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M Y O NLINE CODE I’ve learned a lot about computers and the internet in the past couple years and I know to stay safe, but have fun.

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Presentation on theme: "M Y O NLINE CODE I’ve learned a lot about computers and the internet in the past couple years and I know to stay safe, but have fun."— Presentation transcript:

1 M Y O NLINE CODE I’ve learned a lot about computers and the internet in the past couple years and I know to stay safe, but have fun.

2 S TAY S AFE I know… Not to talk to strangers. Not to give out personal information. Not tell people my passwords. Only go on safe websites. Ask my mom if it’s okay to sign up for a website. (Webkinz, Club Penguin, Family Channel ;) )

3 VIDEOGAMES A lot of people swear in video games, like Call Of Duty, Grand Theft Auto and for my sister, Mario Kart. Most games are not appropriate for kids, but parents still buy their kids the M rated games. Honestly, I’ve played Grand Theft Auto a bit and Halo once, but I stick to the safer games like Zelda, Mario and Animal Crossing. I understand the appeal though, it’s fun to pretend to shoot guns, even if it’s through a video game and its not real, but sometimes it leads to people actually living out their dreams. There have been way to many school schootings lately, and I’m sure most of them are because of video games.

4 F ACEBOOK Facebook was created in 2005 for college students, but it soon became a social network for everyone. Everyone goes on it to talk to people or to play games. A lot of people who arnet supposed to go on it do. I learned not to add random people and message/chat random people. I always go on facebook, and some people are annoying.

5 C YBER B ULLYING There has been so much suicide lately and it’s almost all because of cyber bullying, like Amanda Todd. Cyber Bullying can lead to depression, which can lead to cutting which can lead to ending their own lives. People cyber bully because most of them are too scared to bully in reality. People bully because their insecure or to get back at people. But there shouldn’t be any bullying at all. But cyber bullying is the worse, people black mail you, make fun of you, everything.

6 I WONT … Talk to strangers.. Give out personal information.. Swear or be inappropriate… Play M rated games until I’m old enough.. Start drama online and on games….

7 D ON ’ T T ALK TO S TRANGERS Don’t talk to strangers online. Don’t add them on facebook or anything like that. I mean, I ask people stuff on tumblr and retweet stuff on Twitter, but I never ever give out personal information. And no one else ever should. People can blackmail you, hurt you, kill you… anything.


9 P OPULAR WEBSITES / APPS Facebook Instagram Twitter Pintrest Tumblr WeHeartIt BBM Youtube Myspace Kik Snapchat


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