Collaboration Among Developing Countries, Partner States, and International Organizations in Building Statistical Capacity for National Accounts: The UK.


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Presentation transcript:

Collaboration Among Developing Countries, Partner States, and International Organizations in Building Statistical Capacity for National Accounts: The UK DFID- Funded GDDS Project for Anglophone Africa Prepared for discussion by IMF and World Bank Joint Eurostat-UNSD Conference on International Outreach and Coordination in National Accounts for Sustainable Growth and Development Luxembourg May 6-8, 2008

DFID-GDDS Project of Anglophone Africa2 International Commitments and Frameworks General Data Dissemination System (GDDS) projects for Anglophone Africa  Funding agency United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID)  Executing agencies IMF World Bank

May 6-8, 2008DFID-GDDS Project of Anglophone Africa3 International Commitments and Frameworks GDDS projects for Anglophone Africa  GDDS Phase I 15 countries Participation in the General Data Dissemination System  Macroeconomic and socioeconomic datasets  Metadata only  GDDS Phase II 22 countries Execution of GDDS plans for improvement and National Strategies for Statistical Development (NSDS) Data production and institutional capacity

May 6-8, 2008DFID-GDDS Project of Anglophone Africa4 GDDS Phase II Modular approach  Inventory packages of statistical outcomes participating TA collaborators can help provide, as a menu from which countries can select, based on national statistical development strategies Modules formed from consistent topical structures that facilitated interagency coordination  NSDS, incorporating GDDS and Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF) concepts (IMF)  Statistical production schema (World Bank)

May 6-8, 2008DFID-GDDS Project of Anglophone Africa5 GDDS Phase II Institutional policy ICTRegisters and frames SurveysIntegration frameworks Dissemination Management systems (WB) GIS (WB) Population statistics (WB) Agriculture statistics (WB) Labor statistics (WB) Financial statistics (IMF) GFS (IMF) National accounts (IMF) GDDS and SDDS (IMF)

May 6-8, 2008DFID-GDDS Project of Anglophone Africa6 National accounts module – Expected output Improvements in the coverage and currentness of GDP (integration framework) through maximum use of existing data sources, especially those currently underutilized, in addition to improving existing surveys; and Improvement in relevance of GDP by rebasing to the most recent year allowed by available data sources.

May 6-8, 2008DFID-GDDS Project of Anglophone Africa7 Context and purpose of the National Accounts module – use of available sources for integration framework Household income and expenditure surveys and related surveys for measuring poverty:  These are an important source for compiling final household consumption, income and subsistence production; Value added tax:  An important administrative source for improving the business register and estimates of industry output and value added; Government accounts:  These data on actual government expenditures (rather than budget estimates) are the primary source for estimating activities of the government sector; and Banking data:  These data are critical to estimating financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM).

May 6-8, 2008DFID-GDDS Project of Anglophone Africa8 Capacity requirements for participating countries Module emphasizes the need for adequate planning and resource provision (see also SDDS/GDDS/ PRSP module. Needed national resources:  Collection of data from underutilized sources and improvement of existing surveys require a minimum of two technical staff part time for a small economy and more in the case of a large economy.  Management should express a commitment to providing these resources as work on the module begins and remain involved in continuing to identify statistical needs and priorities and for supporting their staff where needed (e.g. ensuring continued access to administrative data from other ministries).

May 6-8, 2008DFID-GDDS Project of Anglophone Africa9 Planned execution of the module Regional workshop covering  The use of survey data in the national accounts;  The data needs and priorities for surveys and administrative sources;  Technical aspects of rebasing the accounts;  Specific project outcomes for each country and a plan to achieve them (planning and sampling, follow-up, data analysis)  Discuss the staffing and other inputs, potential funding sources. Technical assistance missions addressing  Improving existing surveys and in exploring the increased use of administrative data A closing workshop confirming the achievement of the planned outputs and identifying common problems.