What are various examples of asexual reproduction? What are the advantages and disadvantages to this type of reproduction?


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Presentation transcript:

What are various examples of asexual reproduction? What are the advantages and disadvantages to this type of reproduction?

2 Mastery Objectives To explain major characteristics of asexual reproduction To describe several examples of different types of asexual reproduction To describe the relationship between mitotic cell division and asexual reproduction To identify and describe several advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction 2

Do Now: If a parent cell contains 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will the daughter cells contain following mitotic cell division? How does the genetic material of the daughter cells compare to the parent cell? 3

What is asexual reproduction? Reproduction that involves one parent and results in one or more offspring that are genetically identical to that parent 4

What are some characteristics of ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION? No sex cells No sex organs – no ovaries or testes Mitosis used Offspring are clones No variation





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What are some advantages to asexual reproduction? No need to find a mate Numerous offspring can be produced 11

What are some disadvantages to asexual reproduction? Lack of genetic variation Same genetic info (DNA) = same weaknesses If the environment changes, could be deadly to all individuals One pathogen could wipe out an entire species 12