NOV. 19, 2015 BPA Meeting
Nov. 19– BPA Meeting Meeting called to order Roll Call- be sure you have signed-in Stand and recite the BPA Pledge: Pledge: We are met in a spirit of friendship and goodwill as we prepare for careers in a world-class workforce. We work together to develop professionalism and leadership through Business Professionals of America and pledge our loyalty to our nation.
Honor Chord Requirements Seniors only! To receive an honor chord, you must successful complete the following: Attend 90% of Meetings Participate in Fund Raisers Participate in Community Service Project Compete in the BPA Regional Competition in January
Competition Select your competition today. Complete the registration form. You may select 1 individual and 1 group. ( formhttp:// $15 /refundable fee will be due Nov. 20!- TOMORROW This is refundable only on the day you attend competition and ensures your attendance. - CASH ONLY! Competition: January 30, Dubuski High School- MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
Fundraiser Fundraiser: Popcorn Sales will begin tomorrow (Nov. 20 th ) Pick up your popcorn tomorrow and take home for the Thanksgiving Break. Each member must sell at least 5 bundles. Incentive: for every 5 bundles sold= $5.00 off cost of your BPA T- shirt. Sell 5 bundles= $5 T-shirt discount Must sell increments of 5 to receive discount. (ex. sell 8 bundles = $5 T-shirt discount ; not $8 discount) ALL POPCORN MONEY DUE BY Dec. 3! No excuses!
T-shirt T-shirt Sales: $15.00 – cash or money order only. Complete the T- shirt order form. Popcorn sales can go toward the cost of your t- shirt. All popcorn money must be turned in to apply towards your t- shirt. DUE by Nov. 20 Dec. 3 (Next meeting)Complete the T- shirt order form.
Community Service Bring unwrapped toy Deadline:, If the toys can be delivered by December 11 th or 12 th Drop off with Ms. Johnson or Ms. Fields Unwrapped NEW toy for boy and a girl. 4 to 12 years Christmas Party for kids See Brianna Myers for further details. NOTE: You must complete an application form before participating in this event. (Christmas Party event)application
State Information T-shirt Design Contest To design the logo for the State Leadership Conference special event t-shirt. The winner will receive a free t-shirt, a certificate, and $25.The winner will be recognized at the Special Recognition Ceremony at SLC. To design the logo for the State Leadership Conference special event t-shirt. The winner will receive a free t-shirt, a certificate, and $25.The winner will be recognized at the Special Recognition Ceremony at SLC. Pin Design Contest To design a state BPA pin to exchange at the 2016 National Leadership Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. The top winners will each receive a pin (at NLC), a certificate, and $25. The winner will be recognized at the Special Recognition Ceremony at SLC. To design a state BPA pin to exchange at the 2016 National Leadership Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. The top winners will each receive a pin (at NLC), a certificate, and $25. The winner will be recognized at the Special Recognition Ceremony at SLC. See Ms. Fields or Ms. Johnson for application and details.
Next Meeting Date Thursday, Dec. 3 rd - After School- Rm :45 pm) Be sure to pick up pass to attend the day before or the day of the meeting. You must have a pass in order to remain in the building after school. BPA Officers- Be sure to schedule an officer meeting weekly before the next scheduled group meeting. (this can be without sponsors- just let us both know what is discussed)