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The Looking Glass Wars Essay

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1 The Looking Glass Wars Essay

2 The Prompt Blue, the caterpillar, tells Alyss, “’Everything you have experienced up until now has had to be if you are to become the strongest queen Wonderland has ever known. It has been necessary to forge in you the wise and judicious temperament that will guide you as protector of the Heart Crystal’” (Beddor 285). How has Alyss changed as a result of her experiences? How have these changes prepared her to take back her queendom?

3 Thesis Complete the following framed thesis statement: In The Looking Glass Wars, Frank Beddor uses (The Concrete- Literary Element) to (Marker Verb) Alyss from a(n) (How is she described in the beginning of the novel?) into a(n) (How is she described at the end of the novel?) so that she can (The abstract – What is the purpose in having Alyss change?).

4 Paragraph #2 How is Princess Alyss characterized in the beginning of the novel?

5 Paragraph #3 After being betrayed by Reverend Charles Dodgson, how does Alyss change?

6 Paragraph #4 The Looking Glass Maze is a rite of passage for Alyss. Through this experience and others upon her return to Wonderland, Alyss changes. How have the changes prepared her to take back her queendom?

7 The Introduction Paragraph
The first paragraph in a paper that introduces your topic and thesis statement Contains 3 main parts: Attention-Getter / Hook The Situation Thesis statement

8 A Visual Think of the introduction paragraph as an upside down triangle. General Attention Getter Situation Thesis Statement Specific

9 Attention Getter / Hook
The very first sentence(s) that gets the reader’s attention and makes them want to read more VERY general introduction of the topic Some options: Shocking statistic Startling story Quotation Setting the scene

10 Attention Getter / Hook
Shocking statistic There are roughly 400,000 children in the US foster care system. Startling story Imagine being trapped in a strange world. In a world that knew you only as Alice in Wonderland. In a world that refused to believe that you were really Princess Alyss Heart, protector of the Heart Crystal. Quotation “I'm stronger than you are, Redd.” “For most of the universe's life is not all gummy wads and tarty tarts; is a struggle against hardship, unfairness, corruption, abuse, and adversity in all its guises, where even to survive - let alone survive with dignity - is heroic. To soldier through the days in the wake of failure is the courageous act of many.” Setting the scene Alyss Heart watched the Inventors’ Parade with fleeting interest. She was unaware that it was the last Inventors’ Parade she would watch for more than thirteen years.

11 The Situation The sentences between the attention-getter and thesis statement Describes/summarizes the situation in the book. Includes the title and the author.

12 The Thesis Statement The most important sentence in the paper
Last sentence of introduction paragraph Tells exactly what the paper will be about Sometimes, it will present the order of the supporting material that will be in the paper

13 The Conclusion Paragraph
The last paragraph in an essay that neatly wraps up the paper Contains 3 main parts Restate the thesis Lead-out Clincher

14 A Visual Think of the Conclusion as a triangle. Specific
Restatement of Thesis Summary Clincher General

15 Restate the thesis Summarize the thesis without repeating yourself
The most specific part of the conclusion Should include a transition to indicate that this is your concluding paragraph

16 The Summary Makes the topic larger to become more general and less specific Summaries the main arguments of your essay. (Restating your topic sentences.)

17 The Clincher Last sentence of the last paragraph
Give the paper finality Similar to an attention getter because it should make the reader think and leave an impression Most general part of the conclusion paragraph

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