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400 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 600 Antebellum Presidents What? Industrial Revolution.

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2 400 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000 200 600 Antebellum Presidents What? Industrial Revolution Baker’s Choice IDS

3 - What was John Tyler’s nickname and why? Row 1---100 Question

4 - “His accidency” – never wanted to be VP and when Harrison dies, he becomes President – so he accidently becomes President and never wanted to be. Row 1---100 Answer

5 - What was Andrew Jackson’s nickname? Row 1---200 Question

6 - Old Hickory Row 1---200 Answer

7 - What was the historical significance behind the 1824 Presidential Election? Row 1---300 Question

8 - None of the candidates won the majority in the electoral college for the first time in history Row 1---300 Answer

9 - What statesman played a critical role in creating and passing the 1820 Missouri Compromise? Row 1---400 Question

10 - Henry Clay Row 1---400 Answer

11 - How did Andrew Jackson win the election of 1828? Row 1---500 Question

12 - Campaigned as the “common man’s” president to attract the average American to vote for him Row 1---500 Answer

13 - Who wrote the first American dictionary and why? Row 2---100 Question

14 - Noah Webster – to create a more modern English for America (make US look smarter) Row 2---100 Answer

15 - Why did more voters go to the polls and vote in the 1828 election instead of the 1824 election? Row 2---200 Question

16 - Legislation was passed that dropped the land owning requirement in order to vote before the 1828 election. Row 2---200 Answer

17 Row 2---300 Question - What Indian tribe won its right to become an individual political authority in the Worcester v. Georgia Supreme Court case?

18 - Cherokee Indians Row 2---300 Answer

19 Row 2---400 Question - What two major bodies of water are connected by the Erie Canal?

20 - Northern Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean Row 2---400 Answer

21 - Free Moral Agency was the major concept promoted during this movement to push for societal reform. Row 2---500 Question

22 - 2 nd Great Awakening Row 2---500 Answer

23 - What major factor was the critical stimulus for the growth of domestic American markets in the first half of the 19 th century? Row 3---100 Question

24 - Better transportation networks (National Road, Erie Canal) Row 3---100 Answer

25 - In the first half of the 19 th century, American manufacturers main advantage over the British mills was they had more access to __________ ____________ Row 3---200 Question

26 - Natural Resources Row 3---200 Answer

27 - Who replaced the Lowell Mill workers when they refused in the 1830s to work until conditions improved? Row 3---300 Question

28 -Irish immigrants - (who were very poor and would work for cheap. Causes social problems between native born americans and immigrants) Row 3---300 Answer

29 - Which two groups made up the most immigrants coming to America during the 1820s and 30s? Row 3---400 Question

30 -Irish (left because of potato famine in Ireland) -Germans (left because of political unrest) Row 3---400 Answer

31 - What invention spurred the growth of agriculture in the Midwest in 1840s? Row 3---500 Question

32 - The steel plow (Deere) Row 3---500 Answer

33 - A system of labor using young women recruited from farm families to work in factories. The women live in company boardinghouses with strict rules and curfews Row 4---100 Question

34 - Waltham-Lowell System Row 4---100 Answer

35 - The dramatic increase between 1820 and 1850 in the exchange of goods and services in the market transactions Row 4---200 Question

36 - Market Revolution Row 4---200 Answer

37 - The mercantilist program of national economic development advocated by Henry Clay and adopted by John Quincy Adams, with a national bank to manage the nation’s financial system. Row 4---300 Question

38 - American System Row 4---300 Answer

39 - American transcendentalist who was against a government that supported slavery; He started the movement of civil disobedience Row 4---400 Question

40 - Henry David Thoreau Row 4---400 Answer

41 - A highly organized group of insiders that directs a political party. Usually corrupt. First started by Martin Van Buren Row 4---500 Question

42 - Political Machine Row 4---500 Answer

43 - What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? Row 5---100 Question

44 - Short Row 5---100 Answer

45 - A man drives to a hotel and when he arrives he becomes bankrupt. Explain. Row 5---200 Question

46 - He was playing monopoly. Row 5---200 Answer

47 - To whom do all men take their hats off to? Row 5---300 Question

48 - A barber Row 5---300 Answer

49 - What is the greatest Pearl Jam song ever? Row 5---400 Question

50 - Yellow Ledbetter by Pearl Jam Row 5---400 Answer

51 - A man was shot to death while in his car. There were no gun powder marks on his clothing which indicates the shooter was outside the car. However all the windows were up and the doors were locked. The only bullet holes found were on the body of the victim. How was he murdered if this is so? Row 5---500 Question

52 - The man was in a convertible with the top down. Row 5---500 Answer

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