Habits of Mind for Resilient Communities Tom Wojciechowski Community, Natural Resource and Economic Development October 9-12, 2011 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


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Presentation transcript:

Habits of Mind for Resilient Communities Tom Wojciechowski Community, Natural Resource and Economic Development October 9-12, 2011 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Eco-Municipality Resolutions Adopted In Wisconsin City of Washburn ~ 2005 City of Ashland ~ 2005 City of Bayfield ~ 2006 Town of Bayfield ~ 2006 Town of La Pointe ~ 2008

Chequamegon Bay Region Ashland Washburn Bayfield La Pointe

Community Resilience Resilience refers to the ability of a system, from individual people to whole economies, to hold together and maintain their ability to function in the face of change and shocks from the outside. (Hopkins, 2008)

Key Habits of Mind: A. Costa and B. Kallick *Persisting *Listening to Others – With Understanding and Integrity *Thinking about our Thinking *Questioning and Posing Problems *Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations *Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision *Managing Impulsivity *Thinking Flexibly

Key Habits of Mind (cont.) : A. Costa and B. Kallick *Gathering Data through All Senses *Thinking Interdependently *Finding Humor *Creating, Imagining, and Innovating *Responding with Wonderment and Awe *Striving for Accuracy & Precision *Learning Continuously *Taking Responsible Risks

Key Habits of Mind: C. Kelly AWE Sense of Place Sense of Commons Sense of Systems Sense of Gift and Assets Sense of Hope and Renewal Sense of Creativity Sense of Design Sense of Diversity Sense of Connectedness Sense of Paradoxical Curiosity Sense of Transcendence Sense of Regeneration Sense of Self

Four Key Habits of Mind for Community Resilience Systems Thinking Relationships and Collaboration Practical Optimism Place Based Consciousness

Systems Thinking The Web of Life: Capra Systems Thinking

Places to Intervene in a System Donella Meadows captured the following leverage points (in increasing order of effectiveness) Changes in Form 9. Numbers (subsidies, taxes, standards). 8. Material stocks and flows. Changes in Energy Flow 7. Regulating negative feedback loops. 6. Driving positive feedback loops.

Places to Intervene in a System – (cont.) Donella Meadows captured the following leverage points (in increasing order of effectiveness) Changes in Consciousness 5. Information flows. 4.The rules of the system (incentives, punishment, constraints). 3. The power of self-organization. 2. The goals of the system. 1.The mindset or paradigm out of which the goals, rules, feedback structure arise.

Systems Thinking & Sustainable Community Development Also see the Community Capitals Model developed by Flora & Flora Systems View of Sustainable Development: from “Toward a Sustainable Community: A Toolkit for Local Government” Environment Society Economy

Founding the Green Team Network Sustainable Sweden Conference Relationships & Collaboration MRCSE 2009 Summer Workshop

Practical Optimism Grounded in Sustainability & Systems Thinking Identify a task or target Expand the conversation – adjust to clarify target With broad support, move forward reflectively and passionately, with patience and timely advances. Continue to broaden engagement/support. Move to next level – next vision/opportunity Washburn Elementary School garden

Place Based Consciousness

Discussion Questions 1. What other “habits of mind” do you see as essential to creating sustainable, resilient communities? 2. How can you foster community learning about habits of the mind for resilient communities? 3. What habits of the mind get in the way of people in higher education working with local communities?

Presenter: Tom Wojciechowski Community, Natural Resource and Economic Development Educator, University of Wisconsin-Extension Ashland County _______________________________________________________ Collaborators: Clare Hintz Midwest Regional Collaborative for Sustainability Education Steering Committee, Agriculture and Energy Resource Center Board Ted May Academic Dean, Renewable Energy and Sustainability, Math & Science at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College

Draft Model with Examples from Chequamegon Bay Our Habits Form Leverage Energy Flow Leverage Consciousness Leverage Systems/ Complexity Thinking Manufacturing clusters: waste to resource Hubs for informal community learning: Stage North, Big Top, Deepwater Grill Energy Independence Practical Optimism Numbers of “green” businesses Partnerships between formal education institutions and community partners Eco-municipality Resolutions; Integrate w/Strategic Plans

Draft Model (cont.) with Examples from Chequamegon Bay Our Habits Form Leverage Energy Flow Leverage Consciousness Leverage Respectful Relationships & Collaboration People wear multiple hats, so feedback loops are small Green Team network, Transition towns Place-Based Consciousness Public access to nature Educational Institutions turn out people who stay committed to the area who then feed back into partnerships of formal/non-formal education “Do it ourselves” attitude Manoomin as sacred