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Culture Society Attitudes and Values Leisure

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1 Culture Society Attitudes and Values Leisure
The Victorian Era Culture Society Attitudes and Values Leisure



4 After the Rebellions of 1837
Rush of Immigration Most new immigrants were British Isles Made the French a smaller minority

5 1841 Act of Union Unified Upper and Lower Canada into The Province of Canada English the Official Language Canada East and Canada West in Government

6 Who Were the Victorians?
They were British Decedents who shared the values of those back in Britain Shared values, styles, activities, prejudices Proud of Britain’s empire Did not want a multicultural society!

7 Quality of Life Social Class determined a person’s quality of life
Social class and standing determined by father’s job Middle Class were wealthy people yet not aristocrats

8 Class Based Society Poor Middle Class Usually English
Lived in big, fancy homes Had servants Life was easy The rich get richer Immigrants- Scottish and Irish 1-2 bedroom homes Worked long hours 6 days a week Not paid well No vacations No employment insurance No health care

9 Religion in the Colonies
Christianity was the official religion French/ Irish- Catholic Scottish-Presbyterian Upper and Middle Class (English) Anglican Small Jewish Population

10 Why was Religion Important to Colonists?
The church was an extension of the community- very close! Involved in: Social events Charities Education Missionary work

11 Victorian Attitudes and Values
Stressed hard work and personal success Valued modesty, manners, wealth, and duty Proud of the British Empire Strong Navy

12 Materialistic Valuing material possessions and physical comfort above all else -spent money on fashion and homes Like the real housewives but much more modest!

13 Leisure Activities Games Shows Sports Billiard halls
Whist (4 person card game) Checkers Shows Circus Concerts Medicine Shows dances Sports Bare-knuckle boxing Swimming for fun Bear baiting

14 Leisure Travel Expanded after 1850 because: Trains popular because:
Infrastructure grew Railways and steamships developed Trains popular because: Cheap tickets All classes could afford it

15 Media The Newspaper was the only media in Victorian Canada
By 1800 every town had at least 1 newspaper Used by politicians Advertised products

16 Newspapers different from today!
No: Sports Section- except boxing and horse racing Personal Ads Comics Photos

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