LIBRARY AND JSEC Job Service Employers Committee Library works with the Committee to identify and provide trainings for the Business Community (chamber, Economic Development, Bank, VA, Holly Sugar, Hospital HR…) Provides local training for Library Staff Library is kept “in the loop” as to community/business needs Committee advises on collection purchases Library provides resource lists for trainings Library Receives PR
JSEC Some of our Latest Projects: -Job Opportunity and Career Fair last fall -January partnered with the Chamber to bring in a speaker for their banquet and a customer service workshop -Working with agencies for another Day Care; even offering start up funds
FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER Supporting and Encouraging Healthy Families Located in the Library Advisory Board (Judge, Youth Court, District II Drug and Alcohol, Boys and Girls Club, Mental Health, Health Nurse…) Parenting Classes and Library Materials- Personal finance, communication, Parenting and Anger Management, Good Food on Less Money Find what families may need for Workforce skills Library has a “hands on” night
LIFE-LONG LEARNING ACTION GROUP Library co-chairs LLL with Job Service Part of County Growth Long Range Plan and Growth Policy Committee Annual State of the Community Conference results in LLL Action Group; Conference helps provide public feedback
LLL Action Group Includes Library, Job Service, Extension, Health Department, Adult Literacy, E.D. Jones, Hospital HR, Economic Development, Dawson CC, Williston College, Chamber, RSVP, etc. Meet quarterly; 2 Face to Face, two by Google Group
LLL ACTIVITIES Identifying all trainings that are currently being provided (Who, What, When, Where) Identify trainings needed, who can provide(Holes?); Yearly calendar Developing a Speakers Bureau Developing a meeting room list Maintain and LLL WIKI
RICHLAND COUNTY LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES WIKI One Stop Portal for all LLL beyond K m/w/page/ /FrontPage