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P ERSUASIVE WRITING Advertising. W HAT IS ADVERTISING ? Advertising is a tool used to get people to want to buy something. The main reason ads are created.

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Presentation on theme: "P ERSUASIVE WRITING Advertising. W HAT IS ADVERTISING ? Advertising is a tool used to get people to want to buy something. The main reason ads are created."— Presentation transcript:


2 W HAT IS ADVERTISING ? Advertising is a tool used to get people to want to buy something. The main reason ads are created is to sell something. Where might you see ads for products or services? Record in your book.

3 W HY DO WE HAVE ADVERTISEMENTS ? Advertising gives people information to help them decide what to buy. Advertisers talk about “special features” of their products to convince people to buy them. Advertising also helps pay for the cost of programs on television, on radio, and online. Advertisers pay money to television networks and other companies to place or run their ads.

4 W HAT IS A CONSUMER ? A consumer is someone who buys and uses products and services. To be smarter consumers, we need to know how to understand the ads we see or hear. Ads are created to convince people to think or do something in particular. The company responsible for the ad wants consumers to see things from their point of view.

5 P OINT OF VIEW IN ADS Consider some of the ads that you’ve seen. Think about the point of view of the company responsible for the ad. For example, a sneaker company’s point of view might be that you can’t be a real athlete without special shoes— their shoes. Do you agree with advertiser’s point of view?

6 T HREE QUESTIONS FOR CONSUMERS TO ASK WHEN VIEWING ADS Who is responsible for the ad? What is the ad actually saying? What does the ad want me to do? Advertisers are required by law to tell the truth, and that most advertisers work hard to do this. At the same time, the government does not review ads before they run.

7 T ASK : B E AD AWARE Task: Work in pairs with a laptop. Use ads at Each pair of students chooses 4 ads to review. Complete ‘Be Ad Aware’ worksheet. Each pair discusses their ads and answer the questions on the worksheet. Each pair will present their ads to the class once finished.

8 W HAT ’ S IN AN AD ? Task: What’s in an ad? Find an ad from the magazines/newspapers provided and complete the worksheet.

9 O NLINE ADVERTISING What do you use the internet for? What kinds of activities do you do online? What kinds of ads have you seen online? Sometimes online advertising is obvious, but sometimes it is not.

10 T YPES OF ONLINE ADVERTISING Banner ads and other web page ads : These ads appear on websites, usually at the top or sides of the page. They direct you to a website for more information about what is being sold.

11 T YPES OF ONLINE ADVERTISING Ads based on your interests : Some online ads you see are placed there based on your interests. But how does an advertiser know what you like? Businesses may track the websites visited and searched for on your computer. Then, they put ads for those products on your computer. However, they can’t tell exactly who is doing the searching. For instance, if your brother searches for sports scores and visits team websites on the family computer, everyone in the family will see more sports-related ads (even family members not interested in sports).

12 T YPES OF ONLINE ADVERTISING E-mail Ads : Sometimes, you see ads in your e-mail from a store you’ve shopped at online. Other times, you might sign up to be on a mailing list for a company or a store. Businesses or organizations often use e-mail to send you messages about special sales, promotions, or events. But be careful — e-mail ads also could be spam and contain a virus. Be cautious about opening attachments, downloading files, or clicking links in emails, no matter who sent them.

13 T YPES OF ONLINE ADVERTISING Viral Marketing : Just like a joke or story spreads from person to person, advertising spreads that way, too. You might get a link to a funny video or message from a friend – and you might send it on to other friends if you like it. If the video or message shows a product (like a soda, movie, new song, gadget), chances are it’s an ad.

14 T YPES OF ONLINE ADVERTISING Advergaming : This is a commercial in the form of a game. For example, you may go online and play in a food brand’s made-up world, using codes you get on the package. These ads let you interact with a business’s characters and logo—a symbol used by companies to identify their products.

15 W HAT IS THE PURPOSE OF ONLINE ADS ? All ads want to grab your attention. To do this, ads can try to make us have different feelings: happy, excited, surprised, curious, etc. Consider how you feel as you complete the next activity. Task: Students pair up and get a laptop. Complete a scavenger hunt for online ads for a favourite food, film, or TV show. Complete ‘Find it online’ worksheet.

16 F IND IT ONLINE Share some of experiences from the ‘Find it online’ activity. Was it easy to find ads in the online environment? How successful were the different types of ads? Which were the most noticeable? Do you think the target audience would buy that product?

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