Evaluation grid. 1.1 Territorial representativeness Goal:to assess the territorial (and institutional) relevance of the applicants within their national.


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Presentation transcript:

Evaluation grid

1.1 Territorial representativeness Goal:to assess the territorial (and institutional) relevance of the applicants within their national frameworks. What:to verify if the applicant meets the requirements set in the project concept in relation to: Geographical scope. Applicant should be able to disclose results and impacts in the whole eligible national area. (e.g. ministries, regional bodies of those territories of higher relevance/impact for the project, etc.) Competence. Applicant should hold a nationally recognized relevance in relation to the matters addressed by the strategic project (e.g. national centers of excellence, highly relevant regional bodies for the addressed sector, etc. 2. Selection requirements

1.2 Institutional role Goal:to assess the capacity of the applicants to propose, set up and implement policies/strategies for the territories and sectors addressed by the strategic projects. What:to verify if the applicant meets the requirements set in the concept in relation to: Legislative/implementing power in the country (e.g. capacity to deliver rules, to address policy makers, etc.); Role of the candidate as an authority managing EU/national funds of relevance for the project (e.g. objective 1 or 2 Funds, agricultural/environment/research funds, etc.); 2. Selection requirements

1.2 Institutional role What (continue): Participation of the candidate in local partnerships of Structural Funds Operational Programmes (i.e. territorial/socio-economic bodies participating in one or more MCs) (ref to art. 11 of Reg. 1080/2006); depending on the concepts contents, role as key player in implementing large investments and/or services on a wide area (e.g. bodies implementing large scale/infrastructural projects, bodies delivering services of environment or health nature, etc.). 2. Selection requirements

1.3 Capacity of target groups and stakeholders mobilization Goal:to assess the capacity of the applicants to attract and mobilize the target groups and relevant stakeholders addressed by the strategic projects. What:to verify if the applicant meets the requirements set in the concept in relation to: capacity to address policy makers/ stakeholders not involved as PPs (mandatory for those Project Partners not having policy making relevance as in point 1.2); capacity to mobilize the endogenous potentials of the addressed actors/territories (e.g. key players in territorial/socio-economic animation actions); for stakeholders associations, degree of representativeness (e.g. % of adhering target groups/stakeholders). 2. Selection requirements

2. Transnational dimension Goal:to assess the transnational relevance of the applicants in EU- and CENTRAL EUROPE-wide networks of relevant actors on the topics addressed by the strategic projects. What:to verify if the applicant has: active role as member of transnational networks, e.g. EU- technology platforms, thematic networks (ERA-NET), EU- wide sector or institutional associations, territorial aggregations with transnational dimension (associations of entities with geographical scope), permanent partnerships (beyond specific cooperation projects), etc.; commitment in institutional agreements of transnational character and of relevance for the strategic project (e.g. international protocols of intent, permanent bilateral/multilateral cooperations, etc.). 2. Selection requirements

3. Awareness raising and spreading of achievements Goal:to assess the capacity of the candidate partners to reach a wide audience, beyond the addressed target groups/ stakeholders, and also in other regions/countries. What: to verify if the applicant meets the requirements set in the concept in relation to: its institutional role and capacity to manage dissemination/awareness raising initiatives/campaigns (e.g as territorial animator); the availability of resources and skills for spreading the project results at national (and international) level beyond the partnership; the availability of own communication tools (e.g. newsletters, website, media channels, etc.); the availability of structured and proven media contacts. 2. Selection requirements