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Aim: Why was the Declaration of Independence written? Do Now: What was the enlightenment? What were some of the enlightenment ideas? Homework:

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Why was the Declaration of Independence written? Do Now: What was the enlightenment? What were some of the enlightenment ideas? Homework:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Why was the Declaration of Independence written? Do Now: What was the enlightenment? What were some of the enlightenment ideas? Homework:

2 I. The Declaration of Independence A. Preamble (Introduction) states the purpose of the Declaration Why was the Declaration of Independence written?

3 B. Statement of Democratic Principles 1. all men are created equal 2. certain unalienable rights 3. government gets authority from people 4. people can change government when it becomes destructive Why was the Declaration of Independence written?

4 C. Grievances against King D. Concluding Statement/Resolution 1. declared complete break Why was the Declaration of Independence written?

5 Remember… 1. Main idea of Declaration of Independence and Constitution – governments should be based on the consent of the governed 2. Declaration of Independence states that people have the right to overthrow an oppressive government 3. The main purpose of the Declaration is to justify the colonists’ revolt against England 4. First man to sign Declaration – John Hancock 5. John Locke contributed to the Declaration

6 Summary Can you answer the aim?? Why was the Declaration of Independence written?

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