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PBIS Shane Whitener, Emily Miller, Lynn Evans, Kelly Pugh, Hannah Smith, Jessica Cooke.

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Presentation on theme: "PBIS Shane Whitener, Emily Miller, Lynn Evans, Kelly Pugh, Hannah Smith, Jessica Cooke."— Presentation transcript:

1 PBIS Shane Whitener, Emily Miller, Lynn Evans, Kelly Pugh, Hannah Smith, Jessica Cooke

2 Clip System ▪ -All students start their day on Ready to Learn ▪ -Students move clips up and down as necessary during the day ▪ Students should be going above and beyond what is expected of them to be moved to the “Way To Go” and the “Super Student” chart. The goal is for them to constantly have something to work towards ▪ If a student moves into “Teacher’s Choice”, then you may decide what the consequence is, but please remember that walking at recess is not an option 


4 Data and Report Cards ▪ If students ends the day on “Super Student” or “Way to Go” they earn 1 point. ▪ If student ends the day on “Teacher’s Choice” or “Parent Contact” then it is recorded on the data sheet and is counted as a negative. ▪ Each students points are tallied at the end of the nine weeks


6 Super Achievers Wall

7 Rewards ▪ Tickets – Teachers will collect tickets in their classrooms. Each Thursday, teachers will pull 1 ticket and send the name for Mr. Whitener to announce on the announcements. Teachers will then pull a second ticket for an in-class reward. ▪ Pups – Will meet monthly (2 per class k-2) with Mr. Whitener

8 BARK Cards ▪ Gold – All 4 &5’s on Report Card – Exceeds in all Character areas – No more than 3 absences and 3 tardies – No office referrals – M in all special areas ▪ Silver – 3, 4, &5’s on Report Card – Exceeds in 4 out of 6 character areas – No more than 3 absences and 3 tardies – No office referrals – M in special areas

9 VIS These are students who are not performing at grade level and DO NOT receive services from EC, ESL, OT, Speech ▪ Emily Miller will share a GoogleDoc with all VIS listed ▪ Each staff member needs to select at least 4 students to check in with on a weekly basis! When you select your students, place your name under the “Buddy Teacher” column. ▪ Please select students who you DO NOT already have a relationship with. Remember, the more meaningful relationships a child has, the more successful they will be! ▪ Once you have your class list, please claim any of your current students by placing your name under the 2015-2016 Teacher column so Buddy teachers kn0w where to find their VIS’s ! Ways to check-in with students -Stop in their classroom 1 time per week during your planning. -Eat breakfast with them in the morning. -Have them “check-in” with you 1 time per week. -Have them “check-out” with you 1 time per week. -Find out what they do outside of school and go 1 time -Stick a note on their desk or in their locker when they don’t expect it!

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