1 Statistics David Forrest University of Glasgow May 5 th 2009
2 The Problem We calculate 4D emittance from the fourth root of a determinant of a matrix of covariances...We want to measure fractional change in emittance with 0.1% error. The problem is compounded because our data is highly correlated between two trackers.
3 How We Mean To Proceed W e assume that we will discover a formula that takes the form Sigma=K*(1/sqrt(N)) where K is some constant or parameter to be determined. How do we determine K? 1) First Principles: do full error propagation of cov matrices → difficult calculation 2) Run a large number of G4MICE simulations, using the Grid, to find the standard deviation for every element in the covariance matrix → Toy Monte Carlo to determine error on emittance 3) Empirical approach: large number of simulations to plot versus 1/sqrt(N), identifying K (this work)
4 What I’m Doing 3 absorbers (Step VI), G4MICE, 4D Transverse Emittance I plot 4D Transverse Emittance vs Z for some number of events N, for beam with input emittance . I calculate the fractional change in emittance . I repeat ~500 times and plot distribution of all for each beam. Carried out about 15,000 simulations on Grid (8 beams x 1700 simulations/beam plus repeats)
5 8pi – N=1000 events
6 Checks - X, X’ beforeafter 2.5pi 0.2pi
7 Checks - X, X’ beforeafter 10.0pi 8.0pi
8 Checks – beta function Expected beta in absorbers ~420mm, solenoid 330 mm after matching 0.2 4.0 2.5 10.0
9 Results Events rmsSims 0.2
10 Results-2 Events rmsSims 3.0
11 Results-3 Events rmsSims 8.0
20 K values BeamK KK C CC
21 =K/sqrt(N)
22 Sans pencil beam
23 Physical Meaning (J Cobb) There is a physical meaning to this K value By usual error formula, assuming no correlations: So without correlations, we have this factor, normally >1, eg if f=-0.08, we get a factor of 1.29
24 Physical Meaning However, there are correlations between input emittance and output emittance, so we include a correlation factor, k corr. The sim I measure includes this also.
25 Correlation factor Preliminary
26 How many muons do we need? We want to measure to an error of 0.1% Beam (pi mrad)No correlations (10 6 events) With correlations (10 5 events)
27 Conclusions We need of order 10 5 muons to achieve 0.1% error on fractional change in emittance Simulations in place for doing a toy Monte Carlo study, to propagate errors from elements of covariance matrix