Warm Up Write down 2 recent (5 years) inventions and explain how they have improved your life.
PROGRESSIVE ERA Period of time from in which reforms were passed to fix the problems of industrialization and urbanization.
What is Industry? The systematic production of goods in factories AKA: Making stuff in factories
Urbanization? The growth of cities
What is a reform? A change for the better
Around the turn of the century ( ) America was going through a revolution
Before 1900, how do you think most Americans made a living and fed their families?
Most Americans lived in farms or small towns
The majority of the nation’s income came from agriculture. What is agriculture?
Communication was very slow
When do things begin to change?
& The
Begins 1850’s-1860’s Agriculture is replaced by industry
Millions of people moved from their farms into the cities of America. But why?
Characteristics of the Industrial Revolution
- Steelmaking - Iron ore - Coal (fuel for steam-powered machines)
American business leaders began to support inventors in creating new products and improvements.
Investment - putting money towards a project
Standardized parts Mass-production Cash register Type-writer
Electric light bulb Motion picture Telephone (1876)
Singer sewing machine Phonograph Electric street car
Cornelius Vanderbilt J.P. Morgan
Would the use of railroads help or hurt industry in the United States? Explain why?
Promoted settlement in West
Stimulated industry = goods efficiently transported year-round
Refrigerated cars = advanced the cattle industry (Gustavus Swift) MOO!
What would you do if someone gave you an extra $1000?
Americans begin buying (consuming) luxury goods.
Department Stores form in the cities replacing small shopsDepartment Stores form in the cities replacing small shops
How does this apply today? What are smaller stores today afraid will put them out of business?
# John Wanamaker (Philly)... window displays, lights, charge card... #2 - Macy’s (NY)
Advertising becomes a business! The customer is always right
Sears Catalog
We have had major changes already from the Industrial Revolution, What are some of the changes still in effect today?