Student Growth Measures ODU Leadership Conference June 19, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Student Growth Measures ODU Leadership Conference June 19, 2014

Student Achievement Goals  Are typically set by teachers with pre-test data or other entry level data with a corresponding end of year measure  Must address growth for every student  Is set in collaboration with the principal or approved by the principal  Should be monitored regularly (quarterly or mid year & year end)  Has three levels: exceeded, met, did not meet (goal)

Student Achievement Goal Table

Teacher Goal Rating Rubric More than 50% of students exceeded goals and no more than 10% did not meet goals. Exemplary At least 80% of students met or exceeded goals. Proficient More than 50% of students met or exceeded goals; AND less than 50% of students did not meet goals Developing More than 50% of students demonstrated low growth Unacceptable

Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs)  SGPs measure student growth from one year to the next in comparison with an academic peer group.  The peer group is made up of students with the same SOL score on the grade level test in math or reading.  Like other percentiles, SGPs range from 1 to 99.  Higher numbers represent higher growth and lower numbers represent lower growth.  The state has divided them into low, moderate & high growth

Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs)  SGPs are provided for students in grades 4 – 8 in reading and math and for first time Algebra 1 students.  SGP data is published in fall by the VDOE and has to be put into tables showing the percentage of students in the low, moderate, and high levels of growth.  Divisions need to label students with missing data and include this percentage on the tables.  Teachers must have two consecutive years teaching the same subject and grade level and must have taught at least 40 students.  The SGP data has a caution flag if more than 10% of the data is missing.

Sample SGP Table

SGP Rating Rubric More than 50 percent of students demonstrated high growth and no more than 10 percent demonstrated low growth Exemplary At least 65 percent of students demonstrated moderate or high growth Proficient < 65 percent of students demonstrated moderate or high growth; AND < 50 percent of students demonstrated low growth. Developing > 50 percent of students demonstrated low growth Unacceptable Fine Print: It’s all fine until you see the percentage of missing data

The dreaded logic model for missing data… AKA: What has 9 questions, requires mathematical computation, is a stepwise decision-process model and may still leave you without a valid rating at the end?

SGP LevelsSOL Proficiency Levels MathematicsLowModerateHighMissing Passing scores (proficient or advanced) Failing Scores Proficient Scores Advanced Proficient Scores Total Students Total SGP Tables: Logic Model SGP LevelsSOL Proficiency Levels MathematicsLowModerateHighMissing Passing scores (proficient or advanced) Failing Scores Proficient Scores Advanced Proficient Scores Total Students %22%35% 91%9% 30% 61%100% %24%40%32%72%28% 56% 16%100% Total6%23%38%33%81%19%44%38%100% These tables illustrate how data from mathematics assessments for two years may be viewed to support making determinations based from SGP data. 10

Calculating Rating: Logic Model Question Response (Yes/No) Action 1.Do 90 percent or more of students taught have SGP data? 33 percent missing SGP data Yes Use percentages and pre-defined criteria to make SGP-based determinations. √ No Continue 2.Do more than 50 percent of students taught demonstrate low growth? 6 percent low growth  Yes Rating=Unacceptable √ NoContinue 3.Do 50 percent or more students taught demonstrate high growth and fewer than 10 percent demonstrate low growth? 38 percent high growth and 6 percent low growth  Yes Exemplary determination is possible. Due to more than 10 percent missing data, it may not be possible to finalize a determination. √ No Continue SGP Levels (N for two years = 48)SOL Proficiency Levels MathematicsLowModerateHighMissing Passing scores (proficient or advanced) Failing Scores Proficient Scores Advanced Proficient Scores Total Students Total6%23%38%33%81%19%44%38%100% 30

Calculating Rating: Logic Model Question Response (Yes/No) Action 4. Add the percentage of students earning moderate or high growth (moderate + high). Is this total 65 percent or higher? 23% + 38% = 61% Yes; Rating is Proficient or higher. Add % high+% missing % high + % missing is less than 50 Determination is proficient. % high + % missing is greater than 50: Determination is proficient or higher. Continue. √ No Continue SGP LevelsSOL Proficiency Levels MathematicsLowModerateHighMissing Passing scores (proficient or advanced) Failing Scores Proficient Scores Advanced Proficient Scores Total Students Total6%23%38%33%81%19%44%38%100%

SGP LevelsSOL Proficiency Levels MathematicsLowModerateHighMissing Passing Scores (proficient or advanced) Failing Scores Proficient Scores Advanced Proficient Scores Total Students Total6%23%38%33%81%19% 44% 38%100% Missing Data: Logic Model Question Response (Yes/No) Action A.If all of the students who have missing data showed high growth, would at least 50 percent of students show high growth (add percentage of students with high growth and missing data)? 38% + 33% = 71% √ Yes Rating continues to be undetermined  No Exemplary rating is not possible. The data support a rating of Proficient or lower. B. If all students who have missing data showed moderate growth, would 65 percent or more show moderate or high growth (add percentage of students with moderate growth, high growth, and missing data)? 23% + 38% + 33% = 94% √ YesRating continues to be undetermined  No Data support a rating below Proficient, but it is not clear whether the rating would be Developing/Needs Improvement or Unacceptable. C. If all students who have missing data showed low growth, would 50 percent or more students demonstrate low growth? 6% + 33% = 39%  Yes Rating is undetermined √ No The data support a rating above Unacceptable, but the specific rating may not be available. D. Use information above to further narrow rating if possible. Here are two examples:  If answers to questions A and C are NO, the data support a rating of either Proficient or Developing/Needs Improvement. The rating would not be Exemplary or Unacceptable.  If the answer to questions A and B are NO, and the answer to question C is NO, the rating must be Developing/Needs Improvement, as the other ratings are not possible.

HCS SGP Rating Calculator  Saves time, reduces frustration, and keeps principals from quitting…

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