Talent 21: Part 1 By Preston Phommathep, Ben Pham, and Sammy Corsou
Reuse Start reusing lunchboxes instead of using paper bags. Use rechargeable batteries instead of no rechargeable batteries. Reuse bags by going to the store with the same bag and put all the stuff you need in the bag over and over. Reuse plates by washing them and stop using paper plates Wear your older brother or sister clothes instead of buying new ones.
Reduce Start saving electricity by turning off the lights in a room when you are done and always unplug your cell phone chargers when you are done using it. Carpool with your friends and family to save gasoline. Start taking shorter showers to save water and turn off the water when blushing your teeth.
Recycle Start recycling plastic, paper, and aluminum instead of throwing it into the trash cans. Did you know that plastic can stay in the landfill for more than 100 years! Recycling paper will decrease the amount of trees being cut a day which decreases the level of oxygen. Every recycle you do helps the environment!
Talent 21 Part 2 By Preston Phommathep, Ben Pham, and Sammy Corsou
What is the organization responsible for your family's recycling in Atlantic County? The local organization responsible for my family recycling is the ACUA.
What items are accepted by your recycle? The items that are accepted by the ACUA are plastic, paper, and aluminum.
How often are your recycles pick up? The ACUA always picks up our recycles every two weeks and sometimes 4 weeks.
What items other than normal bottles, cans, and paper does your recycle take? The ACUA can take boxes that aren’t damage or filled with stuff like broken glass. Also they can take old posters and turned them into recyclable paper
What items does your recycle does not take? The recycle organization doesn’t take broken TVs, broken shards of glass, or a broken vase. Also, they wouldn’t take furniture, old strips of hair, and clothing which can be given to charity and orphanages.
Talent 21 Part 3 By Preston Phommathep, Ben Pham, and Sammy Corsou
Things that can be make out of a 2- liter soda bottle.
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