What Is It? When Did It Occur? Period in Europe from the 1300s-1500s Time of great creativity and change in Europe Golden Age of arts, literature, and.


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Presentation transcript:

What Is It? When Did It Occur? Period in Europe from the 1300s-1500s Time of great creativity and change in Europe Golden Age of arts, literature, and sciences Rebirth of Europe after the Middle Ages

What?: A New Way of Thinking Humanism: an approach to philosophy and education that focuses on: –Achievements of the individual –Human reason –Human life and experiences on earth –Classical achievements and subjects – those studied by the Greeks and Romans They wanted to use ancient learning to increase knowledge of their times

Medieval vs. Renaissance Study Medieval Europe Study was based on Christianity Education was concerned with life after death Renaissance Study was based on Greek and Roman teachings Secular subjects: grammar, rhetoric, history, poetry

What?: A New Way of Painting Perspective: artistic technique of drawing distant objects smaller than closer objects in order to create more realistic, 3-Dimensional images

Where did the Renaissance come from? Renaissance started in the cities of Italy Italian cities were centers of trade and commerce Wealthy class of merchants emerged

Greece and Rome Art, architecture, math, science, literature, and government were all inspired by the accomplishments of the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

The Middle Ages -The only people who LEARN are clergy members (monks, nuns, priests), but the majority of society is not focused on earthly things…since the Church has so much influence, they are encouraging society to focus on the RELIGIOUS. -Some artistic endeavors take place (ex. Gothic architecture), but little develops culturally. The Dark Ages -Barbarians control Europe: much of Greco-Roman culture is lost. No learning takes place.

Wealth and Family Power -After the Crusades, the commercial revolution encourages people to leave the feudal lifestyle and seize the opportunity to acquire wealth -More wealth = less of a focus on the religious -Wealthy patrons use their power and influence to encourage artists, philosophers, architects, etc. to focus on secular activities and move away from Biblical activities that dominated the Middle Ages Wow. I am so beautiful. Keep painting me pretty, I gots the dough, son.

Urban Centers -Cities like Rome, Florence, and Venice are the perfect places to exercise trade and exchange ideas. This is where the intellectual revolution begins and flourishes.

Cosimo de Medici Organized banking business of Florence Took control of other industries and eventually the city He and his family were great supporters of the arts Niccolo Machiavelli and The Prince

Lorenzo de Medici: A Patron of the Arts Patron: financial supporter of the arts Hired poets, philosophers, artists, sculptors to create things for his household and family

Medici Palace

Road Map Activity Groups: Nick, Luke Abby, Amanda Lex, Sara Kat, Johanna, Jessica Noelle, Chris Danielle, Rachel Aubrie, Amelia Alyssa, Tyler Juliana, James