Fractions 3 4 numerator denominator *Numerator tells how many equal parts are described. *Denominator tells how many equal parts in all.
*Fractions name parts of a whole region. 1 1 grass sand 2 2 *Fractions name parts of a set of objects.
*A Fraction has many different names. = 2 1 8 4 *Fractions that name the same amount are called… EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS *To form equivalent fractions, you multiply or divide both the numerator and the denominator by the SAME nonzero number.
*A Fraction has many different names. = 1 6 3 18 *Fractions that can be reduced can be SIMPLIFIED… *These are also called EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS. Simplest Form Lowest Terms Simplify Reduce
Tips for Reducing Fractions: *WHEN YOU REDUCE FRATIONS YOU DIVIDE THE NUMERATOR AND THE DENOMINATOR BY A COMMON FACTOR. A whole number is divisible by… *2 if it is an even number. *3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3. *5 if the ones digit is 0 or 5. *9 if the sum of its digits us divisible by 9. *10 if the ones digit is zero.
7 4 Improper Fraction – has numerators that are greater than or equal to its denominator. Mixed Number – has a whole number and a fraction. 2 1 3
*Adding and Subtracting Fractions – make sure the denominators are the same! *Comparing Fractions – cross multiply