Do Now… What is the difference between a ‘job’ and a ‘career’? List at least 3 differences and 1 similarity
Do Now: Define Job Define Career If you got laid off of your job, what would you do…?
Your Career: Doing What Matters Most
What will you do after high School? Go to college? Join the military? Enter a trade school? Start working a full time job?
What Do You Think? 1. Forty-four percent of teenagers worked last summer. 2. Most of them worked full-time jobs (35 or more hours a week). 3. Teens most often work in the food service and retail industries. 4. The average American will have had 10 jobs between the ages of 18 and Every year, about one-tenth of workers change jobs to take advantage of better opportunities. 1.True. 2.False. 18% of teenagers worked full-time last summer (35 hours or more per week), while 26% worked part-time (less than 35 hours a week). 3. True. 4. True. and have three to five careers during a lifetime. 5. False. Every year, about one- third of workers change jobs to take advantage of better opportunities. True or False
Job Vs. Career A job is defined as anything that has to be done, as the action of completing a task or duty. A job provides you with the basics—cash and something to do to earn it. A career, on the other hand, is technically defined as a profession or vocation that is pursued as life work. In other words you have made a long term commitment.
Pay Differences
Face it… you’re going to be working for a long time. If you plan to retire at age 65, you have more than four decades of work ahead of you. Can you imagine doing the same thing for 40 years? Job Vs Career Job Vs Career
A job provides the basics — cash and an activity. A job is anything that has to be done and provides income to meet an individual’s basic needs. In general, it allows a person to go to work and draw a paycheck. Few people, however, feel passionate or committed to a job. It does not necessarily make you want to get up in the morning, take an interest in what you do, or provide you with fulfillment.
JOB A job to some people may be a career to others. Working at a particular thing for money; you must have the money but do not enjoy your position. Example: I would not like to be in the heat driving a bull dozer all day, so that would be a job to me, but some people love being outside and driving heavy equipment, so it is a career to them.
A career, on the other hand, is a profession or vocation that is pursued as your life’s work. While it meets the basic definition of a job by providing income from employment, it is much more. A career allows you various opportunities for advancement, for personal growth, for personal challenges and for personal satisfaction.
CAREER A career to some people may be a job to others Time spent in one type of job or area of interest earning money. For a career, a person may need training, or have to attend college. A career is working in a job that you like or enjoy. Example: The teacher loves to teach so that would be his/her career, but for some people they would hate to stand in front of a group of students every day so teaching for them would be a job.
Comparison of a Career and a Job A CAREERA JOB Is suited to your personality. Is unrelated to your likes and dislikes. Provides personal satisfaction in addition to a paycheck. Provides no satisfaction beyond a paycheck. Has opportunity for advancement that interests you, and you want to pursue. Has opportunity for advancement that you do not want to pursue. Is a field of work you intend to still be in in five years. A field where you will most likely not be working in five years. Is something you enjoy You build during a lifetime Excites you Uses your best skills and talents Fits with your lifestyle Long term Mostly paid a salary Something you have to do Means to an end Helps pay for college Make extra money Help pay bills Short term Mostly paid by an hourly rate
Graphic Organizer Using the graphic organizer handout, list a minimum of 7 characteristics of a Job and a Career List 5-7 similarities THIS IS DUE AT THE START OF OUR NEXT CLASS!!