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Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 1 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Content Vocabulary support system mentor conflict.

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1 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 1 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Content Vocabulary support system mentor conflict violence feud mediator tolerance communication assertive passive aggressive

2 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 2 << BACK NEXT >> HOME A person’s friends can form a strong support system, which can be a great help in times of need. support system A network of individuals or groups with which one identifies and exchanges emotional support

3 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 3 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Your support system may include family members, neighbors, school friends, members of a sports team, people in a religious organization, a mentor, an advisor, a therapist, or self-help group members. mentor A wise person who gives advice or assistance

4 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 4 << BACK NEXT >> HOME An emotionally healthy person functions well in the following three areas: –In relation to self. –In relation to others. –In relation to society.

5 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 5 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Assertive communication and conflict resolution strategies can often prevent the escalation of conflicts. Dealing with Conflicts

6 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 6 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Whether you are at home, at school, at work, or out with friends, situations that occur can be settled without conflict. Dealing with Conflicts conflict A struggle or opposition between people, especially when people compete for something in the belief that only one can have what he or she wants, at the expense of the other

7 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 7 << BACK NEXT >> HOME It is important to learn to how to manage your emotions so the conflict doesn’t lead to violence. Dealing with Conflicts violence Brutal physical force, intended to damage or injure another

8 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 8 << BACK NEXT >> HOME A mediator can step in to help with a conflict before it turns into a feud. Dealing with Conflicts mediator A neutral third person who helps two people in conflict feud A bitter, continuing hostility, often involving groups of people

9 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 9 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Trust or tolerance can be forever lost unless someone stops the conflict. tolerance Accommodation and acceptance of differences between oneself and others Viewing the “Enemy” Dealing with Conflicts

10 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 10 << BACK NEXT >> HOME To resolve a conflict, both parties should: –Desire a solution. –Strive for a win-win outcome. –Honor the relationship. –Be flexible but firm. Strategies for Resolving Conflicts Dealing with Conflicts (continued)

11 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 11 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Be sincerely apologetic (if appropriate). Show courage. Be open-minded. Strategies for Resolving Conflicts Dealing with Conflicts

12 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 12 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Your style of communication is very important during a conflict. communication A two-way exchange of ideas or thoughts Assertive, Not Aggressive, Communication Dealing with Conflicts

13 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 13 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Being an assertive communicator is most effective when dealing with conflict. assertive To possess the characteristic of appropriately expressing feelings, wants, and needs while respecting those of others Assertive, Not Aggressive, Communication Dealing with Conflicts

14 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 14 << BACK NEXT >> HOME A passive communicator does not clearly express feelings, while an aggressive communicator is overly demanding. passive Not expressing feelings appropriately aggressive To be overly demanding of others Assertive, Not Aggressive, Communication Dealing with Conflicts

15 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 15 << BACK NEXT >> HOME A mediator meets with both parties in conflict, but does not take sides. The mediator helps identify facts and issues that are common to both parties. The Mediator’s Role Dealing with Conflicts

16 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 16 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Rejection is a risk of forming new friendships, but the risk is worth taking. Forming New Relationships

17 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 17 << BACK NEXT >> HOME When approaching new people remember the word SOFTEN, to remind you of what to do: Smile Open posture Forward lean Touch Eye contact Nod Forming New Relationships

18 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 18 << BACK NEXT >> HOME When meeting new people, remember these helpful hints: Tell of your own feelings and ask about others’ feelings. Show interest and listen closely. Forming New Relationships

19 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 19 << BACK NEXT >> HOME What is a support system? support system A network of individuals or groups with which one identifies and exchanges emotional support Section Review: Reviewing the Vocabulary

20 Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 2 Relating to Others Chapter 2 Emotional Health 20 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Define mediator. mediator A neutral third person who helps two people in conflict Section Review: Reviewing the Vocabulary

21 Home End of Chapter 2 Section 2

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