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Personality The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character It is all the qualities that make someone interesting.

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Presentation on theme: "Personality The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character It is all the qualities that make someone interesting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personality The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character It is all the qualities that make someone interesting


3 Nature vs. Nurture Human Behavior

4 Nature: It’s genetic You were “born that way” It is inherited from
one or both parents Has anybody ever told you you act like your dad? That is a nature component- you got it from a relative Ex. My grandparents tell my younger brother he acts like my Uncle Kevin who died long before Zach was born.


6 Nurture: It’s environmental
You’ve acquired it because of life experiences and circumstances What are some environments that may impact how your personality develops?


8 Nature vs. Nurture Worksheet
Look back at your personality characteristics you wrote down and label each one as nature (Na) or nurture (Nu). Make a list on the board of nature and nurture traits. Why did you label them as you did? Do you think your personality is affected more by NATURE or NURTURE?

9 In reality, your personality is affected by both
Personality is affected by genes (nature), individual choices, and environment (nurture)

10 Check for understanding
In the discussion of nature vs. nurture, nurture refers to: That which is inherited/genetic All environmental influence and experiences

11 Siblings ( Siblings
“…in terms of personality, we are similar to our siblings only about 20 percent of the time. Given the fact that we share genes, homes, routines and parents, this makes no sense. What makes children in the same family so different?” ( Siblings (

12 Theory One: Divergence
“Siblings want to separate from each other” I was in choir, speech, theater– my sister became good at sports

13 Theory Two: Environment
"Children grow up in different families because most siblings differ in age, and so the timing with which you go through your family's [major events] is different. “Children in the same family are rarely treated the same by their parents”

14 Theory Three: Exaggeration
“Families are essentially comparison machines that greatly exaggerate even minor differences between siblings” Kelsey is the crabby one

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