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SGP What is it and where did it come from?.

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Presentation on theme: "SGP What is it and where did it come from?."— Presentation transcript:

1 SGP What is it and where did it come from?

2 What is it? Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs) are a measure to assess educators of students in grades 4 through 8 that take the NJ ASK Math or Language Arts test.

3 Do I need to worry about SGPs?
Currently, ONLY educators that teach mathematics or language arts in grades 4 through 8 need to worry about SGPs.

4 NO! So….. I teach HS Social Studies. I teach kindergarten.
I teach second grade language arts. I teach Algebra II in high school. Do I have to worry? NO!

5 SGPs for students DO NOT indicate proficiency therefore
SGPs for students measure their growth, or improvement, from one year to the next.

6 How are SGPs derived? Each student is given their own SGP based on two things: Their improvement from their previous year’s NJ ASK score and; The range that his/her academic peers (students with similar score histories) throughout the State scored. SGPs for students are based on 1% to 99%. A decrease in score from one year to the next will result in a low, positive, growth percentage.

7 How are my student SGPs related to my mSGP?
The median score of all your students’ SGPs becomes your mSGP provided: You have at least 20 separate students enrolled in your class for at least 70% of the time prior to NJ ASK. You must teach at least 60% of the time prior to the NJ ASK.

8 Misconceptions vs. Reality
SGPs are based on how well my students score. SGPs measure a student’s growth. I have a few students that don’t try and this will hurt my score. More than 20 scores are needed and the median is used. I teach special ed., my score will suffer if they don’t do well on tests. SGPs are based on progress compared to academic peers.

9 Once your mSGP is determined, it is then converted to a scale of 1 to 4.
In our example, the mSGP of 73 converts to a evaluation rating of (The conversion chart can vary from year to year.)

10 For further information, please visit:

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