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必修一 A night in the mountains 阅读理解. what do you think you should take with you for your trip?

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Presentation on theme: "必修一 A night in the mountains 阅读理解. what do you think you should take with you for your trip?"— Presentation transcript:

1 必修一 A night in the mountains 阅读理解

2 what do you think you should take with you for your trip?

3 something to eat: something to drink: something to wear: something to use: bread chocolate cookies fruits water juice cap coat raincoat can openers water bottle compass radio flashlight tent map

4 合作探究 question1 : How did Wang Kun and Wang Wei feel about the autumn in Tibet? Cold. 1.Because it was snowing. 2.Cyclists looked like snowmen. 3.Their legs were heavy and cold that they felt like blocks of ice. 4.Along the way children dressed in long wool coats

5 question 2: Could you please describe the wonderful scenery which surprised them? 1.cycling through cloud 2.the shining lake

6 question 3: What did they see and do in the valley? see: colorful butterflies flying around us yaks and sheep eating green grass do : changed coats,caps,gloves and trousers for T-shirts and shorts

7 question4:I n the evening and after supper what did they do,see and feel? do: made camp put up tent see: clearer shy brighter stars feel: they could hardly wait to see their cousins

8 当堂检测 the test in the class Believe youself ! You can do it!

9 snow sunset cloud stars stars made camp ﹡﹡﹡ butterflies put up tent ﹡﹡﹡ shining lake sheep jaks clearer sky ﹡﹡﹡ valley brighter stars ﹡﹡﹡ hardly wait cyclists: snowmen changed clothes their legs: heavy and cold children: in long wool coat botttles: frozen 当堂检测


11 旅游海报

12 靖边波浪谷 芦靖湖旅游区 统万城遗址 壶口瀑布

13 share our harvest 分享我们的收获 knowledge ability feeling

14 Thank You! Goodbye

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