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Unit 9 Ch. 22-23 By Anjelica Nojadera, Janus Bungag, Justin Norwood, & Samuele Frausto.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 9 Ch. 22-23 By Anjelica Nojadera, Janus Bungag, Justin Norwood, & Samuele Frausto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 9 Ch. 22-23 By Anjelica Nojadera, Janus Bungag, Justin Norwood, & Samuele Frausto

2 I.The France of Napoleon III (A)Second Napoleonic Empire (B)Crimean War II. National Unification (A)Italy (B)Germany III. National Building & Reform (A)Russia & Austria (B)Great Britain

3 Second Napoleonic Empire ➢ Napoleon III’s Reign (1852-1870) ➢ Legislative corps appeared as representative government ➢ Industrial expansion ➢ Better conditions for working class

4 Crimean War ➢ Russia demanded protection of shrines ➢ Ottomans refused ➢ Britain, France, and Ottomans declared war ➢ Tsar Nicholas I died ➢ Alexander sued for peace ➢ Treaty of Paris

5 Italy ➢ Piedmont would lead for unity ➢ Camillo di Cavour ➢ Napoleon allied with Piedmont ➢ Provoked invasion in April 1859 ➢ Giuseppe Garibaldi ➢ Both avoided civil war

6 Germany ➢ Prussia formed Zollverein ○ Otto von Bismarck ○ Realpolitik ○ Army Appropriations bill ➢ Danish war (1866) ○ Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein ➢ Austro-Prussian war (1866) ○ Bismarck isolated Austria

7 ➢ Franco Prussian War ○ Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen on Spanish throne ○ Bismarck edited telegram note ○ Declared war on July 15, 1870 ○ Unity achieved

8 Russia & Austria ➢ Tsar Alexander II ➢ Emancipation edict (March 3, 1861) ➢ Zemstvos ➢ Emancipation of September 7, 1848 ➢ Alexander von Bach (1813-1893) ➢ Reichstat ➢ Ausgleich or compromise

9 Great Britain ➢ The Reform act of 1832 ➢ Economic growth ➢ Whigs/Liberals ➢ Tories/Conservatives ➢ Benjamin Disraeli

10 IV. Industrialization & Marxism (A) Industrialization (B) Marxism V. Science and Culture in an Age of Realism (A) Science & Health Care (B) Charles Darwin (C) Realism

11 Industrialization ➢ Period of industrial expansion ➢ Growth of railroads ➢ Trade unions ○ Improved working conditions ○ Reasonable wages

12 Marxism ➢ Communist Manifesto (1848) ○ Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels ➢ Belief in revolution of the proletariat ➢ Dictatorship of proletariat ➢ Classless society greater wealth for all

13 Science & Health Care ➢ Louis Pasteur’s germ theory ○ Pasteurization ➢ Pre-bacteriological hygiene movement ➢ Separate medical schools for women

14 Charles Darwin ➢ On the Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) ○ Animals evolved over time ○ Theory of natural selection ➢ The Descent of Man (1871) ○ Humans have animal origins

15 Realism ➢ Realistic view of the world ➢ Rejected Romanticism ➢ Artists were interested in the natural environment ➢ Depictions of urban poor & brutalization of human life

16 The Stonebreakers by Courbet

17 VI. Growth of Industrial Prosperity (A) New Products (B) New Markets (C) New Patterns in an Industrial Economy. (D) Women Job Opportunities (E) Working Classes

18 New Products ➢ Steel ○ Steel replaces iron ➢ Electricity ○ Many new inventions ➢ Internal Combustion Engine ○ New energy source

19 New Markets ➢ Focus on Consumer Products ○ Department Store ➢ Cartels

20 New Patterns in an Industrial Economy ➢ German Industrial Leadership ➢ European Economic Zones

21 Women Job Opportunities ➢ White Collar Jobs ➢ Prostitution

22 VII. Emergence of Mass Society (A) Population Growth & Emigration (B) Transformation of Urban Environment (C) Social Structure of Mass Society (D) Women & Family (E) Education & Leisure

23 Population Growth & Emigration ➢ European Population Increase (1850-1910) ➢ Booming economies in U.S = Euro. Migration (1906-1910)

24 Transformation of Urban Environment ➢ Improved Living Conditions ○ Public Health Act (1875) ➢ Housing Needs ○ House Crisis ➢ Redesigning Cities ○ Urban population expanding ○ Construction of trains

25 Social Structure of Mass Society Elite Class ➢ 5% of population and controlled 30-40% of wealth ➢ Wealth shift to upper middle class Middle Class ➢ Made up of Professionals ➢ Low middle class ➢ White collar workers Lower Class ➢ 80% of Euro population ➢ Had values of the middle class

26 ➢ Women remained inferior to men ➢ Middle Class Family ○ Men worked while women stayed at home ○ New view on child play ➢ Working Class Family ○ Daughter worked until marriage ○ Higher standard in living Women & Family

27 Education & Leisure ➢ Education ○ Secondary schools ○ Mass education ➢ Mass Leisure ○ New work hours ○ Tourism

28 VIII. The National State (A) Reforms in Britain (B) Third Republic of France (C) Spain & Italy (D)Eastern Europe

29 Reformers in Britain ➢ William Gladstone (1880-1885)

30 Third Republic of France ➢ Commune ○ 1871 Republican form Commune ➢ Constitution of 1875 ○ Established Republican form of Government

31 Spain & Italy ➢ Spain ○ Generation of 1898 ○ Revolts in Barcelona ➢ Italy ○ Corruption ○ Universal suffrage in 1913

32 Eastern Europe ➢ Austria-Hungary ○ Dual Monarchy ➢ Russia ○ Absolute Monarchy


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