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Conversation. 51. M1: How’s your daughter doing after her surgery? M2: She’ had a hard time of it, but she comes home tomorrow. M1: That’s good. If it’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Conversation. 51. M1: How’s your daughter doing after her surgery? M2: She’ had a hard time of it, but she comes home tomorrow. M1: That’s good. If it’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conversation

2 51. M1: How’s your daughter doing after her surgery? M2: She’ had a hard time of it, but she comes home tomorrow. M1: That’s good. If it’s all right, I’ll stop by to see her in a few days when she’s feeling better.

3 52. W: My ankle is killing me! I need to see a doctor. M: Are you in that much pain? W: Yes, I think it’s sprained.

4 53. M: I’d like to have rubber soles and heels put on those shoes. And perhaps you can replace the laces for me. They look like they’re about to break. W: Sure. Could you pick them up on Wednesday? M: Wednesday would be fine, thank you.

5 54. M: Aren’t these nice tomatoes? Oh, and look at these strawberries! W: They look delicious. This shop has the best fruits and vegetables in town. M: I know. I always do my shopping here.

6 55. M: I need some DX film for this camera. M: We have only this one brand. Do you want 24 or 36 exposure? W: Twenty-four, I guess. Better give me two rolls.

7 56. M: I’d like to reserve a table for six people at seven thirty. W: I’m sorry, sir, we’re fully booked beginning at six, let’s see …. I don’t have anything until nine o’clock. Would you want that? M: Yes, I suppose so if that’s all you have.

8 57. W: What type of light fixture should we install in the bathroom? M: I like the track lighting we were looking at yesterday. W: I do, too. If you agree, we’ll go with that. I’ll tell the electrician to put it in.

9 58. W: How can I become a member of this club? M: If a membership’s available, you don’t have to be recommended or voted on. All you have to do is put up the club dues. If the membership’s closed, for a small fee you can put on the waiting list. W: All memberships should be so easy.

10 59. W: Did you do anything over the weekend? M: I stayed home and worked around the house. How about you? Did you do anything interesting? W: Yes, as a matter of fact, I took my two boys camping. We left Saturday morning and got back Sunday night.

11 60. M1: Did you hear Bill didn’t make it into the state swimming finals? M2: Oh, that’s too bad! What did he swim? M1: The hundred-meter butterfly. That’s his best event, but he just wasn’t up to the competition.

12 61. W: Where can I find a good antique shop around here? I need a bureau. M: You might try O’Donnell’s in Hillsboro. They’re supposed to be reputable. W: Oh, yes. Someone else mentioned them to me several weeks ago. I’ll have to visit their shop.

13 62. M: How’s your house painting coming? W: Just fine, but I could use some help with the ceilings. They’re hard to reach. M: I can help you on Saturday if you can wait that long.

14 63. M: As you can see from these plans, the house will face south. W: Good. That means the living room will have southern exposure and will get plenty of sun. M: That’s the idea. And so will the master bedroom, here, upstairs.

15 64. M: Are you busy this weekend? I’d like to get together, maybe Saturday afternoon. W: My schedule’s open. That’d be fine. M: Great. I’ll call you Saturday morning and we’ll make plans.

16 65. W: I read that play received terrible reviews. M: Oh? Why was that? W: It was not good to begin with, but then it was very poor directed. The only good thinks about it was the cast.

17 66. W: Would you like to go out to a movie tonight? M: Sure. Do you mind if Sam comes along with us? W: Not at all. I think he’d enjoy what’s playing.

18 67. M: Is this where I report lost luggage? W: Yes. This is it. First can I have your name and flight number? Then I’ll get some other information. M: Hawkins John, Air U.K. flight 051.

19 68. W: Would you like something to drink during the flight? M: Yes. Coffee, please. Can you tell me when we’re scheduled to get in? W: At one o’clock but we’re already 15 minutes behind schedule and we can expect to lose even more time.

20 69. W: Here’ s your room bill, sir, listing all charges made to your room. M: You charge extra for local calls? Ordinarily, that’s just a service of the hotel. W: Yes, sir. I’m sorry about that but it’s hotel policy.

21 70. M: Did you notice that all the leaves have fallen from the trees? W: Yes, I guess that means winter’s on its way. M: I think so. I saw a few snowflakes yesterday.

22 71. W: I didn’t realize it was raining out. Could I borrow your umbrella? M: Yes, but I’ll need it back by 11.30. I have to go to a luncheon today. W: Oh, I’ll be back long before that. Thank you.

23 72. M: Did you look in the white pages for the number of Jake’s Jewelry? I know it’s not in the Yellow Pages. W: Yes, I couldn’t find it there, either. M: Then let’s call information. They’re bound to have it.

24 73. M: This map is so confusing! I can’t even find the City Hall. W: You’re right. That one’s terrible. Here, look at mine. M: Ah, this is much better! Everything is clearly marked.

25 74. M: I’d like to check out these three books. I’m going on vacation. Would it be possible to keep them for three weeks? W: I think so. May I see your library card? M: Yes, here it is.

26 75. M: I’m calling about your ad in the paper for a desk clerk. W: Did you have hotel experience? M: Yes, I worked two years in a small hotel as a front desk manager.

27 76. M: Everybody says it’s a good time to buy a house. W:Yes. Prices are down and interest rates are low. M: That may be, but it still takes a lot more money than we have.

28 77. W: Did you hear about Mike selling everything and going off to live in mountains? M: No. When did he do that? W: Two months ago. He said that life in the city was too hectic.

29 79. W: Where are you going to take your visitors when they get here? M: I was going to take them to the theater, but my barber said that there’s no place to take visitors. He told me to take them to a casino! What do you think? W: I don’t like to say so, but your barber may be right.

30 79. M1: Have you ever thought about retiring? M2: Yes, I’ve considered it. M1: Me, too. But you know I’d worry about how I could pay my bills without working.

31 80. W: Those machines outside are awfully loud. M: They sure are. I can hardly hear myself think. W: Here. I’ll close the window. That should help some.

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