Waste statistics UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire 2013 on Environment Statistics Reena Shah United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) CARICOM Workshop on Environment.


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Presentation transcript:

Waste statistics UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire 2013 on Environment Statistics Reena Shah United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) CARICOM Workshop on Environment Statistics (Kingstown, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, 7-8 April 2014)

I. UNSD data collection in env. statistics UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire 2013 on Environment Statistics – being sent out in April and focuses on water and waste statistics ( Questionnaire 2013 on Environment Statistics – being sent out in April and focuses on water and waste statistics ( Water statistics – The tables cover renewable freshwater resources, freshwater abstraction and use, water supply industry, wastewater generation and treatment, and population connected to waste water treatment.Water statistics – The tables cover renewable freshwater resources, freshwater abstraction and use, water supply industry, wastewater generation and treatment, and population connected to waste water treatment. Waste statistics – The tables cover the generation of waste, the generation and treatment of hazardous waste, and the generation, collection, treatment, and composition of municipal waste.Waste statistics – The tables cover the generation of waste, the generation and treatment of hazardous waste, and the generation, collection, treatment, and composition of municipal waste.

UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire - water statistics UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire - water statistics 1.Renewable Freshwater Resources (W1) 2.Freshwater Abstraction and Use (W2) 3.Water supply industry (ISIC 36) (W3) 4.Wastewater Generation and Treatment (W4) 5.Population Connected to Wastewater Treatment (W5)

Households (W2,17) Other economic activities (W2,22) Electricity industry (ISIC 351) (W2,21) Manufacturing (ISIC 10-33) (W2,20) Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC 01-03) (W2,18) of which used by: Freshwater abstracted (W2,3) Losses during transport (W2,15) Total freshwater available for use (W2,14) Imports of water -Exports of water (=W2,12)-(W2,13) Reused water (W2,11) Desalinated water (W2,10) Total freshwater use (W2,16) of which abstracted by Water supply industry (W2,4) Households (W2,5) Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC 01-03) (W2,6) Manufacturing (ISIC 10-33) (W2,7) Electricity industry (ISIC 351) (W2,8) Other economic activities (W2,9) Precipitation (W1,1) Actual evapotranspiration (W1,2) Internal flow (W1,3) Inflow of surface and groundwaters from neighbouring countries (W1,4) Renewable freshwater resources (W1,5) Outflow of surface and groundwaters to neighbouring countries (W1,6) W1 W2 Outflow of surface and groundwaters to the sea (W1,9)

Table W1: Renewable Freshwater Resources LineCategoryUnit Long term annual average 1 Precipitationmio m 3 /y 2 Actual evapotranspirationmio m 3 /y 3 Internal flow (=1-2)mio m 3 /y 4 Inflow of surface and groundwaters from neighbouring countries mio m 3 /y 5 Renewable freshwater resources (=3+4)mio m 3 /y 6 Outflow of surface and groundwaters to neighbouring countries mio m 3 /y 7 Of which: Secured by treaties mio m 3 /y 8 Not secured by treatiesmio m 3 /y 9 Outflow of surface and groundwaters to the seamio m 3 /y

Precipitation (W1,1) Actual evapotranspiration (W1,2) Internal flow (W1,3) Inflow of surface and groundwaters from neighbouring countries (W1,4) Renewable freshwater resources (W1,5) Outflow of surface and groundwaters to neighbouring countries (W1,6) Chart W1: Renewable Freshwater Resources Outflow of surface and groundwaters to the sea (W1,9)

Table W2: Freshwater Abstraction and Use LineCategoryUnit2001 1Fresh surface water abstractedmio m 3 /y 2Fresh groundwater abstractedmio m 3 /y 3Freshwater abstracted (=1+2)mio m 3 /y of which abstracted by: 4Water supply industry (ISIC 36)mio m 3 /y 5Householdsmio m 3 /y 6Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC 01-03)mio m 3 /y 7Manufacturing (ISIC 10-33)mio m 3 /y 8Electricity industry (ISIC 351)mio m 3 /y 9Other economic activitiesmio m 3 /y 10Desalinated watermio m 3 /y 11Reused watermio m 3 /y 12Imports of watermio m 3 /y 13Exports of watermio m 3 /y 14Total freshwater available for use (= )mio m 3 /y 15Losses during transportmio m 3 /y 16Total freshwater use (=14-15)mio m 3 /y of which used by: 17 Householdsmio m 3 /y 18 Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC 01-03)mio m 3 /y 19 of which for: Irrigation in agriculture mio m 3 /y 20 Manufacturing (ISIC 10-33)mio m 3 /y 21 Electricity industry (ISIC 351)mio m 3 /y 22 Other economic activitiesmio m 3 /y

Total freshwater available for use (W2,14) Losses during transport (W2,15) Chart W2: Freshwater Abstraction and Use Other economic activities (W2,9) Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC 01-03) (W2,6) Water supply Industry (ISIC 36) (W2,4) Households (W2,5) Electricity Industry (ISIC 351) (W2,8) Manufacturing (ISIC 10-33) (W2,7) Freshwater abstracted (W2,3) Desalinated water (W2,10) Reused water (W2,11) Imports of water minus exports of water =(W2,12)-(W2,13) of which abstracted by: Total freshwater use (W2,16) Other economic activities (W2,22) Manufacturing (ISIC 10-33) (W2,20) Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC 01-03) (W2,18) Households (W2,17) Electricity Industry (ISIC 351) (W2,21) of which used by

Table W3: Water Supply Industry (ISIC 36) LineCategoryUnit Gross freshwater supplied by water supply industry (ISIC 36) mio m 3 /y 2Losses during transport by ISIC 36mio m 3 /y 3 Net freshwater supplied by water supply industry (ISIC 36) (=1-2) (= ) mio m 3 /y of which supplied to: 4Householdsmio m 3 /y 5Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC 01-03)mio m 3 /y 6Manufacturing (ISIC 10-33)mio m 3 /y 7Electricity industry (ISIC 351)mio m 3 /y 8Other economic activitiesmio m 3 /y Population supplied by water supply industry (ISIC 36) 9 Total population supplied by water supply industry (ISIC 36) % 10 Urban population supplied by water supply industry (ISIC 36) % 11 Rural population supplied by water supply industry (ISIC 36) %

Gross freshwater supplied by water supply industry (ISIC 36) (W3,1) Net freshwater supplied by water supply industry (ISIC 36) (W3,3) Losses during transport by ISIC 36 (W3,2) Households (W3,4) Other economic activities (W3,8) Electricity industry (ISIC 351) (W3,7) Manufacturing (ISIC 10-33) (W3,6) Agriculture, forestry and fishery (ISIC 01-03) (W3,5) of which supplied to: Chart W3: Water Supply Industry (ISIC 36)

Table W4: Wastewater Generation and Treatment LineCategoryUnit2001 1Total wastewater generated1000 m 3 /d 2 by: Agriculture, forestry and fishing ISIC (01-03) 1000 m 3 /d 3Manufacturing (ISIC 10-33)1000 m 3 /d 4Electricity industry (ISIC 351)1000 m 3 /d 5Other economic activities1000 m 3 /d 6Households1000 m 3 /d 7Wastewater treated in urban wastewater treatment plants1000 m 3 /d 8 Of which: Primary treatment 1000 m 3 /d 9Secondary treatment1000 m 3 /d 10Tertiary treatment1000 m 3 /d 11Wastewater treated in other treatment plants1000 m 3 /d 12 Of which: Primary treatment 1000 m 3 /d 13Secondary treatment1000 m 3 /d 14Tertiary treatment1000 m 3 /d 15Wastewater treated in independent treatment facilities1000 m 3 /d 16Non-treated wastewater1000 m 3 /d 17Sewage sludge production (dry matter)1000 t

Chart W4: Wastewater Generation and Treatment Total wastewater generated (W4,1) Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC 01-03) (W4,2) Households (W4,6) Other economic activities (W4,5) Electricity industry (ISIC 351) (W4,4) Manufacturing (ISIC 10-33) (W4,3) Wastewater treated in urban wastewater treatment plants (W4,7) Wastewater treated in other treatment plants (W4,11) Wastewater treated in independent treatment facilities (W4,15) Non-treated wastewater (W4,16)

Table W5: Population Connected to Wastewater Treatment LineCategory Unit 1Population connected to wastewater collecting system % 2Population connected to wastewater treatment % 3of which at least secondary treatment % 4 Population with independent wastewater treatment (e.g., septic tanks) % 5 Population not connected to wastewater treatment (100% - (2) - (4)) %

UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire – waste statistics 1.Generation of Waste by Source (R1) 2.Management of Hazardous Waste (R2) 3.Management of Municipal Waste (R3) 4.Composition of Municipal Waste (R4) 5.Management of Municipal Waste – City data (R5)

Table R1: Generation of Waste by Source LineCategoryUnit Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC 01-03)1000 t 2 Mining and quarrying (ISIC 05-09)1000 t 3 Manufacturing (ISIC 10-33)1000 t 4 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (ISIC 35)1000 t 5 Construction (ISIC 41-43)1000 t 6 Other economic activities excluding ISIC t 7 Households1000 t 8Total waste generation (= )1000 t

Table R2: Management of Hazardous Waste LineCategoryUnit 1Stock of hazardous waste at the beginning of the yeartonnes 2Hazardous waste generated during the yeartonnes 3Hazardous waste imported during the yeartonnes 4Hazardous waste exported during the yeartonnes 5 Hazardous waste treated or disposed of during the year (= )tonnes 6 Amounts going to: Recyclingtonnes 7 Incinerationtonnes 8 of which: with energy recoverytonnes 9 Landfillingtonnes 10 Other, please specify in the footnotetonnes 11Stock of hazardous waste at the end of the year (= )tonnes

Chart R2: Management of Hazardous Waste Hazardous waste generated during the year (R2,2) [+] Stock of hazardous waste at the beginning of the year (R2,1) Hazardous waste imported during the year (R2,3) [+] Stock of hazardous waste at the end of the year (= ) (R2,11) Hazardous waste treated or disposed of during the year (= ) (R2,5) [-] Hazardous waste exported during the year (R2,4) (-)

Table R3: Management of Municipal Waste LineCategoryUnit1990 1Municipal waste collected from households1000 t 2Municipal waste collected from other origins1000 t 3Total amount of municipal waste collected (=1+2)1000 t 4Municipal waste imported for treatment/disposal1000 t 5Municipal waste exported for treatment/disposal1000 t 6Municipal waste managed in the country (=3+4-5)1000 t 7 Amounts going to: Recycling1000 t 8 Composting1000 t 9 Incineration1000 t 10 of which: with energy recovery1000 t 11 Landfilling1000 t 12 of which: controlled landfilling1000 t 13 Other, please specify in the footnote1000 t 14 Total population served by municipal waste collection % 15 Urban population served by municipal waste collection % 16 Rural population served by municipal waste collection %

Table R4: Composition of Municipal Waste LineCategoryUnit1990 1Paper, paperboard% 2Textiles% 3Plastics% 4Glass% 5Metals% 6Other inorganic material% 7Organic material% 8 of which: food and garden waste% 9TOTAL%100

Table R5: Management of Municipal Waste – City Data LineCategoryUnit1990 1Total population of the city 1000 inh. 2 Percentage of city population served by municipal waste collection% 3Municipal waste collected from households1000 t 4Municipal waste collected from other origins1000 t 5Total amount of municipal waste collected (=3+4)1000 t 6 Amounts going to: Recycling1000 t 7 Composting1000 t 8 Incineration1000 t 9 of which: with energy recovery1000 t 10 Landfilling1000 t 11 of which: controlled landfilling1000 t 12 Other, please specify in the footnote1000 t

UNSD Questionnaires: : Responses as of 15 February 2011 Country Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Belize Bermuda British Virgin Islands Dominica Grenada Guyana Jamaica St. Vincent and the Grenadines St Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Trinidad and Tobago

II. UNSD data collection and dissemination (cont.) UNSD disseminates data through: UNSD Environmental Indicators (Air and climate, Biodiversity, Energy and minerals, Forests, Governance, Inland water resources, Land and agriculture, Marine and coastal areas, Natural disasters, and Waste) ( Environmental Indicators (Air and climate, Biodiversity, Energy and minerals, Forests, Governance, Inland water resources, Land and agriculture, Marine and coastal areas, Natural disasters, and Waste) ( Country Files (access restricted to countries and international organizations that participate in the data collection ( Files (access restricted to countries and international organizations that participate in the data collection ( Country Snapshots (include UNSD environmental indicators and other economic/demographic dataCountry Snapshots (include UNSD environmental indicators and other economic/demographic data( Environment statistics in UNData ( statistics in UNData (