一、可以接过去分词作宾补的动词: 1 .表感知的动词: feel , see , hear , watch , smell , taste , notice , observe , find 等。如: I heard the song sung in our school . Can you smell.


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Presentation transcript:

一、可以接过去分词作宾补的动词: 1 .表感知的动词: feel , see , hear , watch , smell , taste , notice , observe , find 等。如: I heard the song sung in our school . Can you smell the food burnt ? 2 .表使役的动词: have , make , get 如: Speak a little louder to make yourself heard by us all . We should work harder to get the work done on time .

3 .表保持某种状态的动词: keep , leave 等。如: While you were out , you should keep your doors and windows closed . It is bad manners if he left the door broken after he broke it . 4 .表愿望,想法的动词: want , should like , would like 等。如: I want my eggs fried . I ’ d like Li Lei invited , too .

【试题 2 】 As we joined the big crowd , I got ______ from my friends ( NMET01 ) A . separated B . Spared C . lost D . missed 【试题 1 】 The Olympic Games , ______ in 776B . C ., did not include women players until 1912 ( NMET'97 ) A . first playing B . to be first played C . first played D . to be first playing

【试题 3 】 I don't know the restaurant , but it is ______ to be quite a good one .( NMET '94 ) A . said B . told C.spoken D . talked 【试题 4 】 The first textbook ______ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century .( NMET '94 ) A . having written B . to be written C . being written D . written

【试题 5 】 Most of the artists ______ to the party were from South Africa ( '90 ) A . invited B . to invite C . being invited D . had been invited 【试题 6 】 The computer , ______ last year , is very popular among the students in this school .( NMET'93 ) A . open B . opening C . having opened D . opened

【试题 7 】 Cleaning women in big cities usually get______ by the hour .( NMET'98 ) A . pay B . Paying C . paid D . to pay 【试题 8 】 Have you read the news in today's newspaper ? This news sounds______ .( MET'85 ) A . Encouraging B . encouraged C . encourage D . to encourage

1 . The young man seems to be ______ in law . A . interesting B . interested C . Interest D . being interested 2 . It's nothing to get ______ about it . A . excite B . exciting C . excited D . being excited 【实践演练】

3 . He told me about the things ______ at the meeting . A . to discuss B . being discussed C . Discussed D . to be discussed 4 . A metal ______ uranium gives off a kind of radiation . A . called B . calling C . is called D . which called

5 . The water in this glass is too hot . I prefer some cold ______ water . A . to boil B . having boiled C . Boiling D . boiled 6 . It's a pleasure to watch the face of a ( n ) ______ baby . A . asleep B . sleep C . sleeping D . slept

7 . This is the building ______ during the Qing Dynasty . A . built B . to be built C . building D . being built 8 . The clock ______ yesterday doesn't work well . A . being bought B . bought C . to buy D . to be bought

9 . The problem just ______ is an important one . A . to be referred to B . referred to C . referring to D . referred 10 . It is ______ that he didn't pass the physics exam . A . surprise B . surprised C . to surprise D . surprising