5 Effective Slogans 金融國企二甲 499411200 劉敬亭. McDonald's I’m loving it. Although it is not a correct grammer, everybody can think about it as long as he or.


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The Most Effective Slogans
Presentation transcript:

5 Effective Slogans 金融國企二甲 劉敬亭

McDonald's I’m loving it. Although it is not a correct grammer, everybody can think about it as long as he or she heard the music and he or she can be associated with the slogans and hamburgers.

NIKE Just do it. As long s there is person running or playing sports and it capture the shoes, then you my think it is NIKE or Adidas, however, at the time you see “just do it” then you will think about NIKE.

Adidas Impossible is nothing. With the positive slogan, people may feel happy as long as they buy this products.

MUJI No brand brand. MUJI is famous for Its simple designs and nice products. It’s really eco-friendly.

AVON 比女人更了解女人 顯示出專業性,使用 此標語,可以讓消費 者感到放心去使用此 產品。