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Presentation on theme: "BUILDING A NATION 1840-1867 THE FATHERS OF CONFEDERATION."— Presentation transcript:


2 AFTER THE REBELLIONS English surpassed French Canada west outgrew Canada East. –Toronto merged as a dominate city. The British became less interested in its colonies. –Canada became responsible for $ and development. The idea of a united Canada appeared. –Intercolonial railway. –American threats American Civil War

3 IMMIGRATION For The Wealthy – life was good. –education, few taxes, fancy houses, servants. For The Poor – struggled to make a living. –1-2 room cottages, poverty, poor wages, long hours, no EI, no health care,no gov’t assistance. NOTE – The majority of immigrants came from Scotland & Ireland.

4 VICTORIAN ATTITUDES AND VALUES QUEEN VICTORIA Reign 1837-1901 Dressed In Black - Mourning

5 NEW AGE OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE MEDICAL DISCOVERIES Aspirin Antibiotics Antiseptics X-rays Vitamins Hormones Germs Microscope Vaccinations DISEASES Cholera Smallpox Typhoid Fever Influenza Tuberculosis Killed Millions Smallpox

6 LEISURE AND TRAVEL Barn Raisings Traveling Sideshows Ceilidhs Scottish Parties Medicine Shows Bear Baiting

7 LEISURE AND TRAVEL Steam Travel Railways Bare Knuckle Boxing Sarah Bernhardt Newspapers

8 BUILDING A NATION “….the scheme as a whole has met with almost universal approval.” J.A. MacDonald, 1864 THE REALITY – Almost as many people opposed union as favoured it. Some politicians had been dreaming of Confederation – the union of the colonies of BNA into a federation.

9 What is Confederation? A confederation (or confederacy), is a permanent union of political units for common action in relation to other units. Usually created by treaty but often later adopting a common constitution, confederations tend to be established for dealing with critical issues (such as defense, foreign affairs, or a common currency), with the central government being required to provide support for all members.

10 Canadian Confederation Canadian Confederation was the process by which the federal Dominion of Canada was formed on July 1, 1867. On that day, three British colonies became four provinces of the new dominion. The existing Province of Canada was divided into the new provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and two other colonies, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, also became provinces of the Dominion of Canada.

11 Why was Confederation Necessary? 1.War and Expansion in the US – Lincoln wanted to invade BNA for supporting the South during the American Civil War & American ideal of Manifest Destiny. 2.Fenian Raids – Irish settlers in the US who hated British rule. 3.Trouble with Trade – BNA had a preference of trade with Britain, but Britain esta free trade with any country. 4.Need for Rail Links – to trade within colonies.

12 5.Changing British Attitudes – Little Englanders believed the colonies were a burden to Britain. 6.Political Deadlock – Assembly was made up of even number of representatives from Canada West and East. People wanted Rep by pop.

13 BUILDING A NATION Central gov’t control defence, currency, postage, taxation, foreign affairs, etc. Economic stability. –Britain already repealed Corn Laws (exclusive trade privileges). –US to end Reciprocity Treaty / Free Trade. –Steam, hurt ship building industry. Intercontinental RR. USA threats / Manifest Destiny –American Civil War – Fenian Raids Stable responsible government. –Break “deadlock”/ Coalition gov’t. PROSCONS -French feared loss of culture. -Many preferred Brt. control. -safety and $$$. -Weaken Brt. Empire??? -Maritimes felt no benefits. -RR to PEI???? -Colonial & US trade already established.(??) -Soldiers to protect the west. -Idea of colonies governing was new => nobody knew how it would work.

14 THE CONFERENCES CHARLOTTETOWN CONFERENCE 1864 The Maritimes met to discuss union. Ended up agreeing to meet to discuss confederation. QUEBEC CONFERENCE 1864 Here the delegates planned the birth of a new nation, Canada.The 72 Resolutions laid the foundations of the federation.

15 THE BNA ACT CANADA’S CONSTITUTION 1867 CANADA’S FOUR PROVINCES Ontario, Nova Scotia, Quebec, New Brunswick GOVERNMENT NATIONAL UI, Postal, Census, “Indians” Fisheries, Currency, Criminal Law, Trade and Commerce PROVINCIAL Prov. Tax, Forests, Prisons, Hospitals, Municipal, Saloon Licences, Courts


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