharp criticism of Western feminism › Believed Western feminism was too individualistic and too focused on issues of sexuality, motherhood, marriage, and poverty › Resented Western feminists’ interests in cultural matters such as female genital mutilation and polygamy  what would they know about that??  insulting and pretentious

10  Women’s movements in the Global South took shape around a wide range of issues, not all of which were solely based on gender  examples: Country or Region Focus of Women’s Movement KenyaProviding support for one another, community projects, buying land/businesses, etc. MoroccoChanging the Family Law Code to recognize women as equals to their husbands & let them initiate divorce and claim child custody ChileEnding military dictatorship, stopping torture and the “disappearance” of political opponents, economic survival, democracy South KoreaDemocracy, better pay & working conditions, end to sexual harassment in the workplace

11  Feminism became a global issue  “women’s rights are human rights.”  1975 = UN declared it International Women’s Year & next 10 years would be the “Decade for Women”  By 2006 = 183 countries had ratified a UN Convention to Eliminate Discrimination against Women  committed to: › Promoting women’s legal equality › Ending discrimination › Encouraging women’s development › Protecting women’s human rights

12  Several sharp divisions within global feminism began to emerge: › Who should speak on behalf of women?  Official delegates of male-dominate governments vs. more radical and unofficial representatives from nongovernmental organizations › Global North vs. Global South issues  Global North = focus on political and civil rights  Global South = focus on economic justice, decolonization, and disarmament › Different issues among nations in the Global South  Example: Muslim women AGAINST equal inheritance because it violates Islamic law

13  Global backlash to international feminism also began to emerge › Believed this movement was too radical › Believed it undermined family life, proper relationships between men and women, etc. › In the Islamic World  people found Western-style feminism highly offensive due to its focus on gender equality and open sexuality › Backlash from certain religions (i.e. Christianity)  especially with reproductive issues like abortion and birth control


15  3 major factors accelerated the impact of humans on the environment in the 20 th century: › Population explosion › New ability of humankind to tap the energy potential of fossil fuels  coal, oil, hydroelectricity, natural gas, nuclear power › Unprecedented economic growth as science and technology increased the production of goods and services

16  Growing numbers of the poor and growing consumption of the rich = led to the doubling of cropland and depletion of the world’s forests and grasslands  Numerous species of animals and plants = either endangered or extinct  Increased numbers of other species = ex: cattle, pigs, chickens, rats, dandelions  Massive air pollution in major cities  Thinning of the ozone layer from released CFCs

17  Most critical environmental transformation = global warming  Caused by two major factors: › Increased burning of fossil fuels = emit heat-trapping greenhouse gases › Loss of trees = would otherwise remove carbon dioxide from the air

18  Concerns with global warming: › Melting glaciers and polar ice caps › Rising sea levels › Thawing permafrost › Extreme hurricanes › Further species extinction

19  1 st wave of environmentalism = in the 1800s in the wake of the industrial revolution › Expressed a need for “scientific management” of nature › “Wilderness idea” = aimed to preserve untouched areas from human disruption › Creation of many U.S. national parks › No mass following or large global response Yellowstone National Park In Wyoming Established in 1872

20  2 nd wave of environmentalism = in the 2 nd half of the 1900s › Began with the publication in 1962 of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring › Exposed the chemical contamination of the environment that threatened both human health and the survival of many species › Generated an enormous response and launched the environmental movement in the U.S.

21  This environmental movement spread to other parts of the West as well › Club of Rome = a global think tank headquartered in Europe › Germany = emergence of the Green Party  Major concerns of Western environmentalists = pollution, wilderness issues, and opposition to development in untouched areas

22  1970s-1980s = environmental movements began in the Global South as well Environmentalism in the WestEnvironmentalism in the Global South National movement; many large national organizations More locally based Involved affluent members of the middle-class Involved poor people Engaged in political lobbying and corporate strategies Environmental movements often overlap with other movements for political and social reform More concerned with the rights of nature and wilderness protection More concerned with issues of: food security, health, and basic survival Relatively nonviolent movementMovements occasionally become violent  guerrilla warfare actions by “green armies”

23  Late 20 th century = environmentalism became a global concern  Led to the global “green revolution” › Legislation passed in many countries to limit air pollution › Pushed many businesses in a “green” direction › Fostered research on alternative and renewable resources › Stimulated UN conferences on global warming › Persuaded millions of people to “go green” and alter their way of life › Generated many international agreements addressing issues such as ozone depletion and global warming

24  Major conflict between the Global North and Global South = developing countries often feel that Northern initiatives to address atmospheric pollution and global warming will prevent their industrial development  Global South pushed to limit its emissions to cut down on pollution, but they didn’t create that pollution in the first place › Shouldn’t the industrialized countries accept more responsibility?

25  “One world” thinking  Focus on the common plight of humankind  Marked a challenge to modernity  Ideas of sustainability and restraint entered global discussions

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