Match these words to the letters in the picture.. screen, monitor, keyboard, mouse, microphone, speakers, system unit.


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Presentation transcript:

Match these words to the letters in the picture.. screen, monitor, keyboard, mouse, microphone, speakers, system unit

Write the names of the objects and explain their function. A fax machine is something we use for sending and receiving printed messages.

1 the Internet 2 the Web 3 a web site 4 surfing a net 5 6 downloading a moving from one document or web site to another, to find information b copying information from a web site to your own computer c a network of computers all over the world, joined by phone lines, satellite or cable d a system linking millions of documents stored on Internet computers around the world e the place on the Internet where a company / Organization / etc. stores its documents f electronic messages sent to someone over the Internet a moving from one document or web site to another, to find information b copying information from a web site to your own computer c a network of computers all over the world, joined by phone lines, satellite or cable d a system linking millions of documents stored on Internet computers around the world e the place on the Internet where a company / Organization / etc. stores its documents f electronic messages sent to someone over the Internet

Which of these things do you use the Internet for? finding information playing games joining chat groups on – line shopping sending e – mail joining newsgroups

Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases. services, catalogues, dozens, world, surf, on-line, land, newsgroup 1.a ……………. of information 2.……………… shopping 3. ……………………. ……………. the net 5. to search through ……………. 6. to join a ……………………… 7. on the other …………………. 8. in …………….. of countries

Look at the list on the blackboard and say which three Internet activities do you think are the most popular with teenagers? visiting a chat room researching for school homework visiting sport sites visiting film sites buying clothes buying CDs reading the news

Are online games a good thing or a bad thing? Complete the response. Some think online games are a bad thing. However, I think they are a good thing. First of all, I thin_____________________________. They can be ________________________. In addition, online games can help children to ______________________________. You can also play them in _____________________________. Second, in my opinion online games are great for _____________________. When you play you can learn about _____ _________________. Learning also happens through ____________________. For these reasons, I think online games are _____________________________________.

Your hometask is to write a composition about a day without technology. Oh no! Imagine that the world wakes up one day and no current technology works. There are no phones, no computers, no Internet, no cars, no video games, no televisions, no iPods, etc. Write a story about the day in the life of you or someone who wakes up to no technology…be creative!