HOMOSEXUALITY IS SIN. The vocally aggressive homosexual agenda is an attack on the fairness of God and on the authority of His inspired Scriptures. A.


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Presentation transcript:


The vocally aggressive homosexual agenda is an attack on the fairness of God and on the authority of His inspired Scriptures. A rebellious disregard for the Creator’s work and design for mankind. An outright assault on the character of the holy God. A charge against Biblical relevance to modern times and circumstances.

Homosexuality is a violation of what God established and intended from the beginning. The Creation account is the divine record of the beginning of all things (Genesis 1:1, 26-28). God made one woman for Adam (Genesis 2:18-24). – A man and a woman are suited for one another physiologically and emotionally.

Homosexuality is a violation of what God established and intended from the beginning. Jesus answered a question about divorce by returning to God’s original intent of marriage (Matthew 19:3-6). – Monogamous heterosexual marriage is the divine normative for men and women.

Homosexuality is an unrighteous consequence when men abandon God. The physical body was not created for every sinful pleasure (1 Corinthians 6:13-18). – All illicit and unlawful sexual relationships are immoral.

Homosexuality is an unrighteous consequence when men abandon God. Exchanging the natural use of the body for what is against nature is vile passions (Romans 1:24-27). – Men with men or women with women is unnatural. An abomination (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13). – Homosexuality originates in the heart of the individual (Mark 7:21; James 1:14-15).

God condemns homosexuality along with fornication and adultery. When men exchange the truth of God as manifested in exchanging the natural use for what is against nature, they will receive the due penalty of their error (Romans 1:26-27). Practicing homosexuals will not inherit the heavenly kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).