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The French Revolutions and Napoleon. The French Revolution Begins.

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1 The French Revolutions and Napoleon

2 The French Revolution Begins

3 Content Vocabulary Estate Taille One of the three classes into which French society was divided before the revolution: the clergy (first estate), the nobles (Second Estate), and the townspeople (Third Estate) An annual direct tax, usually on land or property, that provided a regular source of income for the French Monarchy

4 The French Revolution Begins Content Vocabulary Bourgeoisie Consumer Sans-culottes The middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people “Without breeches,” members of the Paris Commune who considered themselves ordinary patriots, the fine knee-length breeches of nobles The people in an economic system that buys and uses goods and services

5 The French Revolution Begins Government overspending and a bad harvest forced the French King, Louis XVI, (16 th ) clergy and nobles – to pay, taxes for the first time. They refused. They attempted to raise taxes on the lower classes. The Third Estate of commoners demanded new rights. How is this like politics today?

6 The French Revolution Begins The Third Estate proclaimed itself the National Assembly and drafted a constitution. In Paris, a crowd stormed the Bastille; in the countryside, peasants rose up

7 The French Revolution Begins Inspired by the English Civil War and the American revolution’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution, the National Assembly in Paris responded by issuing the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen The constitution of 1791 set up a limited monarchy. The Legislative Assembly passed a law subjecting priests of the Catholic Church to state control

8 The French Revolution Begins Louis XVI and his family were imprisoned after attempting to flee France. The French decided to invade Austria in order to prevent a suppression of the French Revolution

9 Radical Revolution and Reaction

10 Parisian Radicals demanded universal male suffrage and a republic. A new government, under the influence of the radical Jacobins, voted to execute the king

11 Radical Revolution and Reaction French citizens were called to arms. A radical dictatorship, the Committee of Public Safety led by Robespierre, ruled and began to execute “enemies of the state” during a year-long Reign of Terror

12 Radical Revolution and Reaction French armies defeated their enemies, and Robespierre’s radicalism led to his own execution. A moderate government, the Directory, oversaw military victory but could not solve France’s economic problems

13 The Rise of Napoleon and the Napoleonic Wars

14 Content Vocabulary Consulate Nationalism Government established in France after the overthrow of the Directory in 1799 The unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols

15 The Fall of Napoleon and the European Reaction Content Vocabulary Electors Coup d’etat An individual qualified to vote in an election A sudden overthrow of the government

16 The Rise of Napoleon and the Napoleonic Wars Napoleon overthrew the Directory and ruled as emperor. He also preserved important ideals of the revolution

17 The Rise of Napoleon and the Napoleonic Wars Napoleon created a bureaucracy and centralized government. He modernized the legal system through his Civil Code, and made peace with the Catholic Church

18 The Rise of Napoleon and the Napoleonic Wars New alliances developed during the Enlightenment Period. The desire to keep power balanced in Europe caused war to break out in Europe, India, and North America

19 The Rise of Napoleon and the Napoleonic Wars Abroad, French conquests spread ideas of liberty and equality

20 The Fall of Napoleon and the European Reaction

21 Content Vocabulary Liberalism Which King was in power during the French Revolution? What French Document was based on the US Constitution A political philosophy originally based largely on Enlightenment principals, holding that people should be as free as possible from government restraint and that civil liberties – the basic rights of all people – should be protected King Louis the XVI The declaration of the rights of Man

22 The Fall of Napoleon and the European Reaction Content Vocabulary Conservatism Principal of Intervention A philosophy based on tradition and stability, favoring obedience to political authority and organized religion they want to keep things the same or turn back the clock to earlier times Idea that great powers have the right to send armies into countries where there are revolutions to restore legitimate governments

23 The Fall of Napoleon and the European Reaction The Continental System that Napoleon enacted to block trade with Britain failed when allied countries Russia, Austria, and Prussia disregarded the system

24 The Fall of Napoleon and the European Reaction The invasion of Russia contributed to Napoleon’s downfall. When Russian armies retreated east, French armies were stranded in Moscow. Napoleon’s final defeat occurred in 1815 at the Battle of Waterloo

25 The Fall of Napoleon and the European Reaction The Congress of Vienna on 1814-1815 created peace in Europe. Former rulers were restored to power. Victorious powers supported conservatism – an ideal rooted in tradition – but new beliefs of nationalism and liberalism were forces for change in the 1800s

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