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P ROJECT O VERVIEW Company Health Challenge Super Computer Services, Inc. Your Name.

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Presentation on theme: "P ROJECT O VERVIEW Company Health Challenge Super Computer Services, Inc. Your Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 P ROJECT O VERVIEW Company Health Challenge Super Computer Services, Inc. Your Name

2 P ROJECT G OALS Improve the health of employes Improve morale Increase productivity Improve company image

3 D ESCRIPTION Challenge employees to adopt a healthy lifestyle Provide free health screenings Provide time for exercise during the work day Provide exrcise equipment for employees to use during designated times Provide access to health information Provide incentives for positive outcomes

4 T ECHNOLOGY Employees will have access to health software Access health information Track progress New fitness equipment will be available on site Allow employees to exercise without leaving the campus

5 S CHEDULE Exercise room will be renovated in November and December Program information will be distibuted in December E-mail Web site Company newsletter Program will begin January 1

6 C URRENT S TATUS Health Challenge committee has been created Project has received positive feedback from employees Exercise room is on-track Communications are on target Software decisions need to be made

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