By Tyler Fogelson & Delaney Marrs
Color/Description- Black or Red, pigmented coat with loose skin. Size-Height/Weight- Males weigh up to 18oo-2ooo Females weigh up to 11oo-12oo Horned/Polled- Polled Maternal/Terminal- Many breeders are using terminal sites over their Brangus female herd. Gender Difference- The female contributes a live calf and a milk supply to take advantage of the growth potential of their calves genetics. Breed Characteristics
Origin- They were first originated in India then moved to Scotland then to Louisiana to get experimented on. Import Date- 193o & The experimenting started 1942 Crossbreeding- 3/8 Brahman & 5/8 Angus Who Developed/Imported- India, Scotland, Louisiana Life Span- is about 13 years. Purpose- To produce Meat. History
Nutrition- Grass, Hay Herd Identification- System One (This system utilizes a three-or four-digit number for each animal. The first number represents the year of birth. The remaining numbers represent the individual animals own number. Ex. 221or2021 2= year of birth, 12 21or 021= individual animals number Disease Prevention/Vaccination- Pinkeye from horn, stable and face flies. Foot Rot- lameness and swelling of feet inflammation of the coronary band and skin between Dairy Care
the hooves Treatment for foot rot is disinfect affected area and keep watered and feeders well drained. Habitat Requirements- Open field preferable grassy Cost- $3ooo to $5ooo for a mature bull
Digestive System- the bodily system concerned with the ingestion, digestion, and absorption of food. Respiratory System- The respiratory system is involved in the intake and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between an organism and the environment. Nervous System- The nervous system is a complex collection of nerves and specialized cells known as neurons that transmit signals between different parts of the body. Skeletal System- Anatomy
Circulatory System- The circulatory system is the continuous system of tubes through which the blood is pumped around the body. Reproductive System- The reproductive system is a collection of organs that work together for the purpose of producing a new life. Muscular System- Provides movement in conjunction with the skeletal system Important in life support Helps heat the body
Breed Registrations- Accurate genetic information is the cornerstone of a sound breeding program, and Total Herd Reporting (THR) provides the truest and most complete performance data available for calculating genetic information. As a result of THR the IBBA will soon be able to provide additional genetic measures for reproductive traits. Resale Value- They sell them twice the amount they bought them for. Production Techniques
Meat Cuts- Meat Production