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Why Do Ethnicities Clash & What is Ethnic Cleansing?

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1 Why Do Ethnicities Clash & What is Ethnic Cleansing?

2 Why do ethnicities clash? 1. Ethnicities compete in civil wars to dominate national identity 1. Ethiopia & Eritrea 2. Sudan 3. Somalia *Area referred to as the ‘Horn of Africa’ 2. Problems result from division of ethnicities among more than one state. 1. Sri Lanka

3 Ethiopia& Eritrea Both were Italian colonies (Eritrea – 1890, Ethiopia – 1930s) Post WWII – Ethiopia given independence and control of Eritrea Bans local language Dissolves Eritrean legislature Eritrea fights for independence 1961-1991 Est. 665,000 refugees fled to Sudan

4 1991 – Eritrean rebels defeat Ethiopian army 1993 – Eritrean independence 1998 – border dispute between the 2 countries; violence restarts (tens of thousands killed) 2000 – Ethiopia wins disputed area

5 Eritrea and Ethiopia Today Ethiopia – 3 major ethnic groups Amharic/Coptic Christians in the north Muslims in the south (Oromo, 40% pop.) Eastern Orthodox in the far north (Tigres) Eritrea – 5 million ppl 9 ethnic groups (split between Muslim and Christian) remain largely united b/c of common fight against Ethiopia

6 Sudan 40 million ppl Civil war since 1980s between 2 ethnicities Black Christians & Animalist rebels (S) Arab-Muslim dominated gov’t forces (N)

7 The North/South Geography of Sudan North Sudan Arabs Muslims Urbanized Ties to Egypt Dry South Sudan Blacks Christians and animists Farmers Ties to Chad, Uganda, Kenya Tropical, lush rainforests

8 Cont’d…. Gov’t adopted laws that segregate sexes in public Single sex schools Weddings/parties/picnics Buses Female athletes 2 million+ Sudanese died during civil war & 1 million forced to migrate (North or to Ethiopia) As religion-based civil war was winding down, an ethnic war erupted in Darfur 400,000 dead (black Africans) 2 million displaced

9 Facts & History of Sudan Large, poor country Independence in 1956 from Britain Civil Wars 1956-1972 N & S at war over control of central gov’t 1984-2005 Central gov’t (Arab Muslim dominated) trying to assert power over South (black Christians and animists) Imposition of Shari’a law Discovery of oil Accord in 2005 called for autonomy in the south and power sharing in nat’l gov. South Sudan gained independence in 2011

10 Somalia 9m people, 6 major groups/clans Seem unified on surface: Sunni Muslim Somali speaking

11 Somalia 1990s – traditional means of control disturbed; warring clans, Somaliland declares independence from rest of country, but not recognized Collapse of government, refugees 1992 – 300,000 die from famine and war (mostly women & children)

12 Somalia 1992 – U.S. send troops to help with food distribution and to take weapons from armed militias 1994 – Peace talks collapse and U.S. troops withdraw 2011 – 2 missed rainy seasons lead to worst drought in E Africa in decades = 150,000 deaths Today – still conflict ridden causing continued migration

13 Sri Lanka 20 million ppl Ethnicities in Sri Lanka Sinhalese are 74% of pop. Buddhists Came from N. India Southern portion of island Tamils are 18% of pop. Hindus Came from S. India Northern part of island

14 Colonial Control to Independence Conflict had been suppressed by Europeans, who controlled Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) until 1948 (2,000 year old conflict, held off for 300 years of colonial rule) Sinhalese held most of the gov’t, military and economic power after independence Fighting began in 1983, 60K have died

15 Tamils Want More Power Tamils wanted more power and fight for it 1993 – Assassinated Sinhalese president 1999 – Wounded next Sinhalese president Ceasefire declared 2002, but frequently broken by both sides

16 Ethnic Cleansing Process by which a more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one in order to create an ethnically homogenous region Men & women children & elderly Not simply to defeat them as in traditional ways (war) Term created in 1990s

17 Former Yugoslavia North – part of Austria- Hungary Empire South – part of Ottoman Empire After WWI, created Yugoslavia out of a mix of ethnicities who spoke similar South Slavic language Serbs & Croats majority 1953 – 1980 - stability (submerged ethnic animosities) Communist dictator Joseph Tito keeps harmony

18 Ethnicities in Yugoslavia ETHNICITIES Red = Albanians Green = Bulgarians Orange = Croats Green = Hungarians Brown= M acedonians Yellow = Montenegrans Purple = Muslims Green = Serbs Purple = Slovaks Lavendar = Slovenes

19 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 7 neighbours (and very diverse ones!) 6 republics 5 recognized nationalities 4 official languages 3 major religions 2 alphabets 1 currency

20 Breakup of Yugoslavia After Tito’s death, old animosities resurfaced In 1990s, move to 5 independent countries – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Yugoslavia (Montenegro in 2006)

21 PROBLEMS! Ethnicities don’t match national lines exactly.

22 What happens? Yugoslavia abolished in 2002 and renamed Serbia and Montenegro (became independent in 2006) Serbs make up 2/3 of population Dominate gov’t and economy Bosnian ethnic cleansing Kosovo ethnic cleansing

23 Bosnia Ethnic Makeup 48% Bosnian Muslim 37% Serb 14% Croat Serbs and Croats want to reunite with Serbia and Croatia Ethnic cleansing by Bosnian Serbs against Bosnian Muslims especially severe

24 Resolution of the Bosnian Conflict 1996 – Dayton Accords Divide Bosnia into 3 regions Serbs Receive ½ the country though 1/3 of population Ethnic cleansing has “paid off” Croats Receive ¼ of country though 1/6 of population Muslims Receive ¼ of country though 44% of population before ethnic cleansing

25 Kosovo Region in Serbia Ethnic makeup 90% Albanian

26 Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo During Tito’s rule, Albanians were given autonomy in Kosovo 1999 – Serbs take full control and undertake ethnic cleansing of Albanians Led by Slobodan Milosevic Forced 750K of 2 million ethnic Albanians into refugee camps, mostly in Albania

27 Resolution in Kosovo NATO attacked Serbia in 1999 & stopped bombing when Serbia withdrew soldiers from Kosovo UN has been protecting Kosovo since Milosevic put on trial for genocide and “crimes against humanity” Dies in cell because of a heart attack, March 2006

28 Balkanization = The process by which a state breaks down due to ethnic conflict Led to WWI After communism, Balkans are “balkanizing” again

29 Rwanda Ethnic Divisions Hutus (farmers) Tutsis (herders, taller, more “elegant,” lighter skin, thinner noses) BUT, no real difference between the ethnicities - TODAY = 84% Hutu, 15% Tutsi Colonizers created differences More power traditionally given to the Tutsis Germany Belgium

30 Rwanda’s Demography Densely populated 7 million people Life expectancy = 48 years old; 2.7% of country is 65+ 60% below poverty line

31 Rwanda History of Conflict 1962 Rwanda gains independence; Hutus kill Tutsis on a massive scale so Hutu tribe gets new gov’t’s power (Tutsis flee) 1990-1993 Tutsis rebels, the Rwandan Patriotic Front, invades Rwanda Leads to 3 year civil war Cease fire between Rwandan gov’t (Hutu) and RPF (Tutsi) is signed; known as the Arusha Accords UN peacekeepers arrive to support power transition negotiated in Accords

32 Rwanda History of Conflict 1994 – Plane goes down killing Rwandan president (who signed the Arusha Accords) Believed to be shot down by Hutu extremist Within 24 hours, Prime Minister also murdered along with 10 Belgium UN Peacekeepers Sparked 3 month slaughter of Tutsis Rwandan Army (Hutus) and a Hutu militia known as the Interahamwe Kill Tutsis and “sympathizer” Hutus


34 International Response UN withdrew peacekeepers Could not intervene b/c they were there to KEEP peace, not MAKE peace Foreigners evacuated Tourists Embassy workers Aid workers (though some stay – Red Cross) Genocide? State Department trying to “define” legally


36 End of the Genocide Killings continue for 3 months 800,000 killed in 100 days July 1994 – Killings end when the RPF (Tutsi militia) reignite civil war Overthrow Hutu leaders Take control of the country and capital (Kigali) Rwandan gov’t and Hutus flee over the border

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